1. Room Booking Application Creation

In this chapter, you will learn how to create and configure the following components for your application:

  • The Room enumeration. Define an enumeration to represent the available rooms in your system.

  • The Booking entity. Create a Booking entity to manage reservations.

  • CRUD views for bookings. Develop CRUD views to enable users to interact with the Booking entity.

Creating Room Enumeration

To start, you’ll need to generate a Room enumeration consisting of the following values:

  • Senior

  • Junior

  • Middle

The detailed instructions for creating enumerations can be found in the Using Enumerations section of the Tutorial.

room enum

Creating Booking Entity

Next, create the Booking entity. You can find detailed instructions for creating entities in the Simple CRUD section of the Tutorial.

The Booking entity has the following attributes:

  • title with String type. A descriptive name for the booking. Select the Mandatory checkbox.

  • room - the room selected for the booking (using the Room enumeration). Select the Mandatory checkbox.

  • startDate and endDate with DateTime type: the date and time range for the booking. Select the Mandatory checkbox.

  • creator - the user who created the booking (linked to the User entity many-to-one cardinality). Select the Mandatory checkbox.

Creating CRUD Views

Create entity list and detail views for the Booking entity. You’ll find the detailed steps for generating entity list and detail views in the Creating CRUD Views section of the Tutorial. On the Entity list view fetch plan step, add the creator attribute to the selection.

Follow the suggested values at each step of the view creation wizard.

Running the Application

After creating the entity and CRUD views for it, you can run the application to see the new feature in action.

You’ll find the detailed steps for running application in the Running Application from IDE section of the Tutorial.

Click the Debug button (start debugger) in the main toolbar.

Studio will show the warning about the data store and unapplied changelog files:


Click Execute and proceed.

Then Studio checks the difference between the project data model and the database schema. As long as you have created a new entity, Studio generates a Liquibase changelog for the corresponding changes in the database (creating the BOOKING table):

booking changelog

Click Save and run.

When the application is ready, open http://localhost:8080 in your web browser and log in to the application with admin / admin credentials.

Choose the Bookings item from the Application menu. You will see the Booking.list view.


In this section, you learned how to implement a Room Booking feature within your application. You gained practical experience in creating and configuring a Room enumeration, defining a Booking entity with key attributes, and generating CRUD views to enable users to manage room reservations effectively. You also learned how to run the application, apply database changes, and access the new booking feature through the application menu.