Exporting to XLS

The PivotTableExporter bean provides an API for downloading a pivot table with aggregated data in the XLS (Excel) format.

To utilize the PivotTableExporter, you need to create an instance of the bean within your view controller. You will need to pass the following parameters:

  • PivotTable: A reference to the pivotTable component from which you want to export data.

  • PivotTableExcelExporter: An instance of the PivotTableExcelExporter class, responsible for handling the Excel export process.

Here’s an example of how to use the PivotTableExporter in your view controller:

protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    PivotTableExcelExporter pivotTableExcelExporter = getApplicationContext()
    pivotTableExport = getApplicationContext()
            .getBean(PivotTableExporter.class, pivotTable, pivotTableExcelExporter);
The export functionality currently supports the following renderer types: TABLE, TABLE_BAR_CHART, HEATMAP, COL_HEATMAP, and ROW_HEATMAP. It’s important to note that cell colors are not exported.

The exportTableToXls() method provides a way to download the table data as an XLS (Excel) file. This is typically triggered by a button click in your UI. For example:

@Subscribe(id = "exportButton", subject = "clickListener")
public void onExportButtonClick(final ClickEvent<JmixButton> event) {
The XLS format has a limitation of 65536 rows. If the Pivot Table contains more than 65536 rows, the content will be truncated at the last row, and you will see a warning message indicating this.