Tabbed Application Mode

This add-on allows you to open views in separate tabs within the main view, allowing users to simultaneously access multiple views and switch between them easily. It also supports opening multiple views within the same tab, creating a view stack represented by breadcrumbs.

tabbed mode overview
The Tabbed Application Mode add-on is currently in the experimental state and can change significantly in the next Jmix release.


For automatic installation, use a dedicated project template:

project template

For manual installation:

  1. Add the following dependency to your build.gradle:

    implementation 'io.jmix.tabbedmode:jmix-tabbedmode-flowui-starter'
  2. Change base class of the from StandardMainView to StandardTabbedModeMainView.

    @ViewController(id = "MainView")
    @ViewDescriptor(path = "main-view.xml")
    public class MainView extends StandardTabbedModeMainView {
  3. In the main-view.xml, change the xmlns attribute value of the mainView element to use the XSD schema from the add-on:

    <mainView xmlns=""

    Then wrap initialLayout into workArea:

    <workArea id="workArea"
        <initialLayout width="100%" height="100%"/>