
Welcome to the Jmix documentation!

What is Jmix?

Jmix is a high-level full-stack framework for enterprise web applications. It comes with advanced tooling and a rich set of functional modules.

Jmix is intended for fast development of web applications with a large data model and complex UI aimed at internal users of an organization. There are various types of applications in this category, including just CRUD, an admin UI for a website, a business automation tool, a CRM or an ERP-class system. Anything that involves working with tens or hundreds of interconnected entities in hundreds or thousands of screens, while using mostly standard UI components like fields, forms and tables.

Jmix is based on Spring Boot, which is a de-facto standard for creating enterprise Java web applications. It means that you can use a lot of third-party libraries and frameworks with minimal configuration, in addition to the functionality provided by Jmix.

Jmix Studio is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that helps you at all stages of the application development: creating and configuring a project, defining data model, generating database migration scripts, developing UI views in a visual editor. It provides advanced navigation, code completion and inspections specific to Jmix projects.

Getting Started

If you are new to Jmix, check out the Jmix Introduction for Developers video.

Complete the Tutorial to learn basic concepts and techniques of programming with Jmix.

The documentation contains everything you need to know for developing with Jmix:

  • The Concepts section explains the core principles and concepts of Jmix.

  • Using Studio section gives you detailed information about Jmix Studio features and installation options.

  • The top-level sections from Data Model to Deployment contain reference information and how-to guides that will help you develop applications with Jmix.

  • The Add-ons section describes additional modules that can be used in your project.