View Annotations

Annotations on view classes provide information about the views to the framework. Some annotations are applicable to any type of view, some of them can be used only on entity list or detail views.

Common Annotations

@Route(value = "my-onboarding", layout = MainView.class)
@DialogMode(width = "AUTO", height = "AUTO")
public class MyOnboardingView extends StandardView {
  • @ViewController annotation indicates that the class is a view. The value of the annotation is the view id which can be used to refer to the view from the main menu or when opening the view programmatically.

  • @ViewDescriptor annotation connects the view class to the XML descriptor. The value of the annotation specifies the path to the descriptor file. If the value contains a file name only, it is assumed that the file is located in the same package as the view class.

  • @com.vaadin.flow.router.Route defines a URL path for navigation to this view. As long as the view should be opened inside the main view, the layout attribute specifies the main view class.

  • @DialogMode annotation defines parameters of the dialog window when the view is opened as a dialog.

  • @com.vaadin.flow.server.auth.AnonymousAllowed makes the view available without authentication. By default, only the login view is available to the anonymous (not authenticated) session.

    See the User Registration sample project for how the @AnonymousAllowed annotation is used in a view for self-registration of users.

List View Annotations

// common annotations
@Route(value = "departments", layout = MainView.class)
@DialogMode(width = "50em", height = "37.5em")
// list view annotations
public class DepartmentListView extends StandardListView<Department> {
  • @LookupComponent annotation specifies an id of a UI component to be used for getting a value returned from the lookup.

  • @PrimaryLookupView annotation indicates that this view is the default lookup view for the specified entity. The annotation has greater priority than the {entity_name}.lookup / {entity_name}.list name convention.

Detail View Annotations

// common annotations
@Route(value = "departments/:id", layout = MainView.class)
// detail view annotations
public class DepartmentDetailView extends StandardDetailView<Department> {
  • @EditedEntityContainer annotation specifies a data container that contains the edited entity.

  • @PrimaryDetailView annotation indicates that this view is the default detail view for the specified entity. The annotation has greater priority than the {entity_name}.detail name convention.