Use textArea
when the expected input could span multiple lines such as commentary or descriptions.

<textArea label="Comment"
value="Great job. This is excellent!"/>
Unless set to a fixed height, textArea
adjusts its height automatically based on its content. The default and minimum height is two rows of text.
Data Binding
Data binding refers to linking a visual component to a data container. Changes in the visual component or corresponding data container can trigger updates to one another. See Using Data Components for more details.
The following example produces a data-aware textArea
<textArea id="textArea" label="Order description"
Ensure that the entity attribute you are binding to is of String type. Unlike textField, textArea
is specifically designed to work with textual data.
Theme Variants
Use the themeNames attribute to adjust text alignment, helper text placement, and component size.
Choose among three alignment options: align-left
(default), align-right
, align-center

XML code
<textArea themeNames="align-left"/>
<textArea themeNames="align-center"/>
<textArea themeNames="align-right"/>
id - alignSelf - allowedCharPattern - ariaLabel - ariaLabelledBy - autocapitalize - autocomplete - autocorrect - autofocus - autoselect - classNames - clearButtonVisible - css - colspan - dataContainer - enabled - errorMessage - focusShortcut - height - helperText - label - maxHeight - maxWidth - minHeight - minWidth - pattern - placeholder - property - readOnly - required - requiredIndicatorVisible - trimEnabled - themeNames - value - valueChangeMode - valueChangeTimeout - visible - width
AttachEvent - BlurEvent - ClientValidatedEvent - ComponentValueChangeEvent - CompositionEndEvent - CompositionStartEvent - CompositionUpdateEvent - DetachEvent - FocusEvent - InputEvent - KeyDownEvent - KeyPressEvent - KeyUpEvent - statusChangeHandler - validator
To generate a handler stub in Jmix Studio, use the Handlers tab of the Jmix UI inspector panel or the Generate Handler action available in the top panel of the view class and through the Code → Generate menu (Alt+Insert / Cmd+N). |
See Also
See the Vaadin Docs for more information.