Superset Properties


Specifies Apache Superset server URL.


The username of a Superset user under which Jmix application will communicate with the Superset server.


The password of a Superset user under which Jmix application will communicate with the Superset server.


The schedule delay that is used for monitoring whether the access token is expired.

Default value: 1m


The schedule delay that is used for monitoring whether the CSRF token is expired.

Default value: 1m


Specifies a lifespan of CSRF tokens. Unlike access tokens, a CSRF token does not contain information about expiration time, so the start time point is the timestamp of the successfully finished request.

If the value of CSRF token expiration time is changed in Superset, this property should be changed accordingly. By default, Superset configures 1 week for CSRF token.

Default value: 7d


Enables CSRF protection. CSRF token will be taken on Spring context refresh and will be sent in a guest token request.

Default value: true


Enables configuration for automatically getting and refreshing Superset tokens (access, refresh, CSRF).


Defines a timeout of background task that fetches guest token for SupersetDashboard component in the default guest token provider.

Default value: 1m