UI Properties



Specifies whether the menu is built with menu items from installed add-ons.

When set to true, the menu will include both the items from menu.xml of the application and the items from menu.xml of each installed add-on that has such file.

When set to false, the menu will only include those items that you add to the application’s menu.xml.

Studio Menu Designer helps managing the menu structure for both modes.

Default value: true.


Specifies the default maximum number of entity instances that can be loaded to the UI layer.

Default value: 10000


Specifies the default number of items on the page for the simplePagination component.

Default value: 50


Defines a view to be opened after login inside the main view. For example:

jmix.ui.default-view-id = User.list


Specifies the default maximum number of entity instances that can be loaded to the UI layer for a particular entity.

The following example configures the maximum fetch size for two entities. For all other entities the value from jmix.ui.default-max-fetch-size is used.

jmix.ui.entity-max-fetch-size.Product = 500
jmix.ui.entity-max-fetch-size.Customer = 1000


Specifies the default page size for the simplePagination components for a particular entity.

The following example configures the page size for two entities. For all other entities the default value from jmix.ui.default-page-size is used.

jmix.ui.entity-page-size.Product = 100
jmix.ui.entity-page-size.Customer = 500


The identifier of a view to be used as the main page of the application.

Default value: main.


Specifies the path to the menu.xml file. The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

For example:

jmix.ui.menu-config = com/company/onboarding/menu.xml


The identifier of a view to be used as the login page of the application.

Default value: login.


Specifies the threshold, in bytes, on which downloaded through ByteArrayDownloadDataProvider byte arrays will be saved to temporary files to prevent HTTP session memory leaks.

Default value: 102400


Specifies whether the session is reinitialized after login to protect against session fixation attacks.

Default value: true


For the Downloader bean, specifies the list of file extensions to be shown in the web browser tab instead of downloading them automatically.

Default value: [htm, html, jpg, png, jpeg, pdf]


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to close the current view.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to save changes.


Specifies whether an entity created in the dialog window is added to the beginning of the list instead of to the end.

Default value: true


Specifies whether LookupBuilder will reload an entity after it is selected from lookup window if the selected entity doesn’t contain all required entity attributes.

Default value: true


Determines what options are shown in the confirmation dialog when closing an entity detail view with unsaved changes in DataContext. Depending on this property, the entity detail view invokes either showSaveConfirmationDialog() or showUnsavedChangesDialog() methods of the ViewValidation bean.

If set to true, the dialog contains three options: Save, Don’t save, Cancel.

If set to false, the dialog contains only two options: Yes to close without saving, and No to stay and continue editing.

Default value: true.


Specifies whether a confirmation dialog is shown if a user attempts to close a browser tab, and the corresponding property of the view is also set to true using the setPreventBrowserTabClosing method.

Default value: false.


Defines the duration, in milliseconds, to show the view validation error notifications.

Default value: 3000


Sets the validation notifications position on the page. Possible values: TOP_STRETCH, TOP_START, TOP_CENTER, TOP_END, MIDDLE, BOTTOM_START, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_END, BOTTOM_STRETCH.

Default value: BOTTOM_END


Specifies standard view validation error notifications variant. Accepts one of the Notifications.Type enum values: DEFAULT, ERROR, SUCCESS, SYSTEM, WARNING.

Default value: DEFAULT


Specifies whether Base32 Crockford Encoding is used for encoding/decoding of UUID URL parameters.

Default value: false



Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, for which a notification is displayed.

Default value: 3000


Specifies the default notification position on the page. Possible values: TOP_STRETCH, TOP_START, TOP_CENTER, TOP_END, MIDDLE, BOTTOM_START, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_END, BOTTOM_STRETCH.

Default value: MIDDLE


Specifies the default value for the trimEnabled attribute of the textField and textArea components.

Default value: true


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to apply current filtering conditions in a genericFilter component in case they are not automatically applied.

For example, you can disable auto-apply for all filters and provide a shortcut to apply them manually:

jmix.ui.component.filter-auto-apply = false
jmix.ui.component.filter-apply-shortcut = ALT-ENTER

This property can be overridden for a particular genericFilter component using its applyShortcut XML attribute.


When set to true, configures genericFilter components to work in the immediate mode when every change of parameters automatically reloads data.

When set to false, reload occurs only after the Refresh button is clicked.

This property can be overridden for a particular genericFilter component using its autoApply XML attribute.

Default value: true


When set to true enforces unique names for filter configurations created at runtime. At the same time, allows a runtime configuration and a design-time configuration to share the same name without causing a conflict.

Note that configurations created at design time are marked with an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from runtime configurations.

Default value: true


Defines the properties hierarchy depth in the Add Condition editor in genericFilter. For example, if the depth value is 2, then you can select an entity attribute contractor.city.country, if the value is 3, then contractor.city.country.name, etc.

This property can be overridden for a particular genericFilter component using its propertyHierarchyDepth XML attribute.

Default value: 2


Specifies whether the configuration id field is visible in the genericFilter’s configuration details dialog.

Default value: false


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to execute list_add action.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to execute list_create action.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to execute list_edit action.

Default value: ENTER


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to execute list_read action.

Default value: ENTER


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to execute list_remove action.


By default, a required field is highlighted as soon as the view is opened and before the user enters any values.

If this property is set to false, the validation of required fields is performed only on saving the detail view.

Default value: true


Specifies the options for number of items per page in the simplePagination component.

To configure a custom list of options for a concrete instance of simplePagination, use the itemsPerPageItems XML attribute.

Default value: [20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000]


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to clear input of a picker component.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to open a lookup view for a picker component.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that is used to open a detail view for the entity selected in a picker component.

Asynchronous Tasks


Default timeout of asynchronous tasks in seconds.

Default value: 300.


Maximum thread pool size of the executor service used in asynchronous tasks.

Default value: 10.

Background Tasks


Specifies the timeout after which background tasks that do not update their status are killed (task’s timeout plus latency timeout). If the duration suffix (ns, us, ms, s, m, h and d for nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days, respectively) is not specified, seconds will be used.

Default value: 60


Specifies the number of threads for executing background tasks.

Default value: 10


Specifies the interval at which the expiration of the background task is checked. If the duration suffix (ns, us, ms, s, m, h and d for nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days, respectively) is not specified, milliseconds will be used.

Default value: 5000