Separating Application Tiers

Jmix is a full-stack framework enabling developers to build enterprise applications with server-side user interface. However, it also provides the flexibility to develop applications with separate frontend and backend tiers when required for security or scalability reasons.

In this architecture, the frontend application is based on the standard Jmix UI subsystem, but it communicates with the backend application instead of directly with the database.

This guide explores a sample application which can serve as an example for implementing custom solutions with separate tiers using the Jmix REST API and REST DataStore features.

It’s essential to carefully evaluate your project’s requirements and constraints before deciding to implement a separated tier architecture, because it comes with trade-offs:

  • Increased Complexity: Separating tiers requires managing two distinct applications, each with its own deployment, configuration, and maintenance needs. Developers need to work with two codebases, keeping data models and business logic synchronized between frontend and backend.

  • Limited Functionality: Some features that are seamlessly integrated in a full-stack Jmix application may require additional effort or custom implementation when tiers are separated.

  • Performance Overhead: Communication between tiers via REST APIs introduces additional network latency compared to direct method calls in a monolithic application.


To effectively use this guide, you will need the following:

  1. Setup the development environment.

  2. Clone the sample project:

    git clone

Application Overview

The sample project described in this guide illustrates how to partition a Jmix application into distinct frontend and backend components utilizing the REST API and REST DataStore add-ons. The resulting distributed system mirrors the functionality of the Jmix Onboarding project described in Tutorial and comprises two web applications:

  • Backend Application houses JPA entities stored in a dedicated database and exposes the data model through the generic REST API. It also includes essential add-ons like Data Tools and Audit for comprehensive data management.

  • Frontend Application contains Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) that mirror the structure of the backend JPA entities. It performs CRUD operations using the REST DataStore, allowing for user interactions while keeping the backend secure.

Both applications run independently and connect to their respective databases. The frontend stores only user settings, while all application data resides in the backend database.

Both applications have a user interface, but the Backend provides only the user management views, Entity Log and Entity Inspector. The Frontend provides the entire user interface for the Onboarding functionality.

In a real-world scenario, consider extracting to the frontend only the essential parts of the domain logic and UI that absolutely require separation, while keeping as much functionality as possible in the backend. This will minimize the overall complexity of the system.

Setup and Running

The applications are configured to run on different ports. In order to avoid clashing of session cookies between the web applications, their hostnames must also be different. Therefore, it is assumed that the applications will be available at the following URLs:

Add the following entry to your hosts file to point host1 to localhost:

/etc/hosts or C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts       host1

Open the root project in IntelliJ IDEA with the Jmix Studio plugin installed.

Use the run/debug configurations for the Frontend and Backend applications to launch them.

Understanding Application Behavior

The following three use cases demonstrate the application behavior from the perspectives of different users.

  1. As a system administrator, create a new user account.

    • Access the Backend application by navigating to http://host1:8081 in your web browser and log in as admin user with admin password.

    • Open Users from the main menu. Create a new user with john username and select Operations in the Department field. Save the user and assign the Employee role to him.

      app 1
      Figure 1. Using Backend app to create a new user
  2. As an HR Manager, generate onboarding steps for the new user.

    • Access the Frontend application by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser and log in as james with password 1. James has the HR Manager role, and he can view and manage users of his department.

    • Open Users from the main menu and edit the john record. Set a value to the Joining date field and click Generate. The application will generate onboarding steps for this user.

      app 2
      Figure 2. Using Frontend app to generate onboarding steps
    • Log out from the Frontend application.

  3. As the new user, complete onboarding steps.

    • Access the Frontend application by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser and log in as john.

    • Open My onboarding view, mark completed steps and click Save.

      app 3
      Figure 3. Using Frontend app to complete onboarding steps

Implementation Details

Project Configuration

The Backend application includes the REST API and Authorization Server add-ons. It has the following configuration of the Authorization Server allowing the Frontend application to connect using the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant:

# Protect REST API endpoints
jmix.resource-server.authenticated-url-patterns = /rest/**

# Configure Spring Security Authorization Server,refresh_token{noop}frontend123

The Frontend application includes the REST DataStore add-on for authenticating users through the Backend application and accessing its data. The REST DataStore is configured in the file of the Frontend application, along with its connection parameters:

jmix.core.additional-stores = backend = restds_RestDataStoreDescriptor

backend.baseUrl = http://localhost:8081
backend.clientId = frontend-app
backend.clientSecret = frontend123
backend.authenticator = restds_RestPasswordAuthenticator

jmix.restds.authentication-provider-store = backend

The backend.authenticator property specifies the usage of Resource Owner Password Credentials grant instead of the default Client Credentials grant.

The jmix.restds.authentication-provider-store property defines the REST data store that will be used to authenticate users. The Security section below provides more information about this topic.


The Frontend application contains DTO entities, identical by the structure to the JPA entities of the Backend application. Below is an example of the Department entity in the Backend and Frontend applications.

Department entity in Backend application
@Table(name = "DEPARTMENT", indexes = {
        @Index(name = "IDX_DEPARTMENT_HR_MANAGER", columnList = "HR_MANAGER_ID")
}, uniqueConstraints = {
        @UniqueConstraint(name = "IDX_DEPARTMENT_UNQ_NAME", columnNames = {"NAME"})
public class Department {
    @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false)
    private UUID id;

    @Column(name = "VERSION", nullable = false)
    private Integer version;

    @Column(name = "NAME", nullable = false)
    private String name;

    @JoinColumn(name = "HR_MANAGER_ID")
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private User hrManager;

    // getters and setters
Department entity in Frontend application
@Store(name = "backend")
public class Department {
    private UUID id;

    private Integer version;

    private String name;

    private User hrManager;

    // getters and setters

Fetch Plans

The generic REST API currently supports only named fetch plans defined in fetch plans repository. So the Backend and Frontend applications contain identical fetch plans and use their names when loading data.

<fetchPlans xmlns="">
    <fetchPlan class="" name="department-with-hrManager" extends="_base">
        <property name="hrManager" fetchPlan="_base"/>
    <fetchPlan class="" name="user-with-department" extends="_base">
        <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
    <fetchPlan class="" name="user-full" extends="_base">
        <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
        <property name="steps" fetchPlan="_base">
            <property name="step" fetchPlan="_base"/>
<fetchPlans xmlns="">
    <fetchPlan class="" name="department-with-hrManager" extends="_base">
        <property name="hrManager" fetchPlan="_base"/>
    <fetchPlan class="" name="user-with-department" extends="_base">
        <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
    <fetchPlan class="" name="user-full" extends="_base">
        <property name="department" fetchPlan="_base"/>
        <property name="steps" fetchPlan="_base">
            <property name="step" fetchPlan="_base"/>


The Frontend views are mostly identical to the views of the basic Onboarding application, with the following differences:

  • Named fetch plans are used instead of inline fetch plans.

  • MyOnboardingView defines the query in the JSON format of the REST API instead of JPQL:

        <collection class="" id="userStepsDc">
            <fetchPlan extends="_base">
                <property name="step" fetchPlan="_base"/>
            <loader id="userStepsDl">
                      "property": "",
                      "operator": "=",
                      "parameterName": "userId"

    As this query doesn’t support sorting, the sort order is defined additionally in the load delegate:

    @Install(to = "userStepsDl", target = Target.DATA_LOADER)
    private List<UserStep> userStepsDlLoadDelegate(final LoadContext<UserStep> loadContext) {
        return dataManager.loadList(loadContext);



The distributed system described in this guide provides end-to-end authentication of users. Both the frontend and backend code works with the security context of the logged-in user. It ensures that standard Jmix mechanisms, such as CurrentAuthentication bean, entity audit traits or Audit add-on will correctly recognize the user in the Backend application.

The RestLoginViewSupport bean in the Frontend application overrides the standard LoginViewSupport and creates a RestAuthenticationToken instead of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken:

public class RestLoginViewSupport extends LoginViewSupport {

    protected Authentication createAuthenticationToken(String username, String password, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone) {
        RestAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new RestAuthenticationToken(username, password);
        // ...
        return authenticationToken;

This token is passed to Spring Security AuthenticationManager and further processed by the RestAuthenticationProvider bean which is configured by the REST DataStore add-on because the Frontend application contains this property:

jmix.restds.authentication-provider-store = backend

RestAuthenticationProvider authenticates in the Backend’s Authorization Server with the username and password, obtains access and refresh tokens and stores them in the user session.

After that, when invoking the Backend REST API, the REST DataStore gets the access token from the session and passes it with requests. When the access token expires, the REST DataStore obtains a new access token using the stored refresh token. If it fails, InvalidRefreshTokenExceptionHandler logs out the user and redirects them to the login view.


The Frontend application defines the RestUserRepository bean which extends AbstractRestUserRepository class provided by the REST DataStore add-on. AbstractRestUserRepository assigns to the user all roles defined in the Frontend app that match by name to the user roles in the Backend application.

For example, the user bob has the employee role assignment in the Backend’s database. So when he logs in, both Backend and Frontend applications assign this role to him. However, the EmployeeRole classes in the Frontend and Backend applications are different and define the user permissions in the respective tiers.

The HrManagerRlRole class in the Backend app restricts the list of users for HR Managers - they can see only users of their department.

Exception Handling

The Frontend application contains a RestDataStoreAccessException handler that shows a notification when the Backend application is not available:

public class RestDataStoreAccessExceptionHandler extends AbstractUiExceptionHandler {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestDataStoreAccessExceptionHandler.class);

    private final Notifications notifications;

    public RestDataStoreAccessExceptionHandler(Notifications notifications) {
        this.notifications = notifications;

    protected void doHandle(@NonNull String className, @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
        if (throwable instanceof RestDataStoreAccessException exception) {
            notifications.create("Connection error",
                            "'" + exception.getDataStoreName() + "' service is unavailable")

The InvalidRefreshTokenExceptionHandler logs out the user and redirects them to the login view if the attempt to refresh a token fails:

public class InvalidRefreshTokenExceptionHandler extends AbstractUiExceptionHandler {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InvalidRefreshTokenExceptionHandler.class);

    private LogoutSupport logoutSupport;

    public InvalidRefreshTokenExceptionHandler() {

    protected void doHandle(@NonNull String className, @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {



This guide has described the essential components involved in creating distinct frontend and backend Jmix applications that communicate via REST APIs.