
multiValuePicker works with a list of values of any type. It consists of the text field and the set of buttons defined by actions.

XML Element


Java Class



id - alignSelf - allowCustomValue - ariaLabel - ariaLabelledBy - autofocus - classNames - colspan - css - dataContainer - enabled - focusShortcut - height - helperText - label - maxHeight - maxWidth - minHeight - minWidth - placeholder - property - readOnly - required - requiredMessage - tabIndex - themeNames - title - visible - width


AttachEvent - BlurEvent - ComponentValueChangeEvent - CustomValueSetEvent - DetachEvent - FocusEvent - formatter - statusChangeHandler - validator


actions - formatter - prefix - suffix - tooltip - validator


multiValuePicker is ideal for editing lists of values through actions, rather than typing directly in a text field.

Basic multiValuePicker example:

<multiValuePicker id="stringsValuesPicker" label="Favourite colors">
        <action id="multiValueSelect" type="multi_value_select">
                <property name="javaClass" value="java.lang.String"/>
        <action id="valueClear" type="value_clear"/>

When users click the value selection button, the Select Value view appears. Here, they can add new values to a result list or remove existing ones. To add a value, they can either click the Add button or press Enter.

multi value picker
You can create a custom Select Value view. This view needs to implement the MultiValueSelectView interface and then be set to the action as either viewClass or viewId.


You can add custom or predefined actions to your multiValuePicker, displayed as buttons on the right side. You can do this in two ways:

  • XML Descriptor: Define your actions within the nested <actions> element in your XML descriptor.

  • Controller: Programmatically add actions to multiValuePicker using the addAction() method in your controller.

To add action in Jmix Studio, select the component in the view descriptor XML or in the Jmix UI structure panel and click on the Add button in the Jmix UI inspector panel.

Predefined Action

The framework provides two predefined actions for multiValuePicker: value_clear and multi_value_select.

The multi_value_select action populates multiValuePicker using a value selection view. This view dynamically generates a component for selecting or creating a value based on the data type provided. The multi_value_select action can handle various data types, including:

  • Java types, like String, Integer, Long, Double, BigDecimal, Date, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime, Date, Time, UUID and java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time.

    You can specify the Java class representing the data type of the selected value using the javaClass property.

    For instance, in the previous example, the multi_value_select action utilizes the java.lang.String Java class.

  • Enum values

    Use the enumClass property to specify the enumeration class that represents the data type of the selected value.

    <multiValuePicker id="enumValuesPicker" label="Onboarding statuses">
            <action id="multiValueSelect" type="multi_value_select">
                    <property name="enumClass"
            <action id="valueClear" type="value_clear"/>

    When dealing with enums, a comboBox is generated on the Select Value view, providing a dropdown list of available enum values.

  • Entity instances

    Use the entityName property to set the name of the entity class that represents the data type of the selected value.

    <multiValuePicker id="entityValuesPicker" label="Departments">
            <action id="multiValueSelect" type="multi_value_select">
                    <property name="entityName" value="Department"/>
                    <property name="useComboBox" value="true"/>
            <action id="valueClear" type="value_clear"/>

    The useComboBox property controls whether an entityComboBox should be used in the Select Value view. The default value is false.

Custom Actions

Custom actions for multiValuePicker are similar to custom actions used with valuePicker.


To check values entered into the multiValuePicker component, you can use a validator in a nested validators element.

The following predefined validators are available for multiValuePicker:

XML Element


Predefined validators

custom - decimalMax - decimalMin - digits - doubleMax - doubleMin - email - max - min - negative - negativeOrZero - notBlank - notEmpty - notNull - positive - positiveOrZero - regexp - size