OpenID Connect

The Jmix OpenID Connect add-on provides predefined Spring Security configurations and a set of services that allow you to easily implement the following features in your applications:

  • User authentication using an external OpenID Provider (e.g., Keycloak).

  • Mapping user attributes and roles from the OpenID Provider user to Jmix user.

  • Persisting user entity and role assignments after the user is successfully authenticated at the OpenID Provider.

The add-on leverages Spring Security support for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect 1.0. You may read about it in Spring Security documentation.

The add-on applies OidcAutoConfiguration unless it is explicitly disabled by setting the jmix.oidc.use-default-configuration=false application property. The configuration enables OpenID Connect authentication for UI and REST API URLs.


For automatic installation through Jmix Marketplace, follow instructions in the Add-ons section.

For manual installation, add the following dependency to your build.gradle:

implementation 'io.jmix.oidc:jmix-oidc-starter'

Client Configuration

After including the add-on in your project and before starting the application, you should configure the "client", which is a Jmix application that requires end-user authentication from the OpenID Provider.

Use the standard Spring Security approach to configure the client. You can do it by adding the following properties to the file:<client-id><client-secret>, profile, email<realm><realm>

keycloak in the property key is the provider id. It may have any value, for example okta, so the property will be

Client ID and client secret values must be taken from the OpenID provider.

The issuer-uri property contains a path to the OpenID Provider Configuration Endpoint.

By default, the "sub" claim will be used as a Jmix user username. If you want to change it, use the following application property:

Using Default Add-on Configuration

After including the add-on in the project, configuring the client and setting up Keycloak, you may start the application. In this case, the default add-on configuration will do the following:

  • Non-authenticated users will be redirected to OpenID Provider login page.

  • After the user has authenticated in the OpenID Provider, an instance of DefaultJmixOidcUser will be created and set to the security context. No user attributes will be mapped. The user won’t be stored in the database.

  • Collection of user role codes will be taken from the "roles" claim of the ID Token, and then resource and row-level roles with given codes will be set to the user authentication object.

The DefaultJmixOidcUser class implements the JmixOidcUser interface. The user class must always implement this interface because Jmix applications require the UserDetails interface, and Spring Security works with the OidcUser interface. JmixOidcUser just extends both these interfaces.

Mapping User Attributes and Roles

If you need to work with an in-memory user but want to fill some user attributes, create a class that extends DefaultJmixOidcUser. In the example below, it has the position attribute:

import io.jmix.oidc.user.DefaultJmixOidcUser;

public class MyUser extends DefaultJmixOidcUser {

    private String position;

    public String getPosition() {
        return position;

    public void setPosition(String position) {
        this.position = position;

Then you need to register an instance of OidcUserMapper as a Spring bean. You can extend the BaseOidcUserMapper and override its methods:

import examples.oidcex1.entity.MyUser;
import io.jmix.oidc.claimsmapper.ClaimsRolesMapper;
import io.jmix.oidc.usermapper.BaseOidcUserMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.Collection;

public class MyOidcUserMapper extends BaseOidcUserMapper<MyUser> {

    private ClaimsRolesMapper claimsRolesMapper;

    public MyOidcUserMapper(ClaimsRolesMapper claimsRolesMapper) {
        this.claimsRolesMapper = claimsRolesMapper;

    protected String getOidcUserUsername(OidcUser oidcUser) {
        return oidcUser.getName();

    protected MyUser initJmixUser(OidcUser oidcUser) {
        return new MyUser();

    protected void populateUserAttributes(OidcUser oidcUser, MyUser jmixUser) {
        jmixUser.setPosition((String) oidcUser.getClaims().get("position"));

    protected void populateUserAuthorities(OidcUser oidcUser, MyUser jmixUser) {
        Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = claimsRolesMapper.toGrantedAuthorities(oidcUser.getClaims());

Note that in the example above, the mapping of claims from OIDC user to Jmix granted authorities is delegated to the ClaimsRolesMapper interface. The default implementation of ClaimsRolesMapper is DefaultClaimsRolesMapper, which gets the claim with the "roles" name from the ID Token. This claim must contain a collection of role names. Then for each role from the claim value resource role and row-level role are searched in Jmix. If found, corresponding granted authorities will be added to the user. The roles claim name can be configured using the following application property:


If necessary, you can create your own mapper of claims to roles. The easiest way to do it is to extend the BaseClaimsRolesMapper and override its getResourceRolesCodes() and/or getRowLevelRolesCodes() methods. The example below demonstrates how to assign roles based on the "position" claim:

import io.jmix.oidc.claimsmapper.BaseClaimsRolesMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;

public class MyClaimsRoleMapper extends BaseClaimsRolesMapper {

    public MyClaimsRoleMapper(ResourceRoleRepository resourceRoleRepository,
                              RowLevelRoleRepository rowLevelRoleRepository,
                              RoleGrantedAuthorityUtils roleGrantedAuthorityUtils) {
        super(resourceRoleRepository, rowLevelRoleRepository, roleGrantedAuthorityUtils);

    protected Collection<String> getResourceRolesCodes(Map<String, Object> claims) {
        Collection<String> jmixRoleCodes = new HashSet<>();
        String position = (String) claims.get("position");
        if ("Manager".equals(position)) {
        } else {
        return jmixRoleCodes;


Working with User JPA Entity

In order to work with Jmix OIDC add-on, the User JPA entity must implement the io.jmix.oidc.user.JmixOidcUser interface that in turns implements required by Spring Security.

The simplest way to make the User entity compatible with the OIDC add-on is to make this class a subclass of the io.jmix.oidc.user.JmixOidcUserEntity abstract class:

@Table(name = "USER_", indexes = {
        @Index(name = "IDX_USER__ON_USERNAME", columnList = "USERNAME", unique = true)
public class User extends JmixOidcUserEntity implements HasTimeZone {


To store users in the database after they are logged in using OpenID Provider, you’ll need to register a user mapper that extends the SynchronizingOidcUserMapper class. This superclass contains the behavior that stores/updates the user in the database. Optionally you may also store information about role assignments in the database.

import examples.oidcex1.entity.User;
import io.jmix.core.UnconstrainedDataManager;
import io.jmix.oidc.claimsmapper.ClaimsRolesMapper;
import io.jmix.oidc.usermapper.SynchronizingOidcUserMapper;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MySynchronizingOidcUserMapper extends SynchronizingOidcUserMapper<User> {

    public MySynchronizingOidcUserMapper(UnconstrainedDataManager dataManager,
                                         UserRepository userRepository,
                                         ClaimsRolesMapper claimsRolesMapper,
                                         RoleGrantedAuthorityUtils roleGrantedAuthorityUtils) {
        super(dataManager, userRepository, claimsRolesMapper, roleGrantedAuthorityUtils);

        //store role assignments in the database (false by default)

    protected Class<User> getApplicationUserClass() {
        return User.class;

    protected void populateUserAttributes(OidcUser oidcUser, User jmixUser) {

Protecting API

Jmix application may work as a resource server. To specify which authorization server to use, define the following application property:<realm>

The value of the property is the URL contained in the iss claim for JWT tokens that the authorization server will issue. See Spring Security documentation for details.

By default, the "sub" claim value is used as a username of Jmix user that is set to security context. If you want to change this, use the following application property:


In most cases the property value should be aligned with the value of the property.

Access tokens obtained from OpenID Provider may be used for accessing protected endpoints provided by the REST API add-on.

For local Keycloak instance access tokens may be obtained in the following way:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8180/realms/sample1/protocol/openid-connect/token \
--user <client-id>:<client-secret> \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=password&scope=openid&username=<username>&password=<password>"

For example:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8180/realms/sample1/protocol/openid-connect/token \
--user jmix-app:UONXQZf6unxVuWsxXvhMAPv5IxFz5P7D \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=password&&scope=openid&username=johndoe&password=mypass"

Now let’s see how to protect custom MVC controllers, for example the following one:

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class GreetingController {

    public String authenticatedHello() {
        return "authenticated-hello";

    public String anonymousHello() {
        return "anonymous-hi";

Imagine that you need all URLs starting with /authenticated/ to be protected and all URLs starting with /anonymous/ to be available for anonymous access. There are several ways to achieve this. The simplest approach is to use application properties:

# All endpoints that match the given pattern will require a bearer token
jmix.resource-server.authenticated-url-patterns = /authenticated/**

# However, endpoints that match the following pattern will be accessible without a token
jmix.resource-server.anonymous-url-patterns = /anonymous/**

OIDC Properties


Defines whether to apply the default auto-configuration. True by default. Set this property to false in case you want to have access to add-on beans and interfaces but don’t want to use predefined Spring security configuration for protecting endpoints. In this case, you’ll have to write your own security configuration.

jmix.oidc.use-default-configuration = false


Defines a name of the claim in the ID Token that contains a collection of role names. This property is used by DefaultClaimsRolesMapper. The default value is roles.

jmix.oidc.default-claims-roles-mapper.roles-claim-name = myRoles

Configuring Local Keycloak Instance

One of the most popular OpenID Providers is Keycloak. To get familiar with the Jmix OIDC add-on you can run Keycloak locally using Docker.

Starting Keycloak Using Docker

Use the following comment to start Keycloak instance using Docker on the port 8180:

docker run -p 8180:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin --name keycloak start-dev

See Keycloak documentation for details.

Keycloak URL: http://localhost:8180

Admin credentials:

Username: admin
Password: admin

You can read about configuring the Keycloak instance in the Server Administration Guide.

Creating a Realm

Login to Keycloak admin console.

Open the popup at the top of the left pane.

Click Create Realm.

create realm 1

Give a name to the new realm, e.g. "sample".

create realm 2

Creating a Client

In order to connect a Jmix application to Keycloak, you need to create a new client jmix-app with the Client type OpenID Connect.

create client 1

Enable Client authentication.

create client 2

Enter Valid redirect URIs:


and Web origins:

create client 3

Open the just created client and go to the Credentials tab. It displays the Client secret, which you need in the Jmix project to set up a connection.

client credentials

Client parameters should be used in the file. See the Client Configuration section.

Creating a Role

Next you should create a new realm role. By default, the role name should match the Jmix role code. Create the system-full-access role:

create role

Creating a User

Create a user with johndoe username:

create user

After the user is saved, the Credentials tab will appear. There you can set the user password.

create user credentials

On the Role mappings tab, assign the system-full-access role:

assign role

If you want to fill in user attributes (e.g. "position"), you can do that in Attributes tab in the user editor.

Creating a Roles Mapper

In order to return the realm roles information in the ID Token you need to define a mapper for the jmix-app client. Open the client editor and switch to the Client scopes tab:

create mapper 1

Open the editor of the jmix-app-dedicated scope. Add a predefined mapper for the "realm roles" there:

create mapper 2

Open the just created realm roles mapper. Set the roles value to the Token Claim Name attribute. By doing this we specify that the name of the token claim containing a list of roles is roles.

Select the Add to userinfo checkbox.

create mapper 3