
split is a layout that creates two content areas divided by a draggable splitter. The default split orientation is vertical, but it can be changed to horizontal.

  • XML element: split

  • Java class: JmixSplitLayout


split must contain two components or layouts to be placed on each side of the splitter. Initial splitter position depends on the size of components. Users can drag the splitter to change the split position.

split basic
<split height="200px">
    <vbox height="100%">
        <label text="Label"/>
        <textField placeholder="TextField"/>
        <hbox spacing="true">
            <button text="Button"/>
            <button text="Button"/>
    <vbox height="100%">
        <label text="Label"/>
        <textField placeholder="TextField"/>
        <hbox spacing="true">
            <button text="Button"/>
            <button text="Button"/>



Defines split orientation. Possible values:

  • VERTICAL – nested components are placed vertically. This is the default value.

  • HORIZONTAL – nested components are placed horizontally.


Explicitly sets the initial splitter position as a percentage value.


Sets a different theme to change component’s appearance. The possible values are:

  • small — divides areas with a thin line. The splitter is shown on hover over.

  • minimal — hides any visual indication of split.

  • splitter-spacing — adds margin for the splitter.

See Also

See Vaadin Docs for more information.