Search Properties

Defines whether automatic indexing of changed entities is enabled.

Default value: true

Name of default search strategy.

Default value: anyTermAnyField

Defines whether all entity instances related to indexes created or recreated on startup should be enqueued automatically. See also Existing Data Indexing.

Default value: true

Defines the list of entities that should be automatically enqueued on startup in case of index recreation. Empty list means all indexed entities. See also Existing Data Indexing.

Default value: none

Cron expression that is used by default Enqueueing Session processing Quartz scheduling configuration.

Default value: 0/5 * * * * ?

Cron expression that is used by default Indexing Queue processing Quartz scheduling configuration.

Default value: 0/5 * * * * ?

The way of index schema synchronization. See Index Creation for more detail.

Default value: create-or-recreate

Sets the max amount of result pages.

Default value: 100

Sets the amount of queue items processed in single batch.

Default value: 100

Sets the amount of entity instances enqueued in single batch during entity reindex process.

Default value: 100

Prefix for search index name. Index naming template: <prefix><entity_name>. See Configure Index Naming.

Default value: search_index_

Defines the batch size for post-search entity processing, for example, when results are filtered after search due to the row-level security policies, or when entities are fetched from search results with their fetch plans. See Access Control and Pagination.

Default value: 100

Sets the max amount of objects displayed on single page of search result.

Default value: 100

Defines whether the default Enqueueing Session processing Quartz scheduling configuration is used.

Default value: true

Defines whether the default Indexing Queue processing Quartz scheduling configuration is used.

Default value: true

Defines URL of the Elasticsearch/OpenSearch service

Default value: localhost:9200

Defines login for basic authentication.

Default value: none

Defines password for basic authentication.

Default value: none

Defines refresh policy that should be used with bulk requests to search service.

Refresh makes recent changes available for searching.

  • false - bulk request will not cause refresh. Changes made by this request will be visible after refresh is performed via another causes - explicit refresh operation or periodical refresh (by default - every second). Recommended policy. Use other policies only if you must have the changes made by a request visible synchronously with the request.

  • true - refresh will be performed immediately after request execution. This mode should be used only after careful verification because it can lead to performance issues.

  • wait_for - request will not cause refresh but will wait for it to be performed via another cause. Response will be sent back after refresh is done.

Default value: false

Defines location of certificate for connection to search service (if required).

Location is handled according to the rules of io.jmix.core.Resources.

Default value: none

Defines alias what will be used to store certificate to the Key Store.

Default value: es_client_ca

Defines type of certificate factory.

Default value: X.509

Defines type of key store.

Default value: pkcs12