View Actions

View actions work with the entire view. They are usually defined in the top-level actions element of the view XML and invoked by linked buttons. For example:

<view xmlns=""
    <!-- ... -->
        <action id="saveAction" type="detail_saveClose"/>
        <action id="closeAction" type="detail_close"/>
        <!-- ... -->
        <hbox id="detailActions">
            <button id="saveAndCloseBtn" action="saveAction"/>
            <button id="closeBtn" action="closeAction"/>


Action class: DetailCloseAction

Closes the entity detail view by invoking its close() method. If the view has unsaved changes, it will show a standard dialog with Save | Don’t save | Cancel options.


Action class: DetailDiscardAction

Closes the entity detail view by invoking its close() method and discarding any unsaved changes without prompt.


Action class: DetailEnableEditingAction

Allows users to switch the entity detail view to the editable mode if it was open by the list_read action.


Action class: DetailSaveAction

Saves changes in the entity detail view by invoking its save() method. Does not close the view.


Action class: DetailSaveCloseAction

Saves changes in the entity detail view and closes it by invoking its closeWithSave() method.


Action class: LookupDiscardAction

Closes the entity list view by invoking its closeWithDiscard() method.


Action class: LookupSelectAction

Handles selected items and closes the entity list view by invoking its handleSelection() method.


Action class: ViewCloseAction

For any view, closes it by invoking its close() method.