Creating Web Component

You can create Web Components from scratch based on Polymer 3 or Lit libraries. After a JavaScript Web Component is implemented, you can create a Java API for it.

The example below shows how to build the light/dark theme toggle based on Lit.

Creating JavaScript Web Component

Create the theme-toggle.js file in the frontend/src/component/theme-toggle folder. It contains a Web Component implementing the light/dark theme toggle.

import {html, LitElement} from 'lit';
import {PolylitMixin} from '@vaadin/component-base/src/polylit-mixin.js';
import {defineCustomElement} from '@vaadin/component-base/src/define.js';
import {ElementMixin} from '@vaadin/component-base/src/element-mixin.js';
import {TooltipController} from "@vaadin/component-base/src/tooltip-controller";
import {css, ThemableMixin} from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import {buttonStyles} from '@vaadin/button/src/vaadin-button-base.js';
import {button as buttonLumoStyles} from '@vaadin/button/theme/lumo/vaadin-button-styles.js';
import {ButtonMixin} from '@vaadin/button/src/vaadin-button-mixin.js';

const themeToggleStyles = css`
    :host {
        background: transparent;
        color: var(--lumo-text-color);
        min-width: var(--lumo-button-size);
        padding-left: calc(var(--lumo-button-size) / 4);
        padding-right: calc(var(--lumo-button-size) / 4);

class ThemeToggle extends ButtonMixin(ElementMixin(ThemableMixin(PolylitMixin(LitElement)))) { (1)

    static get is() {
        return 'theme-toggle'; (2)

    static get styles() { (3)
        return [buttonStyles, buttonLumoStyles, themeToggleStyles];

    render() { (4)
        return html`
            <div class="vaadin-button-container">
                <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:adjust"></vaadin-icon>

            <slot name="tooltip"></slot>

    static get properties() { (5)
        return {
            ariaLabel: {
                type: String,
                value: 'Theme toggle',
                reflectToAttribute: true,

    constructor() {

        this._storageKey = "app-theme";
        this.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleTheme());

    /** @protected */
    ready() {

        this._tooltipController = new TooltipController(this); (6)

    applyStorageTheme() {
        let storageTheme = this.getStorageTheme();
        let currentTheme = this.getCurrentTheme();
        if (storageTheme && currentTheme !== storageTheme) {

    getStorageTheme() {
        return localStorage.getItem(this._storageKey);

    getCurrentTheme() {
        return document.documentElement.getAttribute("theme");

    toggleTheme() {
        const theme = this.getCurrentTheme();
        this.applyTheme(theme === "dark" ? "" : "dark");

    applyTheme(theme) {
        document.documentElement.setAttribute("theme", theme);
        localStorage.setItem(this._storageKey, theme);

        const customEvent = new CustomEvent('theme-changed', {detail: {value: theme}});
        this.dispatchEvent(customEvent); (7)

defineCustomElement(ThemeToggle); (8)

export {ThemeToggle};
1 Defines base classes for custom components. Since ThemeToggle needs to look and behave like a button, one of the base classes is ButtonMixin, which provides properties and handlers specific to buttons.
2 Defines the name of HTML element.
3 Defines styles of the component as a combination of imported vaadin-button styles and custom styles.
4 Defines Shadow DOM template
5 Defines custom properties.
6 Initializes TooltipController class that handles tooltip changes. Controller classes are used as delegates for repetitive functionality of visual components.
7 Dispatches custom event with the theme-changed name.
8 Exports custom HTML element with the name defined in the static get is() method.

Creating Java API for Web Component

Create the file which is a UI component class. It defines an API for the server code, accessor methods, event listeners, and data sources connection.

import com.vaadin.flow.component.*;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.dependency.JsModule;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.shared.HasTooltip;
import com.vaadin.flow.shared.Registration;

@Tag("theme-toggle") (1)
@JsModule("./src/component/theme-toggle/theme-toggle.js") (2)
public class ThemeToggle extends Component implements ClickNotifier<ThemeToggle>,
        Focusable<ThemeToggle>, HasTheme, HasEnabled, HasSize, HasStyle, HasTooltip, HasAriaLabel { (3)

    public ThemeToggle() {

    public Registration addThemeChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<ThemeToggleThemeChangedEvent> listener) {
        return addListener(ThemeToggleThemeChangedEvent.class, listener);

    @DomEvent("theme-changed") (4)
    public static class ThemeToggleThemeChangedEvent extends ComponentEvent<ThemeToggle> {

        protected String value;

        public ThemeToggleThemeChangedEvent(ThemeToggle source, boolean fromClient,
                                            @EventData("event.detail.value") String value) { (5)
            super(source, fromClient);
            this.value = value;

        public String getValue() {
            return value;
1 Defines the root element that is created automatically by the Component class and can be accessed using the getElement() method. Must be the same as the Web Component exports.
2 The @JsModule annotation defines the import of the JavaScript module.
3 Using Vaadin Mixin Interfaces to provide common APIs and default behavior for sets of functionalities found in most Web Components.
4 Using the @DomEvent annotation to connect a ThemeToggle component to the theme-changed DOM event.
5 Using the @EventData annotation to define additional event data, the theme value in this case.
More information about creating custom components can be found in Vaadin documentation: Creating Components, Using Vaadin Mixin Interfaces, Using Events with Components&.

Usage Example

After a component is implemented it can be used in views, for example:

public void onInit(final InitEvent event) {
    ThemeToggle themeToggle = new ThemeToggle();
theme toggle usage