View Classes

Jmix provides the following base classes for views:

views diagram


View defines the state and behavior of all varieties of existing views.


StandardMainView is a root application view which is opened after login. It contains the AppLayout component with the main menu.

main view 1


StandardView is a base class for regular views. Such views can be shown either inside the main view using navigation to the view URL or in a popup dialog window.

Below is a standard view opened using the /my-onboarding URL:

standard view 1


StandardListView is a base class for CRUD views displaying a list of entities. It can also be used as a lookup view to select entity instances from the list and return them to the caller. A list view usually uses the dataGrid or treeDataGrid components.

Below is a list view opened using the /departments URL:

list view 1

The same view opened in a dialog for selecting entities:

list view 2


StandardDetailView is a base class for CRUD views displaying a single entity instance. A detail view usually uses the formLayout component.

Below is a detail view opened using entity id in the URL:

detail view 1

The same view opened in a dialog:

detail view 2