
The RelatedEntities component is a popup button with a drop-down list of classes related to the entity displayed in a table. Once the user selects the required entity class, a new browser screen is opened, containing the entity class instances related to the entity instances selected in the initial table.

related entities

Component’s XML name: relatedEntities.


Related entities are selected considering the user permissions for entities, entity attributes, and screens.

By default, the browser screen for the class selected in the drop-down is defined by convention (<entity_name>.browse). Optionally, you can specify the screen explicitly in the component.

A browser screen with the list of related entities should contain the Filter component.

A filter configuration selecting records related to the selected entities is dynamically created in the browser window.

Example of using the component in a screen XML descriptor:

<table id="customersTable"
        <relatedEntities for="customersTable"
        <column id="firstName"/>
        <column id="lastName"/>
        <column id="age"/>
        <column id="email"/>
related entities

Attributes and Elements

The for attribute is required. It contains the identifier of the Table, DataGrid, or Tree component.

The openMode attribute defines how a related screen will be opened. It corresponds to the OpenMode enumeration with the values: NEW_TAB, THIS_TAB, DIALOG, NEW_WINDOW. The entity browser is opened in the current tab by default.

The exclude attribute enables excluding some of the related entities from the drop-down list. The value of the property is a regular expression matching reference attributes to exclude.

<table id="customersTable"
        <relatedEntities for="customersTable"
        <column id="firstName"/>
        <column id="lastName"/>
        <column id="age"/>
        <column id="email"/>

The property element enables explicitly defining the related entity displayed in the drop-down list.

property attributes:

  • name - the current entity attribute name, referencing the related entity. The name attribute is required.

  • screen - the string identifier of the browser screen that should be opened. By default, RelatedEntities opens a screen, having identifier in the format of <entity_name>.browse, for example, demo_Order.browse.

  • caption - the custom caption of the related entity displayed in the drop-down.

<relatedEntities for="ordersTable">
    <property name="customer"
              configurationName="Related customers:"/>

To add property in Jmix Studio, select the RelatedEntities component in the screen descriptor XML or in the Component Hierarchy panel and click on the Add→Property Option button in the Component Inspector panel.

The framework provides an API for opening related entities screens without the RelatedEntities component: the RelatedEntitiesSupport interface and RelatedEntitiesBuilder.

The RelatedEntitiesSupport class creates a related screen builder.

It is necessary to set MetaClass or entity class and property or MetaProperty to the builder.

Example of creating a screen with an entity class and a property:

<button id="related"
        caption="Related customer"/>
protected RelatedEntitiesSupport relatedEntitiesSupport;

protected Table<Order> ordersTable;

protected void onRelatedClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {
    RelatedEntitiesBuilder builder = relatedEntitiesSupport.builder(this);

    Screen customerBrowser = builder

By default, the standard entity browser screen is opened. RelatedEntitiesBuilder provides a lot of methods to set optional parameters of the opened screen. For example, the following code creates a Customer browser with the uiex1_Customer.browse-filter id opened as a dialog:

protected RelatedEntitiesSupport relatedEntitiesSupport;

protected Table<Order> ordersTable;

protected void onRelatedBtnClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {
    RelatedEntitiesBuilder builder = relatedEntitiesSupport.builder(this);

    Screen customerBrowser = builder

All XML Attributes

You can view and edit attributes applicable to the component using the Jmix UI inspector panel of the Studio’s Screen Designer.

RelatedEntities XML Element

Property XML Attributes