All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractActionBindingImpl<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
AbstractActionsHolderSupport<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Base class for the all entities loader which is used to export to other data formats such as excel or json
The base class for area style.
AbstractAssignActionInitTask<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
The base class for axis.
AxisPointer component for the axis.
The boundary gap on both sides of a coordinate axis.
Base class for series with Cartesian and polar coordinates.
SeriesLayoutBy specifies whether the column or the row of DataSet is mapped to the series, namely, the series is "layout" on columns or rows.
The base class for axis pointer.
Base class for events that contain information about BackgroundTask.
Provides base functionality to sort the list of scan configurations in the same order as Jmix modules have been sorted using configuration base packages.
The base class for text with border.
Base class for configuring properties of calendar display modes (CalendarDisplayModes).
The base class for Cartesian axes.
Position of Cartesian axis.
Base detail for component aware events.
Base chart event class.
Base chart event for mouse.
Base detail for mouse events.
Base class for events that contains information about mouse click.
Base cluster for cluster sources.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractClusterSource.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide disableAtZoom management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide cluster distance management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide cluster minimum distance management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide point styles management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide pointTextStyle management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide showSinglePointAsCluster option management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should contain vector source.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide weight property management.
AbstractComboBoxLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.ComboBox<?>>
AbstractComponentDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
AbstractComponentLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
AbstractContainerLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
AbstractDatabaseUserRepository<T extends>
Base implementation of UserRepository that loads users from the database.
Designed to store and share various data during load transaction.
AbstractDataViewDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component &<V,?,?> &<V,?> & SupportsDataProvider<V>,V>
Base component witch used for zooming a specific area in the chart.
Filtering mode options.
Settings for decoding range values.
AbstractDateTimeFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V>,T extends Comparable,V>
Base class for configuring properties of day-grid display modes.
AbstractDescriptionEditFragment<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
AbstractDetailsLoader<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.details.Details>
Deals with most details of starting a frontend development server or connecting to an existing one.
The base class for enhanced label.
Abstract class for entity based data providers.
Base class of application events sent on entity operations.
Class containing a basic functionality of standard JSON transformer.
Base class for CalendarEvent change events.
Class contains information about previous values of CalendarEvent.
Provides related calendar events and their data provider.
A base class for toolbox feature.
Source contains a list of features.
Class with basic functionality for processor of some field-mapping annotation.
AbstractFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V>,T,V>
Base class for FieldMapper implementations.
AbstractFilterComponentConverter<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & FilterComponent,M extends FilterCondition>
AbstractFormattableRendererProvider<R extends<?>>
Base class for all context-based "events".
AbstractGridDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid<E> & ListDataComponent<E> & EnhancedDataGrid<E> & HasActions,E,ITEMS extends DataGridItems<E>>
AbstractGridLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid & EnhancedDataGrid & HasActions>
Contains information about metaClass, data container, loader, fetch plan.
AbstractGridSettingsBinder<V extends com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid<?>,S extends DataGridSettings>
AbstractHtmlComponentLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.HtmlComponent>
AbstractHtmlContainerLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.HtmlContainer>
AbstractIconLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.icon.AbstractIcon<T>>
Abstract static image source.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide imageExtent management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractImageStaticSource.
Interface to be implemented by sources that can display image from classpath resources.
Abstract image WMS source.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractImageWmsSource.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide ratio management.
The base class for series item style.
Simplifies join expression generation depending on mapping type.
Base class for events related to KanbanColumn
Base class for serializers to be used in JmixKanbanSerializer.
Base class for events related to Kanban task item.
AbstractLayoutLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.ThemableLayout & com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.FlexComponent & com.vaadin.flow.component.ClickNotifier<T>>
AbstractLdapUserDetailsSynchronizationStrategy<T extends>
A basic implementation of LdapUserDetailsSynchronizationStrategy, which provides a general functionality for user synchronization with UserRepository.
Base class for legend component.
Legend marker and text aligning.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
The position of the selector button, which can be placed at the end or start of the legend component.
The text label style of the selector button, which is displayed by default.
Text font style for legend component.
Base class for configuring properties of list display modes.
AbstractLoginFormLoader<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.login.AbstractLogin>
Base class for mark point, mark line and mark area.
Base class for mark elements.
AbstractMultiSelectComboBoxLoader<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.MultiSelectComboBox<?>>
AbstractNumberFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.AbstractNumberField<?,V>,T extends Number,V extends Number>
The base class for polar axes.
Base class for PropertyValueExtractor implementations.
AbstractRestUserRepository<T extends>
Base implementation of UserRepository that loads users from the REST DataStore.
The base class for text with rich option.
Base class for all search strategies.
The base class for any series.
Unified layout configuration component of labels.
Enum to move the overlapped labels to avoid overlapping.
Tooltip component for series.
AbstractShortcutActionBindingImpl<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
AbstractTabsLoader<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & com.vaadin.flow.component.HasStyle & com.vaadin.flow.component.HasTheme & com.vaadin.flow.component.HasSize>
Abstract class for generating client files.
The base class for text components.
AbstractTextInputFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,String>,V>
Source contains all attributes for loading tile data from WMS servers.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractTileWmsSource.
Base class for configuring properties of time-grid display modes.
The base class for tooltip components.
Base class for exception handlers determining their ability to handle an exception by its class name and optional implementation of AbstractUiExceptionHandler.canHandle(String, String, Throwable) method.
Base class for URL query binder providers.
This event is used to notify listeners about user invalidation: when the user has been deleted or disabled.
Main class for validators.
AbstractValueComponentDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValue<?,V>,T,V>
Source contains all attributes for displaying features.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide overlaps attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide useSpatialIndex attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractVectorSource.
Provides a fluent interface to configure navigation parameters and navigate to a View.
Base class for component type for visual encoding.
The layout relationship between the graphical elements for pieces and their labels.
Base source for loading tiled images using XYZ format.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide max zoom management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide min zoom management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide tileSize management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from AbstractXyzSource.
Provides the ability to store authorities on a UserDetails
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use TenantId instead
Base interface of classes that make authorization decisions.
Marker interface for classes defining authorization points.
Exception that is raised on attempt to violate a security constraint.
Handles AccessDeniedExceptionHandler that can be thrown by checking access to the dialog.
Helps to track access control restrictions of the current user.
ActionBinder<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ActionBinding<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ActionBindingImpl<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Helper class that checks whether handlers set for an action are appropriate for the given open mode.
Factory to create actions declared as ActionType.
Allows to sort the list of ActionsConfiguration in the same order as Jmix modules containing the actions have been sorted.
ActionsHolderBinding<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ActionsHolderBindingImpl<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Indicates that Action can be created with Actions factory and can be used in view XML descriptor.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when an activity is completed.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when an activity is started.
A number format that is used when the entity attribute has the NumberFormat annotation.
Defines additional business day in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
Gathers information about additional business days for annotated business calendar.
Provides the additional criteria for the query.
Implementations of the interface are responsible for constructing a global AuthenticationManager.
Interface to be implemented by actions which may adjust their 'enabled' state according to the view read-only mode.
Interface for listeners notified after transaction completion.
Defines the contract for handling of entities after they have been deleted or marked as deleted in DB.
Defines the contract for handling entities after they have been inserted into DB.
Defines the contract for handling of entities after they have been updated in DB.
Constructor for an object which will aggregate results per cell (see documentation).
POJO to store all information needed to create aggregation in DataGrid.
An enum with predefined aggregations.
Custom aggregation strategy for DataGrid component.
The horizontal align of the component.
This interface should be implemented by any bean which loads all entities for json or excel export.
Visitor is passed to AllEntitiesLoader to export loaded entity
Gives access to the all entities loader with current pagination strategy set in GridExportProperties.getExportAllPaginationStrategy()
The angle axis in Polar Coordinate.
Helper class that used to build BusinessCalendar from class annotated with BusinessCalendar.
Provider that builds and returns business calendars from classes annotated with BusinessCalendar.
Provides functionality to process index definition interfaces marked with JmixEntitySearchIndex
Role provider that gets roles from classes annotated with ResourceRole.
Role provider that gets row level roles from classes annotated with RowLevelRole.
The AnnotationLockDescriptorProvider creates and collects LockDescriptor objects for locks annotated by PessimisticLock annotation from data model objects.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Interface provides a RequestMatcher for anonymous endpoints that will be processed by the CompositeResourceServerRequestMatcherProviderImpl.
Provides a list of anonymous URL patterns that will be used for building the RequestMatcher by the AnonymousUrlPatternsRequestMatcherProvider
An implementation of AnonymousRequestMatcherProvider that collects anonymous URL patterns from multiple AnonymousUrlPatternsProviders and builds the RequestMatcher from all collected URL patterns.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents with at least one field matches at least one input word.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents with at least one field matches at least one input word.
JSON representation {"ms-word": { "name": "Microsoft Word", "protocols": { "default": "ms-word:ofe%7Cu%7C", "read-only": "ms-word:ofv%7Cu%7C"} "extensions": ["docx", "doc", "txt"]}}
Controls how AccessConstraints are used by JmixDataRepository.
An implementation of the AuthenticatedUrlPatternsProvider and the AnonymousUrlPatternsProvider that gets URL patterns from application properties: For authenticated URL patterns the class uses the jmix.resource-server.authenticated-url-patterns property For anonymous URL patterns the class uses the jmix.resource-server.anonymous-url-patterns property
A default value.
A boolean default value.
A double default value.
An int default value.
A long default value.
Base class for entities that present application settings.
Exception indicating a failure during extraction of an archive file.
Common style of area.
Strategy interface to Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered MethodArgumentResolvers.
Aria is options for the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite, which is dedicated to making web content and web applications accessible.
It is turned off by default and needs to be turned on by setting Aria.setEnabled(Boolean) to true.
More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
Decal patterns configuration component.
A component which contains the description of the chart.
Data-related configuration component.
A component for the overall description of the chart.
Series-related configuration component.
Base component for the description labels.
The description component used when the chart contains only multiple series.
The description component used when the chart contains only one series.
Event fired after resource server (registered by Authorization Server add-on) API controller call.
Event fired before resource server (registered by Authorization Server add-on) API call.
The purpose of the filter is to throw before- and after- events for resource server API invocations.
AssignActionInitTask<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & HasAction>
AssignActionsInitTask<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & HasActions>
AssignDropdownButtonActionInitTask<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & DropdownButtonComponent>
An object describing changes in entity attributes.
Provides information about changes in entity attributes.
Provides components for attribute fields.
A helper class for handling JMX attribute types and values.
Class is used to display the attributes list in the EntityAttributeResourcePolicyModelCreateView screen.
Used for current time conversion from Date to CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate and DeletedDate field types.
Default implementation to support common types.
Provides information about current user for audit purposes - Creatable, Updatable, SoftDelete entities and for Entity Log.
Class contains authentication information.
Annotation for bean methods which require authentication, i.e.
Interface provides a RequestMatcher for authenticated endpoints that will be processed by the CompositeResourceServerRequestMatcherProviderImpl.
Provides a list of authenticated URL patterns that will be used for building the RequestMatcher by the AuthenticatedUrlPatternsRequestMatcherProvider
An implementation of AuthenticatedRequestMatcherProvider that collects authenticated URL patterns from multiple AuthenticatedUrlPatternsProviders and builds the RequestMatcher from all collected URL patterns.
A resolver that provides Locale if current authentication does not contain it.
Interface is responsible for providing an instance of global AuthenticationManager.
Strategy for resolving a principal from the authentication.
Strategy for accessing root authentication from wrapped authentication in the current security context.
Token introspector that queries the backing store of tokens (authorization service) and fills the authenticated principal authorities with proper roles depending on authorization grant type: For AUTHORIZATION_CODE grant type, roles of authenticated user are used For CLIENT_CREDENTIALS grant type, roles specified for the client in the properties file are used For PASSWORD grant type, roles of authenticated user are used
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use AuthenticatedUrlPatternsProvider and AnonymousUrlPatternsProvider
A AuthenticationPrincipalResolver that makes the CurrentAuthentication.getUser() method return an instance of the actual user class (usually a JPA entity defined in the application) if authenticated using access token.
Class stores Jmix-specific settings of Authorization Server client.
One of the field-mapping annotation.
Strategy that automatically maps properties the most common way.
Factory to autowire fields/setters and additional dependencies to UI components using DependencyInjector
Helper class for component dependencies autowiring.
Options component related to axis label.
Options component related to axis line.
The global option for axisPointer.
Options component related to axis tick.
Type of axis.
Background task for execute by BackgroundWorker.
Listener of the task life cycle events, complementary to the tasks own methods: BackgroundTask.progress(List), BackgroundTask.done(Object), BackgroundTask.canceled().
Task handler for BackgroundTask.
Event is published if the task does not handle timeout in BackgroundTask.handleTimeoutException().
Event is published if the BackgroundTask.done(Object) throws an exception and executor cannot handle it.
Entry point to BackgroundTask execution functionality.
Implementation of BackgroundWorker.
Bar chart shows different data through the height of a bar, which is used in rectangular coordinate with at least 1 category axis.
Base component for bar elements.
Background style of each bar.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Item style of bar.
Configuration component of label guideline.
Component to configure the selection state.
Base class for chart event detail.
ClaimsRolesMapper that can be used as super-class for your own ClaimsRolesMapper implementations.
Root interface of collection loaders.
Base implementation of sorting collection containers.
Base role provider that gets resource roles/row level roles from the database.
Base interface for date intervals.
Type of date interval.
Used by enhancing process.
Provides non-platform-specific functionality.
Base class for layers with vector data that should be rendered as a heatmap.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide all attributes from BaseHeatmapLayer.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "blur" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "gradient" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "maxWeight" management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "radius" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "weight-property" management.
Base class for layers that works with server-rendered images that are available for arbitrary extents and resolutions.
Abstract implementation of options for server-rendered images.
Base class for all IMAP application events, providing reference for affected ImapMessage
Contains non-platform-specific operations.
Class provides logic of index settings and analysis configuration.
Class is responsible for the transforming search clients' specific JSonp format to Jackson's ObjectNode.
Abstract implementation of options for each layer.
Abstract class implements the OidcUserMapper and may be used for creating your own mappers.
Base class for layers with sources that provide pre-rendered, tiled images in grids that are organized by zoom levels for specific resolutions.
Options for layer sources that provide pre-rendered, tiled images in grids that are organized by zoom levels for specific resolutions.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "preload" attribute management.
Abstract implementation of options for layer sources that provide pre-rendered, tiled images in grids that are organized by zoom levels for specific resolutions.
Base class for layers with vector data that is rendered client-side.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "background" attribute management.
Options for layer that renders vector data client-side.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "declutter" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "render-buffer" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "updateWhileAnimating" attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by layers that should provide "updateWhileInteracting" attribute management.
Abstract implementation of options for vector data that is rendered client-side, as vectors.
Allows resolving the current Locale as method argument.
Validator that applies JSR 303 rules for HasValue instance.
Defines the contract for handling entities right before they are attached to an EntityManager on merge operation.
Interface for listeners notified before transaction commit.
Defines the contract for handling of entities before they have been deleted or marked as deleted in DB.
Defines the contract for handling entities right before they are detached from an EntityManager on transaction commit.
Defines the contract for handling entities before they have been inserted into DB.
Allows to customize view right before navigation occurs.
Defines the contract for handling of entities before they have been updated in DB.
Data binding state.
Handle images with format string: ${bitmap:100x100}
The range of fade out when focus is enabled.
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar for Jmix data repositories autoconfiguration
A bootstrap connector which establishes a connection to an OOo server.
A Bootstrap Connector which uses a socket to connect to an OOo server.
Boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles.
Base component for boxplot elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Component to configure the selection state.
Class adds a View.QueryParametersChangeEvent listener when navigating to the BPM process form view.
Adapter between Flowable BusinessCalendar and Jmix BusinessCalendar.
Interface for a BPMN modeler component that allows modeling and interaction with BPMN diagrams.
Interface for a BPMN viewer component that allows visualization and interaction with BPMN diagrams.
Helper class for calculating triggering date for TimerEventDefinition in case of using repeating intervals and non-default Flowable business calendar.
This BPMN parse handler handles the case when a UserTask is located inside a lane.
Validator checks that UserTask due date duration is not defined in days, weeks, months or years when a business calendar is also selected.
Helper class to manage filepath breadcrumbs
Provides parent document list for forming e.g.
Brush is an area-selecting component, with which user can select part of series from a chart to display in detail.
Links interaction between selected items in different series.
Brush selecting mode.
Mode for brush selecting.
Brush font style.
Type of brush.
Index of item which can use brush selecting.
Enum for assigns which of the series can use brush selecting.
Update type for brush selecting event.
Buttons in toolbox that is related to brush includes.
A tool feature for brush-selecting.
Buttons in toolbox that is related to brush includes.
A component for icon path for each icon in brush toolbox.
A component for title for each icon in brush toolbox.
Class is responsible for the brute-force protection on user authentication.
Standard action for changing attribute values for several entity instances at once.
A builder that creates a new BulkEditView with defined parameters.
A bean that creates an instance of BulkEditorBuilder.
Indicates that annotated interface is a "Business Calendar".
Defines API to operate with date and time in terms of "business hours".
Allows to detect all classes that have annotation BusinessCalendar.
Non-persistent entity used to display business calendars in UI
Interface must be implemented by classes that provide business calendars from a particular source type.
Allows registering inside default Flowable BusinessCalendarManager all business calendars from Business Calendar add-on.
Defines convenient methods to fetch configured in the system business calendars.
Helper that provides information about registered business calendars into screen fragments.
Presents business day with configured working interval.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered MethodArgumentResolvers.
Used for additional cache operation like iterations over cache entries.
A business hours entry.
Base interface of data providers in FullCalendar.
Base class for simple data retrievers.
Base interface for display modes in JmixFullCalendar.
Supported component's display modes.
A time based object.
The base interface of event in FullCalendar.
Interface to be implemented by data providers that should load items by request.
A fetch context that is used for loading events.
MergePolicy that removes non-persistent versions if document was changed during editing on version management screen.
MergePolicy that removes persistent and saves new versions if document was changed during editing on version management screen.
A candlestick chart is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative or currency.
Base component for candlestick elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Item style of candlestick.
Component to configure the selection state.
Interface to be implemented by entities which can be separated by categories and hence have several sets of dynamic attributes.
ChangePasswordAction<E extends>
Interface of views that can contain unsaved changes.
An optional interface of CloseActions used in views that may have unsaved changes on closing.
Chart is a component for showing data in graphical form.
Event fired after clicking on chart series elements.
Base class for data-aware chart options.
Event fired after the chart data range is zoomed .
Event fired after double-clicking on chart series elements.
Event fired when render finished, that is, when animation finished and progressive rendering finished too.
Event fired when switch of the brush.
Event fired if the mouse cursor moves outside the component.
An event that is fired when item set is changed.
Event fired after inverting the choice of legend.
Event fired after scrolling the scrollable legend.
Event fired after selecting all selectors.
Event will be fired when users toggle legend selector in legend component.
Event fired when magic type in a toolbox changes.
Event is fired after the user presses the click, regardless of whether releases it or not.
Event is fired when the user moves the cursor.
Event is fired after the user moves the cursor out of the chart series element.
Event is fired after the user hovers the cursor over an element of the chart series.
Event if fired after the user releases click.
Base class for all chart options objects that are to be serialized.
Basic chart options.
Type of compositing operation to apply when drawing a new shape.
State switching animation configurations.
Event is fired every time a component is rendered on the client-side.
Event is fired after chart options resets.
Serializes options and data for the Chart into JSON for subsequent sending it to the client-side.
For internal use only
Circle style for vector features.
Mapper of claims received from the OpenID Provider into Jmix resource roles and row-level roles.
Loads classes taking into account hot-deploy feature.
Marker interface for objects that describe how a View was closed.
Base event that can be extended by specific event implementation to publish events to all application instances in a cluster.
Provides SubscribableChannel to pass and handle cluster application events.
A component that allows to publish application events to application instances of a cluster
Source to cluster vector data.
Describes the type of collection change event.
Container that holds a collection of entity instances.
Event sent on changes in the container items collection - adding, removing, replacing elements.
Standard implementation of sorting CollectionContainers.
CollectionFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,Set<P>>,P,V>
Collection formatter to be used in view descriptors and controllers.
Enum describes the policy of processing collection members when importing the entity with the EntityImportPlan
Loader of entity collections.
Event sent after successful loading of entities, merging them into DataContext and setting to the container.
Event sent before loading entities.
Container that holds a collection of entity instances which is a collection property of another entity.
Standard implementation of sorting CollectionPropertyContainers.
Color selection component.
The policy to take color from JmixChart.getColorPalette().
Columns that will be used for export.
Used to provide a description for data model entities and their attributes.
Common implementation of OrderBasedEntityIdsLoader.
ComponentActionBinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ComponentActionsHolderBinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ComponentActionsHolderUnbinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ComponentActionUnbinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Contains information for ComponentGenerationStrategy when creating components using UiComponentsGenerator.
A strategy for creating FlowUi components by UiComponentsGenerator.
ComponentLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
AutowireTasks are used to perform autowiring of nested fragments in a view.
InitTasks are used to perform deferred initialization of visual components.
Registers new component loader or override a UI component in the framework.
Builds registration object that is used for adding new component loader or overriding UI components in the framework.
ComponentRootLoader<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
ComponentSettingsBinder<V extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,S extends Settings>
Base interface for component settings registration.
ComponentShortcutActionBinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ComponentShortcutActionsHolderBinder<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Utility class working with Vaadin UI components.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Interface provides a RequestMatcher that will be used a security matcher for the resource server configuration.
A default implementation of CompositeResourceServerRequestMatcherProvider that combines multiple AuthenticatedRequestMatcherProviders and AnonymousRequestMatcherProviders using an OR condition.
An implementation of UserRepository that compose all UserRepositorys registered in an application and delegates operations to them.
Marks a reference as composition.
The tree of Conditions represents an optional part of a query that is added if the corresponding parameters are present.
Modifies parts of JPQL query
Modifies JPQL query according to the tree of conditions.
Utility class to build Condition by Spring Data repositories PartTree
Loads the tree of Conditions from XML.
A configuration is a set of filter components.
The container of the two independent index configuration comparison result parts.
Handles ConstraintViolationException that can be thrown by bean validation on persistence layer.
Data provider that loads entities from containers.
Data provider bound to the CollectionContainer for a Chart component.
Data provider bound to the CollectionContainer for a Kanban component.
Data provider bound to the CollectionContainer for a PivotTable component.
Handle tags in format strings
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered in Spring context MethodArgumentResolvers.
Visual map component for displaying data in continuous form.
More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
Exception that can be thrown during value conversion methods of UI components.
This filter is used for cookie authentication method.
Is used for 'cookie' authentication method.
Manages both types of tokens (URl, Cookie) being used for cookie auth method.
Spring security authentication token that is used to perform authentication request via CookieAuthenticationProvider.
DTO for cookie-token
Manages cookie-token objects
DTO for URL-token (cookie auth)
Manages URL-token objects
A class for describing coordinates in numerical and percentage representation.
The coordinate used in the series.
Interface to be implemented by entities having a state which is not reflected in metadata.
Configuration of the core module.
This security configuration can be used in test or simple projects, for example:
CORS settings used by default CorsConfigurationSource provided by Jmix core module auto-configuration.
Action opens create notification dialog.
Creates HTML from a list of CreditsItem objects.
Carries information about third-party software.
Provides information about third-party software by loading credits.xml files of Jmix modules.
Crockford's Base32 encoding of UUID values.
Defines cron-based holiday in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
Presents arbitrary holiday which can be expressed via quartz cron expression.
Describes all Misfire Instruction options available for Quartz CronTrigger.
Class provides helper methods to work with DataSet.
Extraction controller for BandOrientation.CROSS orientation.
Checks access to entity operations based on resource policies.
Defines an authorization point for entity operations.
Stores metadata for JmixDataRepository methods.
Provides CrudMethodMetadata for current invoked method
RepositoryProxyPostProcessor to add interceptor designated for determining and storing CrudMethodMetadata information for currently invoked JmixDataRepository method.
Defines CurrencyField currency label position.
Indicates that a field which is marked by this annotation contains currency value
Provides information about the currently authenticated user.
Takes query parameter values from the currently authenticated (or substituted) user object.
Interface for obtaining the current user's roles.
Interface is used to get the information about current user substitution
Provides effective UI component policies for the current user.
Invalidates the cache of the CurrentUserUiComponentPolicies bean when the user is substituted.
The default implementation of the CurrentUserUiComponentPolicies interface.
Custom calendar display mode properties.
Apply custom style to target cell
Contains UI component loaders from add-ons and project configurations.
Registers external UI components or component loaders that should be used by the framework.
Input parameter for a function to get a custom value of property.
Mapping for entity property that has a custom value calculated by specified function.
This interface may be implemented if you need custom formatting logic, not covered by and provided formatter Example: you need to merge pdfs created by another reports
CustomValueSetEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,V>
The event that is fired when a user inputs value manually.
The persistent dictionary of the PersistentDashboard
Helper class to create/get info about DashboardLayout objects.
Utility bean that provides typical data aware operations with UI components.
Business calendar provider that fetches business calendars from database.
Role provider that gets resource roles from the database from the ResourceRoleEntity.
Role assignment provider that gets role assignments from the database.
Role provider that gets row level roles from the database from the RowLevelRoleEntity.
A UserSubstitutionProvider that stores UserSubstitution in a database.
Describes possible data operations in data providers.
Factory bean for data API components.
Interface for tracking changes in entities loaded to UI.
Event sent when the context detects changes in an entity, a new instance is merged or an entity is removed.
Event sent after saving changes.
Event sent before saving changes.
Gives direct access to collections of modified and removed instances in DataContext.
Standard implementation of DataContext which saves data to DataManager.
Marker interface of DataContext implementations that can form hierarchies using DataContext.setParent(DataContext).
This class should load data using ReportQuery objects, convert data onto BandData object and build BandData object tree (link children and parent bands) The default implementation is io.jmix.reports.yarg.reporting.DataExtractorImpl !Attention! Please make sure if you really need to change this behaviour against default implementation cause it might crash report generation logic
DataGridActionsSupport<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid<T> & ListDataComponent<T>,T>
Event fired when a DataGridColumn visibility is changed.
An editor in a Grid.
A UI component used for displaying the filter in the column header.
An event fires when the current value of the PropertyFilter is applied to the loader.
An event that is fired when item set is changed.
An event that is fired when selected item is changed.
The DataGridItems that supports sorting.
An event that is fired when value of item property is changed.
API to import entities from the input data using specified import configuration.
Executes import for a given import configuration and ImportedData.
Base interface for load contexts used in DataManager.
Type of the LIKE clause.
Load trigger.
The root interface in the data loaders hierarchy.
Static info about DataLoader that will be used as monitoring tags.
Utility class working with data loaders.
Thrown when data loader catches internal exception during load
DataLoadingSettingsBinder<V extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,S extends Settings>
Settings binder for components which support data loading.
Same as UnconstrainedDataManager but performs authorization of all operations by applying registered access constraints.
DataSet component is the recommended way to provide data to a chart.
Source data.
Represents a dataset constraint.
Interface to be implemented by Spring beans that should be used in SupersetDashboard component.
Class presents factory bean for create DataSet instance with basic filled attributes
Defines sorting options of a data store.
Interface defining methods for CRUD operations on entities.
Represents a data type of an entity property.
Convenience bean for locale-dependent conversion of some widely used data types to and from strings.
Registry for Datatypes
Controller that is used for getting datatypes information.
An event that is fired when DataUnit state is changed.
A source containing geo-objects (entities having a property of a Geometry type).
An event that is fired when geometry value has changed in some item.
An event that is fired when item set has changed.
DataViewBinding<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component &<V,?,?>,V>
DataViewBindingImpl<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component &<V,?,?>,V>
DataViewDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component &<V,?,?> &<V,?> & SupportsDataProvider<V>,V>
A tool feature for zooming, which only supports rectangular coordinate by now.
A component for zooming and restore icon path.
A component for restored and zoomed title text.
Type of data zoom component.
The event is fired when a day cell or time cell is clicked.
DateDatatype works with java.sql.Date but is parameterized with java.util.Date to avoid problems with casting.
DateFormatter formatter to be used in view descriptors and controllers.
Utility class for internationalizing date-related information such as month names, weekday names, short weekday names, and the first day of the week.
Class describes date interval with the following types.
Interface provides methods for parsing/formatting date interval values.
Helper class for date intervals.
The event is fired after the calendar’s date range has been initially set or changed in some way and the DOM of component has been updated.
Specifies a format pattern for an entity attribute of a date/time type.
The context for generating class names that day cell's bottom text will use.
The context for generating text to be displayed at the bottom of the day cell.
The context for generating class names that day cell will use.
Configuration properties of day-grid day display mode CalendarDisplayModes.DAY_GRID_DAY.
Configuration properties of day-grid month display mode CalendarDisplayModes.DAY_GRID_MONTH.
Configuration properties of day-grid week display mode CalendarDisplayModes.DAY_GRID_WEEK.
Configuration properties of day-grid year display mode CalendarDisplayModes.DAY_GRID_YEAR.
The context for generating class names that day header cell will use.
The event is fired when the user clicks on day heading navigation link.
The enum represents day of week with ids that corresponds the order in full calendar component.
The class represents container for DayOfWeek.
The datatype that enables containing days of week in one field.
Action is used for editing DaysOfWeek datatype in ValuePicker field.
Interface defining methods of getting some DBMS-specific values.
Factory for obtaining implementations of DBMS-specific objects, particularly DbmsFeatures, SequenceSupport and DbTypeConverter.
Interface defining methods to convert data between Java objects and JDBC params and results depending on the current DBMS type.
A collection of JDBC helper methods.
Indicates whether a JPA entity is a database view.
Defines a DDL code to be generated by tooling.
Container for Ddl annotations.
Settings used by development tools to generate DDL scripts for this entity.
BrowserLiveReload implementation class.
Implementation of the development tools interface.
The style of the decal pattern.
DashArray controls the horizontal pattern.
Possible values: If it is of type Decal.DashArray.number, it means that the pattern and the blank space are of this value respectively.
Default implementation for file archive extraction.
Default ClaimsRolesMapper implementation that takes OidcUser role names and transforms roles names to resource and row-level roles using role name prefixes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Default extraction context implementation
Default data extraction logic implementation
Default controller factory implementation
Default file downloader implementation.
The default implementation of JmixOidcUser that wraps the OidcUser provided by the OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider and delegates some method invocations to the wrapped OidcUser.
A OidcUserService that is enabled by auto-configuration.
Marker interface which indicates that the actual view's route parent must be the main view returned by UiProperties.getMainViewId().
Interface to be implemented by a bean defining the default conflict resolution policy.
The default implementation OidcUserMapper implementation that converts OidcUser into DefaultJmixOidcUser.
Default preprocessor factory implementation
Class is used for getting default policy group for the ResourcePolicy instance.
Default implementation of UserEmailResolver.
Class contains an info about classes of following types: org.flowable.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate org.flowable.engine.delegate.TaskListener org.flowable.engine.delegate.ExecutionListener org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEventListener The class is used for getting a list of class members with org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.Expression type.
Wraps a delegate Runnable with logic for setting up an SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Runnable and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
Wraps a delegate Supplier with logic for setting up an SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Supplier and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
Marked entity field will be used to store information about user deleted entity.
Makes entity soft-delete when placed on field.
This enum defines a behaviour to deal with linked objects in case of soft delete
DENY - throw DeletePolicyException when linked object exists CASCADE - soft delete the linked object UNLINK - remove link
Exception that is raised on attempt to soft delete an object, which has linked objects marked with OnDelete annotation with DeletePolicy.DENY value.
Implementations of the interface are used for wiring of fields/setters and additional dependency injectors to the UI components.
DependencyInjector.AutowireContext<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Composite<?>>
Base injection context interface.
Defines properties that the annotated property depends on.
Defines derived properties (see documentation).
Updates desciptor properties according to requirements.
POJO to store all information needed to process entity descriptor.
Interface of views that display an entity instance and can save changes made by the user.
Defines a detail view purpose: to create a new entity instance or to edit an existing one.
Provides a fluent interface to configure navigation parameters and navigate to an entity detail View.
Provides a fluent interface to configure and open a details view in a DialogWindow.
Provides a fluent interface to configure and open a details view with the specific class in a DialogWindow.
Interface for obtaining the user's device time zone.
Provides API to access to the DevModeHandler instance.
Trigger for running dev mode initialization when running in a compatible servlet environment.
Tracks the output of a dev server and scans for given success and/or failure patterns while copying the dev server output to standard output.
Encapsulates the result of a find operation.
For interfacing with the development tools by plugins.
Handles dev tools messages from the client.
Default actions which should be used in InputDialog.
Application event that is sent after the dialog is closed.
POJO class for storing dialog information.
Specifies parameters of DialogWindow.
Application event that is sent after the dialog is shown.
A possible outcome of the input dialog with the standard close actions.
Provides fluent interface for configuring and displaying dialogs.
Builder of background task dialog.
Represents Dialog Builders with close setting.
Base class for all Dialog Builders.
Represents Dialog Builders that can be dragged.
Represents Dialog Builders that have a text inside Paragraph component.
Represents Dialog Builders that have a header.
Represents Dialog Builders that have modal setting.
Represents Dialog Builders that have size setting.
Represents Dialog Builders that have style setting.
Represents Dialog Builders that have a text inside Paragraph component as a content.
Represents Dialog Builders that have theme setting.
Enum for describing the position of label components in a InputDialog.
Represents Dialog Builders that can be resized.
DialogWindow<V extends View<?>>
An interface to be implemented by builders which opens a view in a DialogWindow.
An interface to be implemented by builders which opens a specific view in a DialogWindow.
Provides fluent interface for opening views in dialog windows.
Represents possible preset rendering styles that the event can use.
Class contains information about a calendar's display mode, such as a date range.
Document formatter for '.doc' and '.odt' file types
* Document formatter for '.docx' file types
Helper class for XML parsing.
Helper bean for XML parsing with DOM4J.
This class is not thread-safe and should not be accessed concurrently from multiple threads without proper synchronization.
Provides data for Downloader.
Generic interface to download data from the system.
Shows exported data in the web browser or downloads it.
Format of data exported by Downloader.
Executes import for a given import configuration and ImportedData.
Available policies to process a found duplicate: Update: an extracted entity not imported, existing one is updated.
Note that transient attributes should be specified after deserialization and before usage
Constants to be used as hints when loading entities by DataManager.
Utility class for manipulating strings in various case formats.
Describes animation types from 'ol/easing'.
Defines an interface for EclipseLink cluster communication
Utility class to provide common functionality related to persistence.
Contains information for a function that returns the column editor component used by DataGridEditor.
Annotation for detail view controllers which specifies a data container that contains the edited entity.
Interface to be implemented by beans that transform an entity after returning it from a detail view.
Grants permissions to add full text search condition to filter
The scatter (bubble) graph with ripple animation.
Base component for effect scatter elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Enum of when to show the effect.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Configuration of label guideline.
Related configurations component about ripple effect.
The brush type for ripples.
Component to configure the selection state.
Implementation for Elasticsearch
Implementation for Elasticsearch
Implementation for Elasticsearch
Configuration context for Elasticsearch index settings
Base interface for configurers of Elasticsearch index settings.
Provides Elasticsearch search strategies
Configuration component of label guideline for elements for series.
Event triggered when new reply for message arrived BaseImapEvent.getMessage() references to older message
Should be used to delete old emails and attachments.
Interface provides methods to load, store and update email message and attachment entities
Event triggered when message was deleted
Provides application with emailing functionality.
Email sending error.
Contains failed addresses and corresponding error messages.
EmailFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.EmailField>
Event triggered when any IMAP flag of message was changed, EmailFlagChangedImapEvent.getChangedFlagsWithNewValue() specifies only modified flags with actual values
The EmailHeader class stores a name/value pair to represent headers.
Contains email details: list of recipients, from address, subject, body and attachments.
EmailInfo builder.
Event triggered when IMAP message was moved to different folder
Notification channel that sends notification by email.
Event triggered when IMAP message was marked by Flags.Flag.SEEN flag
Adapter to javax.mail email sending API.
That interface provides abilities of builder pattern to create filled email template EmailTemplate.
That interface provides converting email template EmailTemplate with report parameters to Jmix email info EmailInfo.
Used for Embeddable entities by enhancing process
Updates database mapping to support embedded parameters.
Defines additional parameters for Embedded attributes.
The label configuration component.
The label font style.
Position of the title text.
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class provides no data.
Empty data provider for a Kanban component.
Empty data provider for a PivotTable component.
Value provider that returns an empty string for passed item.
Annotation to enable data repositories.
Indicates whether to enable restoring of soft deleted entity instances.
Define what is encoded to for each dimension of data.
Chart example:
A factory for creating Vaadin Endpoint generator tasks.
Defines the position of aggregation row.
An event that is fired when the user selects another locale.
An event that is fired when "Remember Me" becomes checked and unchecked.
Keeps progress of async enqueueing process.
Status of session.
Controller that performs CRUD entity operations
Class that executes business logic required by the EntitiesController.
Controller that is used for getting entities metadata.
Class is used by the EntitiesMetadataController.
Interface to be implemented by domain model objects with identifiers.
This exception is raised on attempt to load a deleted object.
Checks access to entity attributes based on resource policies.
Defines an authorization point for entity attributes.
An extension point for the entity import mechanism.
Defines entity attribute resource policy in annotated resource role (see ResourceRole).
An extension point for a mechanism to serialize and deserialize entity to JSON.
Base interface for data providers that work with entities, containing property names to retrieve values for CalendarEvent entities.
Data provider for loading entities by request.
Calendar event that wraps an entity.
A Spring application event that is sent right after an entity is changed in the data store.
EntityCollectionFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,Set<T>> & SupportsMetaClass,T,V>
Chart data item, which contains an instance of an entity.
Diff object for Entity Snapshots
Used to clearly identify entity.
Property selection performs as follows: Id property used if it has UUID type and JmixGeneratedValue annotation, any other UUID @JmixGeneratedValue property chosen if @Id property doesn't satisfy conditions above, interface isn't applied otherwise.
Interface to be implemented by optimistically locked entities.
Contains information about single entity used when exporting entity collections
Provides methods to extract entities and populate their properties by values from the imported data
Fetches entities by fetch plans by accessing reference attributes.
EntityFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V> & SupportsMetaClass,T,V>
Allows to load ids of entity instances according to enqueueing session.
Keeps result of ids loading.
An object that contains the following details if an entity import fails: An instance of ImportedDataItem Extracted entity Error message Error type: EntityImportErrorType
Bean that is used for exporting a collection of entities and importing them.
Use EntityImportPlanBuilder for building instances of EntityImportPlan.
Class that is used for building an EntityImportPlan based on the JSON object that represents an entity.
Provides functionality for direct documents indexing.
Interface to be implemented by beans that initialize new entity instances created via Metadata.create(Class).
Used by enhancing process
Event that is fired then item collection is changed.
An interface for entity JSON transformers used by the REST API
This bean allows to register and fire entity listeners.
A Spring application event which is sent when the entity is loaded from the data store.
Allows to log entity lifecycle events: create, modify, delete.
Record containing changed entity attribute.
Record containing information about entity lifecycle event.
Type of operation on entity.
An ancestor of all constraints that check access to entity operations and attributes based on the resource policies.
Defines entity resource policy in annotated resource role (see ResourceRole).
Action for EntityPolicy
API to populate the entity by property values using property mappings and raw values source.
Interface to track changes in data model objects.
Diff between properties in entity snapshots
Normalizes references between items of a collection.
Allows to restore entities have been soft-deleted previously
A Spring application event which is sent when the entity is saved to the data store.
Provides functionality for searching entities in index.
Class that is used for serialization and deserialization of entities to JSON.
Class is used for storing a collection of entities already processed during the serialization.
An object that configures how to serialize the entity to JSON.
Implementation of Set&lt;Entity&gt; with convenient methods for getting entities by a prototype instance or by a class and id.
Interface defining methods for creating and getting operations on entity snapshots.
Creates and analyzes entity snapshots.
Class is used for converting EntitySnapshot objects into non-persistent EntitySnapshotModel entities which may be displayed in UI
Provides information about entities states.
That class is used in report wizard creator cause that wizard need info about entity attributes
A comparison function, which imposes a ordering for entity attribute values.
An event fired when related entity instance is changed.
Interface to be implemented by enums that serve as entity attribute types.
Enumeration<T extends Enum>
REST controller that is used for getting an information about enums
A helper class to be used in EnumClass implementations to convert identifiers to enum values.
The event is fired when the calendar event is clicked.
The event is fired when the dragging stops and the event has been moved to a different day or time slot.
EventHub class implementing the event listening model with concrete event classes.
An injector that autowires view methods that are annotated by the EventListener annotation.
The event is fired when the user mouses over a calendar event.
The event is fired when the user mouses out of a calendar event.
The event is fired when the resizing stops and the calendar event's duration has changed.
Generic Event router with lazily initialized event map.
Calculates the width of a column, based on the values within it.
Calculates the width of a column, based on the values within it.
Action for export a ListDataComponent content in XLSX format.
Use this class to export DataGrid into Excel format.
Annotation for method that operates on UI thread and can change shared UI state.
Indicates that the annotated program element is considered usable in applications but is unstable.
This job removes all expired cookie-tokens
Annotation must be put on a method of an interface that defines a resource role (see ResourceRole).
Base action for export table content with defined exporter.
Checks access to entity attributes based on resource policies when serializing entities to/from JSON.
Defines an authorization point for entity attributes when serializing entities to/from JSON.
Encapsulates functionality for working with extended entities.
Annotation to mark index definition interfaces.
Class contains data to build mapping and analysis within Extended search functionality.
This interface implementation should presents extraction context dependent state
This interface implementation should create immutable extraction context object
Default data extraction context implementation
This interface implementation should contains data extraction logic
This interface implementation may holding relation between report band orientation and related controller logic if relation not set, default controller should be returned
Non-visual component of a View.
Interface for Spring Beans providing non-visual components for views.
Factory to create UI facets.
Default MergePolicy if there are no conflicts during document editing on version management screen.
Abstract class for vector object for geographic features with a geometry.
Interface for features that support adding click listeners.
An event that is fired when feature is clicked.
An event is fired when user makes double click on a feature.
An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.
Allows to pass SupportsItemsFetchCallback.FetchCallback to methods that suppose CallbackDataProvider.FetchCallback.
Specifies how to fetch a referenced entity from the database.
Class to declare a graph of objects that must be retrieved from the database.
Specifies fetch plan name that will be applied to entities on extraction.
Builds FetchPlans.
This exception is raised when you try to get nonexistent fetch plan by entity/name.
Defines a FetchPlan property.
Represents a repository of shared FetchPlan objects, accessible by names.
Implementation of the FetchPlanRepository.
Factory for FetchPlanBuilder.
Class that is used for serialization and deserialization of fetch plan to JSON.
An object that configures how to serialize a fetch plan to JSON.
Updates mapping by setting a correct fetch type - lazy or eager.
Base interface for processors of field-mapping annotations.
Contains configuration of index field.
FieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V>,T,V>
Maps some metamodel property to configuration of index field.
Marker annotation for field-mapping annotations
Base interface for mapping strategy.
REST API controller that is used for downloading files
FileFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V>,T,V>
A reference pointing to a file located in FileStorage.
Data provider for FileDescriptor
Interface of a component to store and load files defined by file references.
Provides access to all registered file storage beans of the application.
Defines when file will be placed into FileStorage.
This exception can occur while uploading/downloading files using FileTransferService.
A service for uploading and downloading files to/from FileStorages.
REST API controller that is used for uploading files
FileUploadFailedEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when FailedEvent of Upload is occurred.
FileUploadFileRejectedEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when FileRejectedEvent of Upload is occurred.
FileUploadFinishedEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when FinishedEvent of Upload is occurred.
FileUploadProgressEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when ProgressUpdateEvent of Upload is occurred.
FileUploadStartedEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when StartedEvent of Upload is occurred.
FileUploadSucceededEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event is fired when SucceededEvent of Upload is occurred.
Watches for the file or sub-directory changes in the given directory.
Fill style for vector features.
Component that can be used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
Registers a UI filter component in the framework.
Builds registration object that is used for adding or overriding UI filter components in the framework
Registers UI filter components that should be used by the framework.
Describes options for method.
Defines holiday for specific date in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
Presents holiday for specific date.
Defines holiday that has the same date independent of year (like "4th of July") in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
Presents holiday that occurs every year in the same date.
Used in Studio.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FlowuiVaadinWebSecurity is used instead.
Provides default Vaadin and Jmix FlowUI security to the project.
Class is used to run a report using various additional criteria: Report entity or report code ReportTemplate entity or template code: if none of these fields is set, the default template is used. Output type Output name pattern Input parameters
Use the ReportRunner bean to obtain an instance of the FluentReportRunner.
Class is used to run a report using various additional criteria: Report entity or report code ReportTemplate entity or template code: if none of these fields is set, the default template is used. Output type Output name pattern Input parameters Screen: screen or screen fragment from which the report runs Show a dialog to input the report parameters (defined by ParametersDialogShowMode) Run a report synchronously or in the background (by default, a report runs synchronously)
Use the UiReportRunner bean to obtain an instance of the FluentUiReportRunner.
Fade out type of other data to focus the highlighted.
Common predefined font style.
Localized format strings container.
Registry for FormatStrings
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class can be used as a formatter.
The object is single input parameter for formatter constructor If you need you formatter be created by factory - it should accept this object as constructor parameter
Specific bean for loading formatters.
Fragment<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
A fragment encapsulates a Component tree to allow creation of new components by composing existing components.
The event that is fired after the fragment and all its declaratively defined inner components are created and fully initialized.
FragmentAction<A extends FragmentAction<A,C>,C extends Fragment<?>>
Class describes autowire context that is used to autowire dependencies in Fragment.
A special injector that autowired click listener methods that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
Interface defining methods for interacting with data API elements of a Fragment.
Specifies a string value that is a file path to an xml descriptor that can be used for a Fragment initialization.
An injector that autowires a fields and setters methods that are annotated by the ViewComponent annotation in the Fragment.
An injection that autowired methods that are annotated by the Install annotation.
Marker interface for classes that can be parents of fragments, i.e.
FragmentRenderer<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,E>
Base class for Fragment components that will be used as ComponentRenderer for components that support renderers.
Factory for creating Fragments.
An injector that autowires method that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
An injection that autowires methods that are annotated by the Supply annotation.
Utility class working with Jmix fragment specifics.
Provides access to frontend tools (Node.js and npm, pnpm, bun) and optionally installs the tools if needed.
A class for static methods and definitions that might be used in different locations.
Thrown when the command execution fails.
Thrown when detecting the version of a tool fails.
Generates embeddable web component files in npm mode, hiding the complexity caused by using a different class loader.
UI component for visualizing events in a calendar using various display modes (month, week, etc.).
The context of cell from which context menu is opened.
Component for context menu in FullCalendar.
The event is fired when a context menu has been opened or closed.
The internationalization properties for FullCalendar component.
Menu item of context menu - FullCalendarContextMenu.
The sub menu of context menu in FullCalendar.
An injection that autowired methods that are annotated by the Install annotation for the FullCalendar elements.
A funnel chart is a graphical representation that resembles the shape of a funnel where each segment gets progressively narrower.
Base component for funnel elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
The visual guideline style of label.
Component to configure the selection state.
Data sorting type.
Gauge charts use needles to show information as a reading on a dial.
Note: Gauge series is the only series that requires an independent description of data in a
Base class for gauge text components.
The fixed point of a pointer in a dial.
The related configuration about the axis line of gauge chart.
The style of the axis line of gauge chart.
The tick line style.
Data item to describe series data.
The detail about gauge chart which is used to show data.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Gauge chart pointer.
Component that used to show current progress.
The style of split line.
Component to configure the title of gauge chart.
A "generic" value, can be used as a base mode for CustomCalendarDisplayMode, or with JmixFullCalendar.setVisibleRange(LocalDate, LocalDate).
A versatile tool for filtering the data it is bound to.
Event sent when the Configuration is changed.
Event sent when the Configuration is updated.
Action makes the current FilterConfiguration for the GenericFilter the default for the current view.
UI component that displays a geographical data provided by Layers.
Projection registration record.
The class represents map's viewport.
An injector that autowires a fields and setters methods that are annotated by the ViewComponent annotation for the GeoMap elements.
An injection that autowired methods that are annotated by the Install annotation for the GeoMap elements.
An injector that autowires method that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
use "property" attribute in "dataVectorSource" XML element instead
no appropriate alternatives.
no appropriate alternatives.
Utility class containing methods connected with JTS library.
Interface to be implemented by sources that support clicks on geo-objects.
An event that is fired when geo-object is clicked.
An event is fired when user makes double click.
An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Defines GraphQL resource policy in annotated resource role (see ResourceRole).
Grid component is used to drawing grid in rectangular coordinate.
GridActionsSupport<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid<T>,T>
Export actions configuration interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Loads data using groovy script Script should return list of maps Example: return [['a':123, 'b':321], ['a':456, 'b':params['param1']]]
Realization of this interface is intended to prepare a map of parameters filled with beans or other objects
GroovyScript validator runs a custom Groovy script.
User access group.
This component can contain FilterComponents and can be used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
This class is not thread-safe and should not be accessed concurrently from multiple threads without proper synchronization.
A component that has alignment.
An axis that has name.
Predefined location for axis name.
Font text style of axis name.
Base options for each layer that extends Layer.
A component that has border.
Interface to be implemented by source that can load images by request.
Interface defining methods for interacting with data API elements.
Interface for enums supporting JSON serialization.
Marker interface for serializing enums.
Interface to be implemented by context menu that works with FullCalendar.
Event is fired when menu item in context menu is clicked.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide gutter attribute management.
Interface to be implemented by entities that are not included in static metadata, but can provide a MetaClass specifically for each instance.
An object that supports KanbanColumn as internal elements.
A component that may have a limit on the number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the user can enter.
A component that has line style.
Style for drawing line endpoints.
Style for joining two line segments where they intersect.
Interface to be implemented by containers that can be loaded by loaders.
Represents menus that have menu item providers
Interface to be implemented by classes that represent application user and that wrap the OidcUser.
A component that has a space around content.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide parameters for the WMS request.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use HasPlaceholder instead.
A component that has position.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide WMS serverType management.
A component that has shadow.
Interface for actions and UI components that can be performed using shortcuts.
Provides the same functionality as the ClickNotifier.addClickShortcut(Key, KeyModifier...).
A series that has stacked values.
The stack strategy type.
Interface to be implemented by layers that supports styling of features.
Interface for UI components that provide additional objects for framework as part of component API.
A component that has symbols.
A symbol that can be defined by a predefined type or icon.
Predefined symbol types.
The implementation of additional criteria for multi tenants.
A component that has text.
Provides user time zone information.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide URL management.
An object having a ValueSourceProvider.
Provides a channel that publishes messages to all application instances in a cluster using Hazelcast topics.
A source containing geo-objects (entities having a property of a Geometry type) for HeatmapLayer.
Layer for rendering vector data as a heatmap.
Gathers information about holidays for annotated business calendar.
Non-persistent entity used to display holidays of certain business calendar in UI
Represents horizontal menu that can be used for navigation to a view or for invoking a method of a bean
HorizontalMenu.AbstractContentMenuItem<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & com.vaadin.flow.component.HasComponents>
Provides base functionality for items that contain text with suffix and prefix components
HorizontalMenu.AbstractMenuItem<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Provides base functionality for horizontal menu items
Represents horizontal menu item that can run some action on click
Represents menu item that can contain other menu items.
Represents a separator
Represents an item which navigates to a view on click
Class is used for hot deployment of BPMN process.
Binds HtmlContainer with ValueSource, InstanceContainer or CollectionContainer to show entity property value.
Handle HTML with format string: ${html}
Document formatter for '.html' and '.ftl' file types
Icon style for vector features.
Convenient class for methods that receive Id of an entity as a parameter.
Helper class which represent a collection of Id
Provides conversion of Id to and from the string representation.
Can be applied to an attribute of TemporalType.TIMESTAMP data type to always ignore the user time zone when displaying and entering values.
Exception that is thrown in case of incorrect access to a shared data from a thread that does not own necessary lock.
Exception that is thrown in case of incorrect access to a shared data from a thread that does not own necessary lock.
Handle images with format string: ${image:100x100}
Layer with server-rendered images that are available for arbitrary extents and resolutions.
Options for image layer.
Base class for sources providing a single image.
Source for displaying a single, static image.
Base class for styling icon, circle and shapes.
Source for WMS servers providing single, untiled images.
Provide operations to load IMAP message attachments
Describes result for test connection operation holding: mailBox reference result of operation supported features all folders preserving tree structure if test succeeded
An extension point for IMAP events.
Unified IMAP Flag
Standard IMAP Flags
Encapsulates IMAP folder details: name full name tree structure place using children and parent flag to determine whether this folder can contain messages
Gateway for E-mail servers communication via IMAP protocol
Provides operations for IMAP mailbox (in terms of IMAP it is server) folders (in terms of IMAP it is mailbox) retrieval Messages retrieval Messages modification
Connection details for mailbox are specified in ImapMailBox object.
Encapsulates IMAP message details: Folder name UID Sender Recipient lists (to, cc, bcc) Subject Body content Receive date IMAP metadata flags
An object that allows configuring import process of entities from JSON, XML, CSV, XLSX.
Builds an instance of ImportConfiguration using the following parameters: Entity class (required): class of entity that will be imported using created import configuration Input data format (required): xlsx, csv, json or xml. Property mappings: list of PropertyMapping Transaction strategy: ImportTransactionStrategy.
Represents the result of input data processing that contains: List of ImportedDataItems: one imported data item contains the raw values of properties for one entity to import. Data field names: names of the fields from input data (XLSX, CSV - column names specified in the first row, JSON - field names from JSON object, XML - tag names).
Parses the data from source and returns an instance of ImportedData containing list of ImportedDataItem with raw values
Represents a source of raw values for properties for one entity to import.
Represents an object in JSON or XML with the following info: Data field name: for JSON - field name, for XML - tag name Raw values map: for JSON - raw values of JSON object fields by field names, for XML: values of child tags by tag names
JSON example:
The "customer" object represents ImportedObject with data field name = "customer" and two raw values: "name" and "email".
Represents an object list in JSON or XML with the following info: Data field name: for JSON - field name, for XML - tag name List of ImportedObjects
JSON example:
The "items" JSON array represents ImportedObjectList with data field name = "items" and two ImportedObjects.
An object that contains the following information about the import execution result: Success: whether entities import is executed successfully or not List of entity ids that are successfully imported List of EntityImportErrors created for not imported entities Error message
The way how to import the entities: Single transaction: if any entity import fails, the import process fails Transaction per entity: if any entity import fails, the import process continues Transaction per batch: the entities are imported by batches.
Default notification channel.
The class to perform business operations with InAppNotification entity.
This annotation marks method that provides Indexable Predicate.
Contains configuration of index related to some entity
The comparator that compares both the application's index configuration and the search index state at the search server.
Provides functionality for enqueuing entity instances and processing queue.
Provides functionality for index management.
Compares both the mapping from the application's index configuration and the index state from the search server.
Contains details about all fields
Class encapsulates logic of both the settings from the application's index configuration and the settings from the index state from the search server comparing.
Base interface for Index settings configurers.
Holds markers of search indexes availability.
Class encapsulates the logic of receiving the index state from the search engine service.
Supports JSON serialization/deserialization for inherited classes
Thrown when initialization of internal parts of reporting fails Example: you have provided wrong database driver class name
The view is initially opened before each test when it is required.
Stores URL-token objects in in-memory storage
Checks access to entity operations based on row-level policies.
Defines an authorization point for checking access to entity operations by testing predicates.
In-memory implementation of RegisteredClientRoleAssignmentRepository.
RoleAssignmentProvider that stores role assignments in memory.
InnerTooltip component.
Contains supported input data formats
Describes result of handler that can be used with DialogAction in the input dialog.
Describes input dialog validation context.
Action can be used in InputDialog.
Describes field that can be used in InputDialog.
Inside data zoom functionalities is embedded inside coordinate systems, enable user to zoom or roam coordinate system by mouse dragging, mouse move or finger touch (in touch screen).
Annotation for declarative handler methods in UI controllers.
Exception indicating a failure during installation of node and npm.
Sets primary subject for injection to target classes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
unused for FlowUI, legacy from the ClassicUI
The root interface in the data containers hierarchy.
Event sent when the entity instance selected in the container is replaced with another instance or null.
Event sent on changing a property value of the contained entity instance.
Loader of a single entity instance.
Event sent after successful loading of an entity instance, merging it into DataContext and setting to the container.
Event sent before loading an entity instance.
Specifies an entity attribute or method to provide an instance name - a human-readable text that represents an entity instance.
Provide instance name and instance name properties.
Container that holds a single instance which is loaded as a property of another entity.
Indicates that the annotated program element is considered an internal implementation detail and should not be used in application code.
This exception is thrown when REST API returns 400 status code on attempt to get access token by refresh token.
Interface to be implemented by data providers that should load a list of events.
An event that is fired when item set is changed.
Common item style for bordered text.
Same as AbstractItemStyle but with a decal pattern style.
Defines what Java class is handled by the annotated datatype.
Class loader is used for building class instances from ".class" files.
Substitutes variables of a within a string by values.
Query implementation for Jmix.
RepositoryQuery for query methods annotated with @Query.
Central Jmix data repository interface.
Accumulates jmix-specific parameters.
Implementation of base repository methods used by application repository beans.
Helper class for JmixDataRepository.
Should be used on an embedded attribute of a DTO entity instead of Embedded).
Empty data provider for a JmixKanban component.
Empty data provider for a JmixPivotTable component.
Indicates that the annotated class is an entity and must be represented in the metadata.
Annotation to mark index definition interfaces.
Mostly copied from FilterBasedLdapUserSearch in order to add JmixFilterBasedLdapUserSearch.searchForUsersBySubstring(java.lang.String) method.
Indicates an entity attribute that must be assigned by the framework right after creating an entity instance.
A component which allows to manage visibility of data grid columns
Represents an item which allows to toggle column visibility.
Interface that throws exceptions in a Groovy script.
Utility class for Jmix-specific configuration of HttpSecurity.
This annotation should be used on an id attribute if the attribute has no other appropriate annotation recognized by the framework (such as Id).
Component supports data binding with entity properties.
Set of theme variants applicable for JmixImage component.
Converts Jwt into Authentication.
An implementation of an AbstractOAuth2TokenAuthenticationToken representing a Jwt Authentication.
Base component for implementing kanban board.
Hierarchy mode for Kanban cards.
The internationalization properties for JmixKanban.
POJO class for storing mapping of item attributes to properties of Kanban items.
Task positioning mode for Kanban columns.
Base support class for adding actions to the JmixKanban component.
Base interface for JmixKanban component items element implementation.
Event sent on changes in the items collection - adding, removing, replacing elements.
Type of items change.
Serializer for JmixKanban's properties
Extension of the default strategy for obtaining user role information from the directory.
GrantedAuthoritiesMapper that maps authorities to GrantedAuthoritys.
Extension of Spring LDAP's LdapTemplate class which adds extra functionality required by Jmix.
Extension of LdapUserSearch interface which adds extra method required by Jmix.
Helper class for building an instance of SpringLiquibase using the LiquibaseProperties.
Describes menu item that should navigate to the view.
JmixLocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer is copy of org.springframework.core.LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer spring's discoverer because it was deprecated and will be removed.
JmixMenuManager<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,I extends com.vaadin.flow.component.contextmenu.MenuItemBase<?,I,S>,S extends com.vaadin.flow.component.contextmenu.SubMenuBase<?,I,S>>
Indicates that the @Configuration class is a main configuration of a Jmix module.
Describes a Jmix module which the current application depends on.
Holds the list of JmixModuleDescriptors.
Helps to select a bean that belongs to the lower module in the hierarchy of @JmixModule dependencies (where core is on top and an application is at bottom).
Scans classpath of all Jmix modules used in the application and detects classes according to ClasspathScanCandidateDetector beans registered in the Spring context.
Sorts JmixModuleDescriptors using the topological sort algorithm.
A NavigationAccessChecker that checks access to view by the presence of the Vaadin @AnonymousAllowed annotation on the view controller and by analyzing Jmix resource roles assigned for the current user.
An interface to be implemented by a user Principal that is registered with an OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider.
Mapped superclass to be extended by JPA entity that stores user information.
Marker interface for OidcUserService that is used by auto-configuration.
Defines constants for higher and lower precedence for Ordered or annotated with Order beans of the Jmix modules.
Parameter extension required to support FetchPlan special parameter.
Parameters extension required to support FetchPlan and JmixDataRepositoryContext special parameters.
Base component for implementing pivot table.
Base interface for JmixPivotTable component items element implementation.
Event sent on changes in the items collection - adding, removing, replacing elements.
Type of items change.
Specifies an entity attribute if JmixEntity.annotatedPropertiesOnly() is set to true.
Determines query type and creates RepositoryQueries for Jmix data repositories
QueryMethod extension required to support FetchPlan special parameter.
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar for Jmix data repositories.
JmixRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable>
The internationalization properties for JmixRichTextEditor.
A set of constants with order values of SecurityFilterChain used in Jmix modules.
Base RepositoryQuery class for repository queries constructed by method name.
An event to mark that the selected tab has changed.
Workaround on Windows OS if you build project using gradle with long class path.
Extension starts Vaadin Flow before each test and configures view packages and authentication.
Contains properties for the upload dialog.
Provides core user information.
Used in Studio.
Workaround on Windows OS if you build project using gradle with long class path.
JMX console configuration interface
Interface to provide JMX control functionality for local JMX interfaces.
Custom exception class to handle JMX Control-related exceptions.
Implementation of the JmxControl interface for managing JMX functionality.
Sorts attributes alphabetically by name
Sorts domains alphabetically by name
Sorts mbeans alphabetically by name
Sorts operations alphabetically by name
Uses all instances of JoinExpressionProvider beans to create and apply additional join criteria to the mapping.
Generates additional join expression for entity mappings.
Stores cookie-token objects in database storage
Helps to distinguish newly loaded entities (including implicitly loaded) from already existed.
Beans implementing this interface are notified by JPA implementation on their specific events.
Stores cascaded entities in addition to standard SaveContext data
Condition that represents JPQL query with "where" and optional "join" sections.
JpqlFilter is a UI component used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
Builds Query instance to use in DataService.
QueryStringProcessor implementation that provides support for abbreviated JPQL queries.
Provided query should return usernames instead of users itself, like
Defines JPQL row-level policy in annotated row level role (see RowLevelRole).
Interface to be implemented by a Spring bean to generate sort expression for datatype and LOB properties.
Provides bypass of BandData tree.
JavaScript function definition.
JavaScript function definition.
JavaScript function definition.
Supports the conversion to json for non-persistent objects with types: DashboardModel, Widget, Parameter
Loads data from json string Uses JsonPath to access necessary parts of json object Example: JSON: { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99, "isbn": "0-553-21311-3" } ], "bicycle": { "color": "red", "price": 19.95 } } } Query string: parameter=param1 $[*] We get json string from parameter param1 and select all "book" objects from the "store" object
Action for export table content as JSON
Use this class to export DataGrid into JSON format.
Compares two JSON nodes that contains index settings or index mapping in correspondence to such comparison rules.
The interface for transforming search clients' specific JSonp format to Jackson's ObjectNode.
Enum for JSON transformation direction
Kanban represents a kanban board that visually depicts work at various stages of a process using cards to represent tasks and columns to represent each stage of the process.
The server-side implementation of the interface that controls Kanban's selection state.
Support class for adding actions to the Kanban component.
A class representing JmixKanban column properties.
The KanbanColumn tasks orientation.
Event describing a click on a column.
Event describing the collapse of a column.
Event describing double-click on a column.
Event describing the expanding of a column.
Event describing hiding a column.
Event describing a change in ordering of a column.
Event describing showing a column.
Event describing the dropping of an item card.
Event describing the dragging of an item card.
Base interface for Kanban component items element implementation.
The server-side interface that controls Kanban's selection state.
Serializer for Kanban's properties.
Implementation of a POJO class that describes the settings of the Kanban component.
Implementation of a POJO class that describes the settings of the KanbanColumn.
Kanban component settings registration.
Serializer for StreamResource.
A class representing JmixKanban swimlane properties.
Note: Sub-columns are not applicable when swimlanes are present.
Event describing the clicking of an item card.
Event describing the double-clicking of an item card.
For internal use only.
This loader implements the keyset pagination strategy.
Container for a collection of KeyValueEntity instances.
Loader of KeyValueEntity collections.
Event sent after successful loading of entities and setting to the container.
Event sent before loading entities.
Container for a single KeyValueEntity instance.
Entity that contains a variable set of attributes.
Loads a single instance of KeyValueEntity.
Event sent after successful loading of a KeyValueEntity instance and setting it to the container.
Event sent before loading a KeyValueEntity instance.
MetaClass for KeyValueEntity.
MetaProperty for KeyValueEntity.
A text label to explain some information about a graphic element, such as value, name etc.
General label for components.
Component for label position.
Predefined position type.
Layer<S extends Source>
Base implementation of layer.
Allows providing mapping between LDAP group name and Jmix role codes.
Extension point for fetching additional user roles for LDAP user.
Implementation of UserRepository that searches for users in LDAP.
An implementation of AuthenticatedUrlPatternsProvider and AnonymousUrlPatternsProvider that collects URL patterns from multiple AuthorizedUrlsProviders.
Legend component shows symbol, color and name of different series.
Type of legend.
This loader implements limit-offset pagination strategy.
Special label types, are used to label maximum value, minimum value and so on.
Line chart relates all the data points LineSeries.symbol by broken lines, which is used to show the trend of data changing.
Base component for line elements.
The style of area.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Label component on the end of line.
Component to configure label guide line.
Component to configure the selection state.
Type for maintaining the monotonicity on XAxis or YAxis.
Type of step line.
Polyline feature with predefined LineStringGeometry.
Linestring geometry.
Helper class for styling linestring Feature.
Transforms LineString datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
Common style for the line.
Data provider that fetches events from List.
Data provider for a Chart component in which all items are stored in List.
A component that displays list of items.
Configuration properties of list day display mode CalendarDisplayModes.LIST_DAY.
Defines classes of entity lifecycle listeners
Data provider for a Kanban component in which all items are stored in List
Describes menu item that can contain other menu items.
Describes menu item.
Set of theme variants applicable for the ListMenu component.
Configuration properties of list month display mode CalendarDisplayModes.LIST_MONTH.
Data provider for a PivotTable component in which all items are stored in List
Provides a fluent interface to configure navigation parameters and navigate to an entity list View.
Configuration properties of list week display mode CalendarDisplayModes.LIST_WEEK.
Configuration properties of list year display mode CalendarDisplayModes.LIST_YEAR.
Class that defines parameters for loading entities from the database via DataManager.
Class that defines a query to be executed for data loading.
Marker interface for component loaders.
Utility class contains common methods to apply and process Spring Data repositories special query parameters and annotations.
Facilitates parsing data from XML.
Defines an authorization point for entity attributes in a JPQL query loading scalar values.
Checks access to entity attributes in a JPQL query loading scalar values based on resource policies.
Provides a channel that publishes messages only to owner application instance which is used in single-instance applications.
Allows resolving the current Locale as method argument.
POJO class that is supposed to be used as JSON item in EnhancedLoginForm.
The LocaleResolver class transforms locales to strings and vice versa to support messages localization.
INTERNAL! Supposed to use when showing Dialog or some View.
The LockDescriptor contains configuration information about a pessimistic lock.
Interface that provides LockDescriptor objects for LockManager.
Describes a pessimistic lock of an object.
A special case of LockInfo that is returned from LockManager methods to indicate that locking is not supported for a specified object type.
Configuration element of EntityLog bean.
Configuration element of EntityLog bean.
Logical condition (AND, OR) which contains other conditions.
LogicalFilterComponent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & LogicalFilterComponent<C>>
Component which can contain other filter components and can be used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
LogicalFilterComponent.FilterComponentsChangeEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component & LogicalFilterComponent<C>>
Operation representing corresponding logical filtering condition.
Class that provides authentication via AuthenticationManager.
Filter that sets up MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) for each http request.
A component which can be set as lookup component for a view.
Annotation for lookup view controllers which specifies ID of a UI component to be used for getting a value returned from the lookup.
Interface of views that display a list of entities and can return instances selected by the user.
Context object which is passed to the selection validator set by LookupView.setSelectionValidator(Predicate).
Provides a fluent interface to configure and open a lookup view in a DialogWindow.
Provides a fluent interface to configure and open a lookup view with the specific class in a DialogWindow.
A tool feature to switch series type on the fly.
Icon for different magic types.
Available series types for conversion.
Title for different magic types.
This annotation marks method with manual creation of Mapping Definition
Helper class for GeoMap dependencies autowiring.
An event that is fired when map is clicked.
Data item, which is a set of key-value pairs.
An event is fired when user makes double click on a map.
An event is fired after the map is moved (e.g.
Contains information about indexed properties defined within index definition interface marked with JmixEntitySearchIndex
Describes details of mapping for entity property or group of properties.
Class encapsulates logic of comparing the mapping's fields that are "leaf" field.
Contains details of single mapped field.
Updates mapping properties according to requirements.
POJO to store all information needed to process entity mappings.
An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.
An event is fired after the resolution of map view is changed.
Component that used to mark an area in chart.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Component to configure mark area point.
A class containing a pair of points, left top point and right bottom point of area.
Marker feature with predefined PointGeometry.
Helper class for styling marker Feature.
Mark line in a chart.
Base class for mark line elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure data for the mark line.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Component to configure mark line point.
A class containing a pair of points, start and end.
Mark point in a chart.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Point to display.
Utilities for Maven based projects.
Represents a composite UI component for displaying and invoking MBean operations.
Holds information about the main menu structure.
Menu item provider for HorizontalMenu
Menu item provider for JmixListMenu
Provides base functionality for menu item providers which use MenuConfig as menu item source
A component which allows to filter items of a menu (for example, ListMenu) by their text labels using entered value
Filter mode variants
Set of theme variants applicable for the MenuFilterField component.
Represents generic item of a menu (for example, ListMenu)
Main menu item descriptor.
Represents menu item source which can be bound to a menu
Menu item collection change event.
Defines menu resource policy in annotated resource role.
Defines options of the DataContext.merge(Object, MergeOptions) operation.
Interface to be implemented by classes for solving conflicts of document versions if document was changed during editing on version management screen.
Class that provides messages from a message group bound to view controller.
Interface to provide a caption of property, for example if the property is a dynamic attribute.
Central interface to work with localized messages.
Controller that returns localized messages
Class that executes business logic required by the MessagesController.
Defines additional basenames for Jmix's MessageSource.
Utility class to provide common functionality related to localized messages.
Marks an annotation as being a meta-annotation for entity classes and attributes.
Metadata object representing an entity.
Central interface to provide metadata-related functionality.
Interface to provide additional properties of MetaClass, e.g.
Ancestor of main metadata objects: MetaClass and MetaProperty
Utility class to provide common metadata-related functionality.
Metadata object representing an entity attribute.
Property type
Object representing a relative path to a property from certain MetaClass
Strategy interface to handle the value returned from the invocation of a handler method .
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered MethodArgumentResolvers.
Utility class to provide Method argument values from MethodArgumentResolver
Contains MethodMetadata analyse logic such as ApplyConstraints determination.
Minor split lines of axis in the Grid area.
Options component related minor ticks.
Thrown when a report is run for which default template is not defined
The context for generating class names for "more" link.
The event is fired when the user clicks on "more" link.
Groups visible and hidden calendar events by data provider.
Class contains mouse details when the user clicks in a map component.
Class contains mouse details when the user clicks in a map component.
Contains for mouse button that was pressed.
Contains for mouse button that was pressed.
Event is used to inform the assignee details fragment about the modification of the collection from the multi-instance characteristics fragment.
Multilinestring feature with predefined MultiLineStringFeature.
Linestring geometry.
Transforms MultiLineString datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
Multi marker feature with predefined MultiPointGeometry.
Configuration properties of multi-month year display mode CalendarDisplayModes.MULTI_MONTH_YEAR.
Multipoint feature with predefined MultiPointGeometry.
Multipoint geometry.
Transforms MultiPoint datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
Multipolygon feature with predefined MultiPolygonGeometry.
Multipolygon geometry.
Transforms MultiPolygon datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
A view that can change selection mode of its lookup component.
Helper for login screen.
Standard multi value select action for selection the field value.
An item of the tree in the "My Tasks" screen.
Auto-configuration provides a default configurer for Vaadin NavigationAccessControl.
Interface to be implemented by containers that work with entities that are properties of other entities.
Event triggered when new IMAP message arrived
Event triggered when new IMAP message thread was created
Node installation class.
An executor that it's run when the servlet context is initialised in dev-mode or when flow-maven-plugin goals are run.
Base abstract class for frontend updaters that needs to be run when in dev-mode or from the flow maven plugin.
An EntityEntry implementation for model objects without identifiers.
Used by enhancing process when JmixEntity does not include any of annotations: Id EmbeddedId JmixId
Dummy implementation of DataContext used for read-only views like entity list views.
Empty implementation of the DataStore interface.
Thrown when result is expected but there is nothing to return.
Raised on attempt to open an unknown view.
Describes the way of notification sending.
Service that allows to get information about notification channels available in application
Application event that is sent after the notification is closed.
Utility class to simplify initialization of detail views for InAppNotification entity.
Provides methods to create notification dialogs.
POJO class for storing notification information.
Service provides methods to send notifications to users.
Object describes notification (or set of notifications) that should be sent.
Provides Fluent API for NotificationRequest creation.
Application event that is sent after the notification is shown.
Configures and displays popup notifications.
A builder that configures and displays notifications.
Notification type.
Components shows unread InAppNotification notifications count and opens dialog to read and manage notifications.
An event that is fired when notifications count is changed.
Describes type of notification.
Service that allows to register notification types and get information about available ones.
Use for kotlin non-null references to prevent eager instantiation of lazy-loaded fields.
Use for kotlin non-null references to prevent eager instantiation of lazy-loaded fields.
Common placeholders interface for null values.
The context for generating class names for "now" indicator in timed display modes: CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_DAY and CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_WEEK.
Used by enhancing process.
Class is used as a default value for attribute of EntityPolicy and EntityAttributePolicy annotations
Class is used as a default value for attribute of UiComponentPolicy annotations.
Base interface for number type validators which contains all numeric restrictions.
Specifies a format NumberFormat.pattern() and optional NumberFormat.decimalSeparator() and NumberFormat.groupingSeparator() for an entity attribute of the Number type.
Number formatter to be used in view descriptors and controllers.
Intermediate cache for generated ids of entities with long/integer PK.
Generates ids for entities with long/integer PK using database sequences.
Attempts to extract an Access Token Request from HttpServletRequest for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant and then converts it to an OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsAuthenticationToken used for authenticating the authorization grant.
An AuthenticationProvider implementation for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
An Authentication implementation used for the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
The class configures the token endpoint by registering OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsAuthenticationConverter and OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsAuthenticationProvider which are required for OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant.
Converts parameters from string to object and from object to string
Implementation for XInputStream
Proxy stream
Configures FlowUI views protection.
Configures API endpoints (e.g.
Event fired after OIDC resource server API call.
Event is fired before OIDC resource server API call.
A copy of io.jmix.authserver.filter.AsResourceServerEventSecurityFilter.
Interface is responsible for transforming an instance of OidcUser (from Spring Security) to JmixOidcUser which may be used by Jmix application.
Provides Vaadin security to the project.
Marks a link to other entity for specific soft deletion behaviour.
Taken into account by persistence when "this" entity is deleted.
See also DeletePolicy
Marks a link to other entity for specific soft deletion behaviour.
Taken into account by persistence when "linked" entity (which is referenced by the marked field) is deleted.
See also DeletePolicy
Starts and stops an OOo server.
This bean generates OpenAPI documentation according to the 3.1 specification.
Bean contains opened Dialogs in order of opening.
Contains opened Views in OpenMode.DIALOG for corresponding UIs.
Bean contains opened Notifications in order of opening.
Thrown when formatter catches Open/Libre Office internal errors
Implementation for OpenSearch
Implementation for OpenSearch
Configuration context for OpenSearch index settings
Base interface for configurers of OpenSearch index settings.
Provides OpenSearch search strategies
Operation result object.
Build a NodeExecutor instance.
Oracle-specific implementation of OrderBasedEntityIdsLoader.
An enum with the orders in which column and row data is provided to the renderer.
Interface to be implemented by some entities that order display can be changed in UI.
Loads data using ordering property.
General orientation of any content.
Source for the loading tiles from an OpenStreetMap tile server.
Service is used in functional tests
This class is used to store task outcomes results in a process variable.
Class returns a string description of the OutcomesContainer instance.
Enum to define how to display text when it's overflow.
Provides a method for obtaining the base package.
Common space around content.
Base interface for components that make a data binding to load data by pages.
The event that is fired after data refresh.
The event that is fired before refreshing the data, when the user clicks next, previous, etc.
Class provides access to protected functionality from PaginationComponent to support saving/restoring UI settings when the View contains SettingsFacet.
ParameterComponentGenerationStrategy.FieldCreator<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField>
A Datatype that exposes some internal parameters.
Modifies JPQL query parameters according to the tree of conditions.
Report parameter for lazy data loading in core module
Options that allow to show a dialog to input the report parameters or not.
Utility class for instantiation immutable Map<String, Object>.
Holds current parent document object for documents and collections that are displayed on the screen and performs ParentDocumentContextHolder.OnParentChangeAction when holding value is changed.
Interface that should be implemented in order to handle change context action.
Represents an item of a menu (for example, ListMenu) which can contain nested child items
Runs all existing PasswordValidators and returns the list of validation errors.
Contains parameters of password validation.
Exception to be thrown by PasswordValidator implementations.
Interface to be implemented by beans that validate password when it is created or changed for a user.
Controller that is used for getting current user permissions
Class is used for getting current user permissions for the REST API.
Indicates whether to enable pessimistic locking of entity instances.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents with at least one field matches the entire phrase - all input words in provided order.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents with at least one field matches the entire phrase - all input words in provided order.
Visual map component for displaying data in discrete form.
Piecewise visualMap component works in one of the three modes: CONTINUOUS-AVERAGE: the series data is continuous and is divided into pieces averagely according to PiecewiseVisualMap.splitNumber.
A component that used to customize how to slice continuous data, and some specific view style for some pieces.
The pie chart is mainly used for showing proportion of different categories.
Base component for pie elements.
An animation type for initializing data.
An animation type for updating data.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
The style of visual guideline.
A special mode which distinguishes data by radius.
Component to configure the selection state.
Describes pivot table data that is retrieved from the client and used in the PivotTableExporter
Integration of an open-source Javascript Pivot Table written by Nicolas Kruchten.
Pivot table cell click event sent from the client.
Contains deserialized json data from PivotTableCellClickEvent
Helps to convert PivotDataRow to list with separated cells and provides methods for merging cells.
Exports PivotData to XLS file.
Prepare the data PivotData requested from PivotTable, then export to an XLS file.
Base interface for PivotTable component items element implementation.
Class contains properties to set up the PivotTable component.
Base class for all pivot table options objects that are to be serialized.
Describes the PivotTable refresh event.
Contains deserialized json data from PivotTableRefreshEvent
Pojo class to store pivot table data in the settings facet
Prepares data and builds a view with pivot table component.
Platform contains information about system architecture and OS.
Special label types, are used to label maximum value, minimum value and so on.
Point feature with predefined PointGeometry.
Point geometry.
Helper class for styling point Feature.
Transforms Point datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
Polar coordinate which can be used in scatter and line chart.
An granted authority that stores security policies.
Provides all security policies of the current user.
Polygon feature with predefined PolygonGeometry.
Polyline geometry.
Helper class for styling polygon Feature.
Transforms Polygon datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
Event is fired during authentication process to verify the status of the loaded UserDetails after validation of the credentials takes place.
Verifies the status of the loaded UserDetails after validation of the credentials takes place.
Event is fired during authentication process to verify the status of the loaded UserDetails before validation of the credentials takes place.
Verifies the status of the loaded UserDetails before validation of the credentials takes place.
Simple static methods to be called at the start of your own methods to verify correct arguments and state.
Base class for predefined date intervals.
Provides access to the PredefinedDateInterval.
Annotation must be put on a method of an interface that defines a row level role (see RowLevelRole).
This interface implementation should holding relation between name of data loader type (ex: sql) and custom params preprocessor if relation not set, implementation should present default params preprocessor
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Annotation for detail view controllers that sets this controller as default detail view for entities of the specified type.
Annotation for list view controllers that sets this controller as default list view for entities of the specified type.
Annotation for lookup view controllers that sets this controller as default lookup view for entities of the specified type.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when a process is completed.
Serves as factory for getting ProcessFormContext
Helper class for FormData methods.
Classes that implement the interface are responsible for creation of start and task forms with a particular form type.
Class is responsible for injecting fields into BPM process form: ProcessFormContext Process variables
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when a process is started and sets an initiator of process into process variables if appropriate property is set.
A process starting builder used in custom process forms.
Chunk approach, optional values: 'sequential': slice data by data index.
Projection definition class.
Register new projection in GeoMap globally in application.
Base interface that points that implementation of this interface is root fragment for one of bpmn element(such as Service task, User task etc)
Condition for filtering by entity property.
String constants defining comparison operations.
Explicitly defined datatype that overrides a datatype inferred from the attribute Java type.
A UI component used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
Operation representing corresponding filtering condition.
Operation type representing the required field type for editing a property value with the given operation.
Event sent when the operation property is changed.
Property mapping describes how to map a field from input data with entity property.
An object that contains info to get a result value of an entity property from the raw value
A parser for converting string representation into actual value by PropertiesLoaderSupport
An object that stores information about the value to be set for an object property.
Property path descriptor.
Provide functionality for value extraction from entity instance.
Since current version doesn't support "dead properties", this method returns "403 Forbidden" when attempting to set any property.
Proxy configuration used for downloads and executions.
Class for holding proxy information.
This interface used for proxy wrapping
The builder is for making request to a search engine server for updating the mapping of the index.
Used to set into application properties required property 'org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass' that used by Quartz to understand the particular ‘dialects’ of varies database systems.
Serves as proxy from Jmix to the Quartz engine for fetch information about jobs and triggers and update them
Controller that is used for operations with predefined JPQL queries
Annotation to specify custom query for Jmix Query methods
Cache that contains queries and a collection of object identifiers
Interface to be implemented by JPQL constant handlers.
Allows to specify query hints for particular repository query.
The interface implementation should provides custom query preprocessing before data loading
Interface to be implemented by JPQL macro handlers.
Interface to be implemented by beans that provide values for query parameters if they are not set explicitly.
Encapsulates invocations of registered QueryParamValueProviders.
Parses JPQL query and returns some information about it.
Supports functionality that allows queries from previously selected results.
Supports functionality that allows queries from previously selected results.
Executes SQL queries with pluggable strategies for handling ResultSets.
Interface to be implemented by beans that pre-process query text before setting it to LoadContext.Query.
Transforms JPQL query
Factory to get QueryParser and QueryTransformer instances.
Coordinate for RadarSeries.
Name options for radar indicators.
Indicator of radar chart, which is used to assign multiple variables(dimensions) in radar chart.
Radar render type.
Radar chart is mainly used to show multi-variable data, such as the analysis of a football player's varied attributes.
Base component for radar elements.
Component to configure area filling style.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Component to configure the selection state.
Radial axis of polar coordinate.
Object encapsulating common properties of MetaProperty.
Relation type for reference property
Interface for source of extracted raw values
Applies row-level policies to JPQL queries.
Defines an authorization point for modifying JPQL queries by adding JOIN and WHERE clauses.
Interface of views that support read-only mode.
Serializable, unmodifiable collection view for LinkedMap.
Bean that encapsulates the default logic of changing views read-only mode.
MergePolicy that puts the new versions after the ones that already exist in the database.
Enables working with references to entities without loading them from the database.
A wrapper for the reference ID value returned by ReferenceIdProvider.getReferenceId(Object, String) method.
Enum describes a behavior for references during entities import: missing reference can be ignored or an exception can be thrown.

Available policies for import of reference property: Create: the reference is always created.
Mapping for reference property that is mapped by multiple data fields from the input data.
Mapping for reference property by one lookup property that has a raw value in the input data.
Utility class to provide common functionality for entities with different type of primary keys
Loads and caches data for a fields and methods that are used for autowiring.
Utility class to simplify work with Java reflection.
Regexp validator checks that String value is matched with specified regular expression.
Immutable property class
A record stores a list resource and rol-level roles assigned to OAuth2 client.
Repository for storing and retrieving RegisteredClientRoleAssignment
Regular shape style for vector features.
MergePolicy that throw exception if document was changed during editing on version management screen.
Class describes date interval with relative date and time moments BaseDateInterval.Type.RELATIVE.
Operation that can be available for relative date and time moments.
Provides enum values for relative date and time moments.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Class that provides fluent interface for removing entity instances.
Event sent when the remove operation is cancelled by user in the confirmation dialog.
Event sent after selected entities are removed.
Event sent before selected entities are removed.
Remove builder.
An enum with predefined renderers.
Annotation for FragmentRenderer controllers which specifies a data container that contains the item for renderer.
RendererProvider<R extends<?>>
Configuration of renderers.
Represents predefined scenarios of trigger execution repeating
Counterpart of ReplaceEntity.
Indicates that the entity extends and replaces some original entity.
Attention! This entity should be detached for correct work.
This interface describes main report object.
A listener for AsResourceServerBeforeInvocationEvent that checks "" specific policy for /rest/reports/** requests, managed by resource server of the Authorization Server add-on.
This interface describes Band abstraction.
This interface describes a logic which load rows of data using report query, parent band and params
Class wraps ComboBox value change listener and manages its registration.
Handles reporting exceptions.
This interface describes a format for certain result field.
This interface describes logic which transform resulting values.
This interface describes a logic which construct resulting document
This interface describes a factory which spawns formatters.
Thrown when formatter's logic fails
Provides methods to import and export reports
Contains import information about created reports or updated reports
This class is entry point for reporting functionality Use it to print reports
Base YARG exception
Thrown when report unmarshalling from xml or report validation by xsd fails
This interface describes a factory which spawns data loaders.
A copy of ReportAsResourceServerBeforeInvocationEventListener that works with OIDC add-on events.
This interface describes reporting result object.
This class contains list of supported output types.
This interface describes report input parameter
This interface describes logic which transform input parameters.
This interface describes certain query which load some data.
Class stores the following information required for report running: Report entity ReportTemplate entity: if not specified the default template is used Input parameters Type of output document Output name pattern
The instance of the class may be created using the constructor or using the ReportRunner bean.
Interface is used for running reports
Provides fluent interface for opening script editor
Role that grants full access to working with reports.
Reporting configuration interface.
Role that grants minimal permissions to run reports using REST API.
Role that grants minimal permissions to run reports.
Class to serialize and deserialize reports
Template for Report
This interface describes report template document.
Interface contains utility methods for working with report zip archives
Utility class for working with RequestMatcher required by resource server.
ResetPasswordAction<E extends>
Describes a permission to a resource.
Class holds standard values for ResourcePolicy effect field.
Non-persistent entity used to display resource policies in UI
Class stores constants for ResourcePolicy type field values.
Interface for supporting additional resource policy types (e.g.
Class is a container for security resource policies.
Indicates that annotated interface is a "Resource Role".
A data structure that stores role policies grouped by policy type and resource.
Listener is fired when ResourceRoleEntity or ResourcePolicyEntity is changed.
Non-persistent entity used to display resource roles in UI
Event is fired when a ResourceRole has been changed.
Listener invalidates resource roles repository cache when database resource role entity is modified.
Interface must be implemented by classes that provide resource roles from a particular source type.
Central infrastructure interface for loading resources.
Bean validation constraint group used by REST-API for data validation.
A listener for AsResourceServerBeforeInvocationEvent that checks "rest.enabled" specific permission for each REST API request, managed by resource server of Authorization Server add-on.
Authentication object for authenticating through the REST DataStore with Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
Provides authentication for RestDataStore.
Thrown when REST API cannot be accessed.
Indicates that the entity is stored using RestDataStore and defines relevant parameters.
Utility methods for tasks related to RestDataStore.
A Spring application event which is sent after the entity is removed from the REST data store.
A Spring application event which is sent after the entity is saved to the REST data store.
Class for REST API search filter JSON parsing
The result of JSON entities filter parsing.
Possible HTTP methods for invoking services through the Generic REST API.
Class is used for loading and storing JSON transformers.
REST API authentication utility class
Exposes a service method through the Generic REST API.
A copy of RestAsResourceServerBeforeInvocationEventListener that works with OIDC add-on events.
A tool feature for restoring a chart options.
Class is used for loading and storing of predefined JPQL queries that are used by the REST API.
Class stores an information about the predefined JPQL query
Class stores an information about the predefined JPQL query parameter
Exposes a service through the Generic REST API.
Class is used for loading and storing an information about service methods that are available for REST API.
Service is used in functional tests
Service is used in functional tests to check public methods accessibility of the bean that does not implement any interfaces.
Implementations of this interface convert ResultSets into other objects.
Common rich text styles.
RichTextEditorDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,String>,V>
User role.
Class stores a link between UserDetails and ResourceRole/RowLevelRole
Interface to be implemented by classes that provide RoleAssignment.
Repository of RoleAssignment
Utility class for working with Jmix-related GrantedAuthority.
Class is used for converting ResourceRole, RowLevelRole objects into non-persistent ResourceRoleModel, RowLevelRoleModel entities which may be displayed in UI
Interface must be implemented by classes that provide resource/row level roles from a particular source type.
Interface for roles repository.
Different implementations of RoleRepository delegate working with RoleProvider to this class.
Role type.
Utility bean that facilitates url modifications and generations.
Recalculates row heights depending on the cell values and fonts.
RowLevelBiPredicate<T,U extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext>
Represents row level policy in-memory predicate.
Defines a constraint that restricts data a user can read or modify.
Non-persistent entity used to display row level policies in UI
Represents row level policy in-memory predicate.
Class is a container for security row level policies.
Indicates that annotated interface is a "Row Level Role".
A data structure that stores row-level role policies grouped by entity name.
Listener is fired when RowLevelRoleEntity or RowLevelPolicyEntity is changed.
Non-persistent entity used to display roles in UI
Event is fired when a RowLevelRole has been changed.
Listener invalidates row-level roles repository cache when database row-level role entity is modified.
Interface must be implemented by classes that provide row level roles from a particular source type.
Standard action for printing reports for a list of entity instances associated with a list component.
Currently running jobs store
Describes parameters necessary for report run
Standard action for running the reports associated with current screen or list component.
The down-sampling strategy used when the data size is much larger than pixel size.
A tool feature for exporting a chart to an image.
Type of the exported image.
Defines collections of entities to be saved or removed, as well as parameters of saving.
Holds entities being saved by RdbmsStore during a transaction.
Object factory for SAXParser object pool.
Scatter (bubble) chart.
Base component for scatter elements.
Component to configure the blur state.
Component to configure the emphasis state.
Component to configure label guide line.
Component to configure the selection state.
Defines scheduled business day in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
Gathers information about scheduled business days for annotated business calendar.
Service for calculating description for quartz jobs and triggers based on their data and localized messages.
This interface describes logic which evaluates groovy scripts
Scrollable legend.
The icons of page button.
Represents result of search by some text.
Represents single entity instance found in index
Provides additional functionality to work with SearchResult
Describes the way search context should be processed.
Formats period in form of: {hours} h {minutes} min {seconds} sec.
Annotation that indicates that annotated element is secret.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use io.jmix.uiconstraints.annotation.UiComponentPolicyAction instead
Callback interface which is invoked by the action to determine its enabled state.
Action that changes its enabled property depending on a selected item in a bound Grid.
Provides methods to check permissions of the current user.
Helper class to get/set Authentication in the current SecurityContext.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
the problem solved by this class doesn't appear anymore.
Predefined security scope constants for Backoffice UI and REST/GraphQL API.
Stores information about: data that has been filtered by row level security;
Selected mode of legend or series, which controls whether series can be toggled displaying by clicking legends.
The event is fired when a date/time selection is made.
Represents an event that is triggered when the selection of an element changes in the BPMN modeler.
Represents an event that is triggered when the selection of an element changes in the BPMN viewer.
SelectionChangeNotifier<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,T>
An injector that autowires SelectionListener methods that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
Entity to store information about sending emails.
The separator between data and data description.
Represents sequence with name, store, start value and increment.
Provides access to the database sequences.
Interface defining methods for managing database sequences.
Helper class needed to deserialize classes with beans
Interface for enums supporting JSON serialization.
The default series type for the chart.
Data for a info message to the debug window.
Controller that is used for service method invocations with the REST API
Class that executes business logic required by the ServicesController.
Meta-model entry point.
Interface to work with current session and its attributes.
Holds vaadin sessions for all users
Interface stores internal methods for Session implementations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Takes query parameter values from current session attributes set using SessionData.
Base interface for POJO classes that describe component settings.
Provides ability to save component states when View is closed and restore them when it's opened again.
Provides information about source component and components that should be managed by facet.
Provides methods for collaboration between SettingsFacet and UrlQueryParametersFacet.
Common style for shadow.
ShortcutActionBinding<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ShortcutActionBindingImpl<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ShortcutActionHandler<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ShortcutActionsHolderBinding<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ShortcutActionsHolderBindingImpl<H extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,A extends Action,C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
System role that grants permissions for the entity info functionality.
Standard action for displaying the report execution history.
Jmix action to show PivotTable component.
ShowRoleAssignmentsAction<E extends>
ShowUserSubstitutionsAction<E extends>
Standard action for displaying the user substitutions.
Exception that is used to interrupt an execution flow without any messages to the user.
Non JPA implementation of calendar event.
Builder for creating SimpleCalendarEvent.
Data item, which contains an instance of any class.
Base class for geometries.
Mapping for the simple property of entity.
Describes all Misfire Instruction options available for Quartz SimpleTrigger.
Component which cannot contain other filter component but can be used for filtering entities returned by the DataLoader.
Class for password change event for a single user (typically, as a result of manual change).
Size validator is applicable for Collections and String values.
Abstract superclass for conditions which have parameters and may be skipped in case of parameter is absent, null or empty.
Slider type data zoom component provides functions like data thumbnail, zoom, brush to select, drag to move, click to locate.
The style of data shadow.
Component to configure the highlighted state.
The context for generating class names for labels in time slots in timed display modes: CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_DAY and CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_WEEK.
The implementation of additional criterion for soft delete.
Generates expression to support soft delete feature in Jmix.
Modifies mapping to support soft delete feature.
Defines sorting of queries.
Sort direction.
Sort order defines a property and corresponding Sort.Direction.
Interface for sorting data in CollectionContainers.
Factory bean for sorters.
Base class for Layer sources.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide attributions management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide attributions collapsible management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide projection management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from Source.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide WrapX management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that support clicks on features.
An event that is fired when feature is clicked.
An event is fired when user makes double click on a feature.
An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.
An access context to check permissions on arbitrary named functionality.
Defines specific resource policy in annotated resource role (see ResourceRole).
Provides an information about specific policies defined in the application.
Class stores an information about specific security policy that may be used in the application
Split area of axis in Grid area, not shown by default.
Split line of axis in Grid area.
SQL (and JPQL also) implementation of params preprocessor Preprocessor searches params in sql fragment and preparing them for data linking between query bands, that contains data for vertical and horizontal band distribution.
Loads data from database using sql You can use aliases for output values Example: select login as "Login", password as "Password" from user where create_ts > ${startDate} ${startDate} is alias of the input parameter, which will be passed to the query
Utility class for working with the current stack trace.
The default AddonAuthenticationManagerSupplier supplier that provides AuthenticationManager used by basic application.
Class returns a collection of "standard" providers that may be used in AuthenticationManagers created in different security configurations.
A close action implementation used in the base views provided by the framework: View, StandardDetailView, StandardListView.
Base class of entity detail views.
Event sent after saving the view data context.
Event sent before saving the view data context.
Event sent before the new entity instance is set to edited entity container.
Event sent when the view requests an external lock, if one is defined.
Event sent when the view is validated on saving the view data context.
Standard implementation of the EntityJsonTransformer.
Base class of entity list views.
Base class of main views containing AppLayout.
A possible outcome of views extending StandardDetailView and StandardListView.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
The serialization implementation using standard Java serialization and allowing beans to be restored on deserialization
Base class of regular views opened either inside AppLayout or in a DialogWindow.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents by prefix.
Class that encapsulates logic of SearchStrategy that searches documents by prefix.
Synchronizes search indexes on application startup.
Specifies a data store name for an entity.
Defines a data store used in the application.
Describes the type of a data store.
Resolves descriptors of data stores
Utility class for accessing registered data store names.
Substitutes variables within a string by values.
Stroke style for vector features.
Meta description that describes action.
Meta description that describes group of actions.
Description of various child components.
Description of how many times a component class can occur inside the current component.
Description of how many times a component tag can occur inside the current component.
Meta description that describes component.
Meta description that describes available component conversions.
Meta description for attribute conversion.
Meta description that describes data component (like collection or instance).
Meta description that describes specific element for component.
Meta description that describes group of elements.
Meta description that describes facet.
Stub component for Studio preview use only.
See also io.jmix.mapsflowui.component.loader.GeoMapLoader
Annotation marks which elements should be ignored in the Studio.
Preview loader used in Studio.
Vaadin component loader for Studio view designer preview.
Describes properties that included into <properties></properties> tag.
Describes @io.jmix.flowui.view.Supply handler
Annotation marks which interfaces (classes) should be scanned in the Studio.
Class for styling features.
Annotation for declarative event handler methods in UI controllers.
A registration object for removing an event listener added to a source.
Authentication object used by the user substitution mechanism.
Makes UI-specific preparations to user substitution and performs it using UserSubstitutionManager Checks if there are unsaved changes on the current view and shows dialog with options: Discard changes (close current view, cleanups background tasks, then performs substitution and navigates to MainView) Cancel (invokes all cancelActions)
Service for communicating with Superset API.
The class for configuring cookie management for HttpClient.
The component for showing embedded dashboards from Superset.
Provides Superset tokens management: access token, CSRF token (if is enabled).
The class starts schedule tasks for getting/refreshing access token and CSRF token.
Annotation for declarative supply methods in UI controllers.
SupportsEnterPress<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
A component that supports Enter key handling.
SupportsEnterPress.EnterPressEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Event when Enter shortcut is detected.
A component that supports a callback for fetching items from a back end.
Callback interface for fetching a stream of items from a backend based on a query.
Enum for describing the position of label components.
An interface used in describing the responsive layouting behavior of an implementing layout.
SupportsStatusChangeHandler<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
A component that supports delegation of status changes e.g.
SupportsStatusChangeHandler.StatusContext<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
A component that trims spaces at the beginning and at the end of the entered string.
SupportsTypedValue<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,E extends com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<P>,V,P>
SupportsTypedValue.TypedValueChangeEvent<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component,V>
Implementation of the OidcUserMapper that not only maps the external user object to the persistent user entity, but also stores the user and optionally their role assignment to the database.
Provides ad-hoc authentication, i.e.
Indicates that annotated entity/field is low-level and should not be available for end-user in various entity/field lists.
Subscribe and Install target type.
Can be used to notify ViewController about task completion.
A user task completion builder used in custom process forms
Copies JavaScript and CSS files from JAR files into a given folder.
Copies JavaScript files from the given local frontend folder.
Special for Studio designer.
Copies template files to the target folder so as to be available for parsing at runtime in production mode.
A task for generating the bootstrap file FrontendUtils.BOOTSTRAP_FILE_NAME during `package` Maven goal.
Generate the TS files for endpoints, and the Client API file.
A task for generating the feature flags file FrontendUtils.FEATURE_FLAGS_FILE_NAME during `package` Maven goal.
Generate index.html if it is missing in frontend folder.
Generate index.ts if it is missing in frontend folder.
Generate OpenAPI json file for Vaadin Endpoints.
Creates the package.json if missing.
Generate default files for react-router if missing from the frontend folder.
Generate index.html if it is missing in frontend folder.
Generate tsconfig.json if it is missing in project folder.
Generate types.d.ts if it is missing in project folder and tsconfig.json exists in project folder.
Generate vite-devmode.ts if it is missing in frontend/generated folder.
Task that installs any Flow webpack plugins into node_modules/@vaadin for use with webpack compilation.
Lifecycle object that is passed to method to allow working thread to interact with the execution environment.
Class is used for building condition expressions for outcomes of multi-instance user tasks.
Class returns a list of sequence flow condition types.
Deletes old files from frontend generated folder.
Run npm install after dependencies have been updated.
An updater that it's run when the servlet context is initialised in dev-mode or when flow-maven-plugin goals are run in order to update Flow imports file and "jar-resources" contents by visiting all classes with JsModule and Theme annotations.
Updated index.ts if it imports Flow from an old location.
Updates package.json by visiting NpmPackage annotations found in the classpath.
Creates a vaadin-dev-server-settings.json file for use with dev server configuration.
Task generating the theme definition file 'theme.js' for importing application theme into the generated frontend directory.
Updates the Vite configuration files according with current project settings.
API for uploading files to the temporary storage.
Listener to be notified about the progress of uploading file into the temporary storage.
Helper for working with tenant entity.
Marked entity field will be used to store information about user tenant.
Provides the current tenant id.
Implementation of TenantProvider based on CurrentAuthentication.
The main goal of this class is supporting backward navigation in UI integration tests.
The main goal of this class is supporting backward navigation in UI integration tests.
Mocked servlet context.
Disables atmosphere because testing server-side View does not require connection with client-side.
Mocks HttpServletRequest.
The main goal of this class is supporting backward navigation in UI integration tests.
TextAreaFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,String>,V>
Maps field as analyzed text
TextInputFieldDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,String>,V>
Common font style for text.
Text style for vector features.
Watches for the file or sub-directory changes in the given directory.
Watches the given theme folder for changes, combines the theme on changes and pushes the new version to the browser.
Utility class related to theme handling.
A wrapper for the Theme instance that use reflection for executing its methods.
Provides thread-local storage for session attributes.
Base class for sources providing images divided into a tile grid.
Layer with sources that provide pre-rendered, tiled images in grids that are organized by zoom levels for specific resolutions.
Options for tile layer.
Base class for sources providing images divided into a tile grid.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide tile cacheSize management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide tile opaque management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from TileSource.
Source for tile data from WMS servers.
TimeDatatype works with java.sql.Time but is parametrized with java.util.Date to avoid problems with casting.
Configuration properties of time-grid day display mode CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_DAY.
Configuration properties of time-grid week display mode CalendarDisplayModes.TIME_GRID_WEEK.
Client-side timer component that fires events at fixed intervals.
Event fired on timer tick.
Event fired on timer stop after Timer.stop() call.
Global time source interface.
Standard implementation of TimeSource interface.
Base interface for date/time validators which contains all restrictions.
A Datatype that supports correct presentation with timezone.
Title component, including main title and subtitle.
Font style for Title.subtext.
The mode for opening the Title.text or Title.subtext hyperlink on the specified tab.
The horizontal align of the component (including Title.text and Title.subtext).
Font style for Title.text.
The vertical align of the component (including Title.text and Title.subtext).
The class is used for converting a list of role codes specified for the client in properties file into the list of GrantedAuthority.
Toolbox is a group of utility tools, which includes different features.
The base configuration component for each tool in Toolbox.
Tooltip component.
Tooltip order for multiple series.
Render mode for tooltip.
Annotation for event types that forces EventHub to unsubscribe listeners for this event type after invocation.
Conditions to trigger tooltip.
TwinColumnDelegate<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractField<?,V>,T,V>
Set of theme variants applicable for JmixTwinColumn component.
Abstract typed MethodArgumentResolver class
Class checks UI access permission.
Interface that allows to read/write state of UI from background threads.
Provides Locale from VaadinSession.getCurrent() instance that should be used if current authentication is anonymous.
Configuration properties for UI asynchronous tasks.
The class provides methods for executing asynchronous tasks from UI views.
Bean validation constraint group used by UI for fields validation.
Defines UI component policy in annotated resource role.
Interface for applying UI component policies assigned to the current user to a given view.
Class is responsible for extracting ResourcePolicy from UiComponentPolicy annotations in the annotated resource roles.
Provides the UI component resource policy type support for the resource role details view.
Utility class for handling UI component policy strings.
Factory for creating UI components.
Factory to create UI components using ComponentGenerationStrategy.
Utility class working with Jmix UI component specifics.
Class contains constants used in the UI Constraints add-on.
Configuration properties for the UI constraints add-on.
Event listener that applies UI component policies when a view is opened.
Bean validation constraint group used by UI for cross-field validation.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use UiCrossFieldChecks instead
Checks access to entity operations based on resource policies.
Sends application events that should be handled in the components (e.g.
Event that should be processed on UI of specific users (or all users if usernames collection is null)
Interface to be implemented by exception handlers
Helper that provides grid exporter.
Checks access to UI menu items based on resource policies.
Defines authorization point for UI menu items.
Class stores the information required for report running from UI.
Interface is used for running reports from UI
The annotation is used for testing Flow UI views on JUnit.
Dummy class.
Interface to be implemented by classes for managing application authentication.
DevModeServletContextListener starts node tasks using CompletableFuture.
Class provides helper methods for testing.
Event that is fired for UI when substitutions for a user are changed.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Vaadin introduced new NavigationAccessControl mechanism.
Central interface to provide CRUD functionality for entities.
Handles database unique constraint violations.
Allows configuring how to process a case if the entity with the same values of the particular properties already exists.
Exception thrown for when a node task that is not in the task list is encountered.
The event is fired when the current selection is cleared.
Thrown when user provides template file not supported by any formatter declared in formatter factory
Thrown when user choose data loader not supported in data loader factory
Defines value of PivotTable's unusedPropertiesVertical property.
Class provides helper methods to work with JmixUploadI18N.
Interface to be implemented by Spring beans that should load binder for specific component from UrlQueryParametersFacet XML description.
An interface to be implemented by an object that binds UI component with query parameters.
An event which is fired when a query parameters binder informs that its internal state has been changed and it should be reflected on URL's query parameters.
Base class for sources providing tiles divided into a tile grid over HTTP.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide URLs management.
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide all attributes from UrlTileSource.
Allows resolving the current authorized UserDetails as method argument.
Extracts from given process definition XML all process variables with UserDetails type.
Instances of this class are set as authentication principal to the security context when resource server API are accessed
Maps LDAP user to user details obtained from UserDetailsService.
This event is used to notify listeners about user invalidation: when the user has been disabled.
Base interface for user email resolver.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "userGroupListProvider".
REST controller that is used for getting an information about the current user
Class that is used by the UserInfoController for getting an information about the current user
Indicates that an annotated class is a "userListProvider".
Interface provides API for some actions with users
Non-persistent entity used to display usernames in UI
Base class for user password changed event.
Class for user password reset event.
The entity is used to display and export generated passwords on the ResetPasswordView.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "userProvider".
This event is used to notify listeners about user invalidation: when the user has been removed.
An extended UserDetailsService defining methods specific to Jmix.
Link between users and roles.
Allows to perform push-notification of user UI session.
Provides information about current active user sessions
Provides saving/loading settings using the cache.
Record for user's UI setting.
Service providing settings functionality for the current user.
Event published after user substituted and new Authentication is set to current SecurityContext.
Class stores user substitution information.
Interface is used for getting possible substituted users and for performing the substitution operation.
Interface to be implemented by classes that provide UserSubstitution.
Event that is fired when substitutions for a user are changed.
Publishes a UiUserSubstitutionsChangedEvent for the UI scope.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when a user task is assigned to a user.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when a user task is completed.
An event listener that publishes a Spring application event when a user task is created.
Central interface for working with user task results.
CAUTION: Consider using converters obtained through UuidMappingInfo.
Updates entity mappings to add UUID support even for databases that do not support UUID datatype directly.
Provides static method to create UUIDs.
This event is published when new In-app notification is sent or read status of existing In-app notification is changed.
Allows to notify active Vaadin sessions.
Describes validation errors.
Exception to be thrown by field validators.
Thrown when data loader met invalid input parameters
Marker interface to indicate that the implementing class can be used as a validator.
Specific bean for loading validators.
Class that defines parameters for loading values from the database via UnconstrainedDataManager.loadValues(ValueLoadContext).
Class that defines a query to be executed for loading values.
Utility class to format and parse component paths.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Data component holding a typed value.
An event that is fired when value of source is changed.
Provides instances of ValueSource, for instance, for child components.
Layer for rendering vector data (e.g.
Options for vector layer.
Source for working with features.
REST controller that is used for getting REST API version
Class that is used by VersionController for getting REST API version
The vertical align of the component.
View<T extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component>
Base class for UI views.
The second (after View.BeforeCloseEvent) event in the view closing process.
The first event in the view closing process.
The second (after View.InitEvent) event in the view opening process.
The first event in the view opening process.
An event informing which query parameters the view is opened with.
The last (after View.BeforeShowEvent) event in the view opening process.
ViewAction<A extends ViewAction<A,V>,V extends View>
Class provides mechanism for setting/getting attributes that uses VaadinSession as store.
Class describes attributes map that corresponds to a certain view in a browser tab.
Class describes autowire context that is used to autowire dependencies in view.
ViewChildrenVisitResult data model class that stores results from walk through comonents tree from view
Provides a fluent interface to configure navigation parameters and navigate to a View.
A special injector that autowired click listener methods that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
Application event that is sent after the view is closed.
Class stores information about UI component or action.
Interface for extracting information about UI components from a view XML descriptor.
Indicates that the annotated class is a view controller.
Class provides information about view controller.
Configuration that performs ClassPath scanning of ViewControllers and provides ViewControllerDefinition.
Allows to sort the list of ViewControllersConfiguration in the same order as Jmix modules containing the screens have been sorted.
Interface defining methods for interacting with data API elements of a View.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Indicates that the annotated ViewController is linked to an XML template.
An injector that autowires a fields and setters methods that are annotated by the ViewComponent annotation.
An injection that autowired methods that are annotated by the Install annotation.
Class is designed for helping navigation in UI integration tests.
Provides a fluent interface to configure navigation parameters and navigate to a View.
Provides fluent interface for navigating to views.
Application event that is sent after the view is shown.
Interface to be implemented by actions that open a view.
Defines view resource policy in annotated resource role.
Provides information about all registered views.
Creates UI view instances.
Grants permissions to view Search Results screen
Base interface for classes that collect component settings from View.
Saves and restores settings for components.
Provides information for which component registered settings class.
Collects ComponentSettingsBinder and provides information for which component registered settings class.
View settings that uses JSON structure.
An injector that autowires method that are annotated by the Subscribe annotation.
An injection that autowires methods that are annotated by the Supply annotation.
Callbacks holder for saving or discarding unsaved changes dialog.
Callbacks holder for discarding unsaved changes dialog.
Loads view XML descriptors.
Parses view XML taking into account 'assign' elements.
Component for defining visual channels that will be displayed based on data values that are in the selected range.
Type of component for visual encoding
Handles communication with a Vite server.
Communicates with a Vite server through a websocket connection.
The websocket endpoint for Vite.
Connects a brower-server websocket connection with a server-Vite websocket connection.
Utility class for web browser related functionality.
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @ControllerAdvice and @ResponseBody.
Stores info about cookie is being used as a token for external document editor (MS Word) authentication
Sent after a new WebdavDocument is persisted to database.
Sent after a WebdavDocument is locked and the WebdavLockDescriptor is already persisted.
Service for working with WebdavDocument.
Sent after a WebdavDocument is unlocked and the WebdavLockDescriptor is already removed.
Service for working with document versions.
Controller for working with files as a catalogue structure.
This controller is specific for cookie method of external document editor authentication.
This controller is necessary, because MS Office make OPTIONS queries to parent of end point URL
Component for cleaning expired locks.
Inspired by RequestMethodsRequestCondition
Service for work with persistent links.
Is thrown when a document collection with the same URI already exists.
This configuration must be applied before StandardSecurityConfiguration
Needed to mark fields in Entity.
Service for getting non-persisted links.
The links store information about the opening application/access mode/filename/document version.
Listener intended for maintaining consistency of WebdavCredentials.
Under the hood it is CronHoliday, used for more convenient work with weekly holidays, like "Every Sunday" or "Every Saturday" e.g.
Defines weekly holiday in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar).
The event is fired when the user clicks on the week number navigation link.
Persistent widget template.
WindowBuilder<V extends View<?>>
Provides a fluent interface to configure and open a view in a DialogWindow.
The XAxis in cartesian(rectangular) coordinate.
Document formatter for '.xls' file types
Bounds of region [(x,y) : (x1, y1)]
Cell range at sheet
XlsxFormatter image information DTO
Provides inheritance of screen XML descriptors.
Represents an event that is triggered when the XML schema associated with the BPMN modeler changes.
Source for tile data with URLs in a set XYZ format that are defined in a URL template.
The YAxis in cartesian(rectangular) coordinate.