Class ShowPivotTableAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExecutableAction, SecuredAction, TargetAction<ListDataComponent<Entity>>, Action, HasShortcutCombination, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware

@ActionType("pvttbl_showPivotTable") public class ShowPivotTableAction extends ListDataComponentAction<ShowPivotTableAction,Entity> implements org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
Jmix action to show PivotTable component. When the action executes, the pivot table shows data from the component that implements ListDataComponent.
  • Field Details

    • ID

      public static final String ID
      See Also:
    • applicationContext

      protected org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
    • messages

      protected Messages messages
    • dialogs

      protected Dialogs dialogs
    • includedProperties

      protected String includedProperties
    • excludedProperties

      protected String excludedProperties
  • Constructor Details

    • ShowPivotTableAction

      public ShowPivotTableAction()
    • ShowPivotTableAction

      public ShowPivotTableAction(String id)
  • Method Details

    • setApplicationContext

      public void setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
      Specified by:
      setApplicationContext in interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
    • setMessages

      @Autowired public void setMessages(Messages messages)
    • setDialogs

      @Autowired public void setDialogs(Dialogs dialogs)
    • execute

      public void execute()
      Executes the action to show the pivot table.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface ExecutableAction
    • setExcludedProperties

      public void setExcludedProperties(String properties)
      Set excluded properties separated by a comma. Excluded properties will not be shown in the PivotTable.
      properties - excluded properties
    • getExcludedProperties

      public String getExcludedProperties()
    • getExcludedPropertiesList

      public List<String> getExcludedPropertiesList()
      list with parsed excluded properties
    • setIncludedProperties

      public void setIncludedProperties(String properties)
      Sets included properties separated by a comma. Only included properties will be shown in the PivotTable.
      properties - included properties
    • getIncludedProperties

      public String getIncludedProperties()
    • getIncludedPropertiesList

      public List<String> getIncludedPropertiesList()
      list with parsed included properties
    • needShowAll

      protected boolean needShowAll()
      Specifies whether to show all rows or prompt the user to select rows.
      true if all rows should be displayed, false otherwise
    • parseProperties

      protected List<String> parseProperties(String properties)
    • showPivotTable

      protected void showPivotTable(ShowPivotTableAction.ShowPivotTableMode mode)