Package io.jmix.core

Interface EntityAttributeImportExtension

public interface EntityAttributeImportExtension
An extension point for the entity import mechanism. The mechanism is implemented in the EntityImportExport bean.

Such beans can be useful for defining specific logic for importing value of MetaProperty. The supported MetaProperty is determined by the supports(MetaProperty) method.

  • Method Details

    • supports

      boolean supports(MetaProperty property)
      Checks whether the extension supports the given meta property
      property - a meta property
      true if the extension supports the given meta property, or false otherwise
    • importEntityAttribute

      void importEntityAttribute(MetaProperty property, Object srcEntity, Object dstEntity)
      Imports the entity attribute.
      property - a meta property
      srcEntity - entity that came to the EntityImportExport bean
      dstEntity - reloaded srcEntity or new entity instance if srcEntity doesn't exist in the database