Class ViewSupport


@Component("flowui_ViewSupport") public class ViewSupport extends Object
  • Field Details

    • applicationContext

      protected org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
    • viewXmlLoader

      protected ViewXmlLoader viewXmlLoader
    • viewRegistry

      protected ViewRegistry viewRegistry
    • currentAuthentication

      protected CurrentAuthentication currentAuthentication
    • autowireManager

      protected AutowireManager autowireManager
    • routeSupport

      protected RouteSupport routeSupport
    • meterRegistry

      protected io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry
    • titleCache

      protected Map<String,String> titleCache
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initView

      public void initView(View<?> view)
    • registerBackwardNavigation

      public void registerBackwardNavigation(Class<? extends View> viewClass, URL url)
    • registerBackwardNavigation

      public void registerBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Class<? extends View> viewClass, URL url)
    • registerBackwardNavigation

      protected void registerBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinSession session, String windowName, Class<? extends View> viewClass, URL url)
    • unregisterBackwardNavigation

      public void unregisterBackwardNavigation(View<?> view)
    • unregisterBackwardNavigation

      public void unregisterBackwardNavigation(Class<? extends View> viewClass)
    • unregisterBackwardNavigation

      public void unregisterBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Class<? extends View> viewClass)
    • unregisterBackwardNavigation

      protected void unregisterBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinSession session, String windowName)
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(View<?> view)
      Gets localized title for the view.
      view - view to get localized title for
      localized page title or empty string. If possible, returns cached value.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(View<?> view, boolean cached)
      Gets localized title for the view.
      view - view to get localized title for
      cached - whether to use the cached value
      localized page title or empty string.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(View<?> view, Locale locale)
      Gets localized title for the view.
      view - view to get localized title for
      locale - the locale to get the title for
      localized page title or empty string. If possible, returns cached value.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(View<?> view, Locale locale, boolean cached)
      Gets localized title for the view.
      view - view to get localized title for
      locale - the locale to get the title for
      cached - whether to use the cached value
      localized page title or empty string.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(ViewInfo viewInfo)
      Gets localized title for the view info.
      viewInfo - view info to get localized title for
      localized page title or empty string. If possible, returns cached value.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(ViewInfo viewInfo, boolean cached)
      Gets localized title for the view info.
      viewInfo - view info to get localized title for
      cached - whether to use the cached value
      localized page title or empty string.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(ViewInfo viewInfo, Locale locale)
      Gets localized title for the view info.
      viewInfo - view info to get localized title for
      locale - the locale to get the title for
      localized page title or empty string. If possible, returns cached value.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • getLocalizedTitle

      public String getLocalizedTitle(ViewInfo viewInfo, Locale locale, boolean cached)
      Gets localized title for the view info.
      viewInfo - view info to get the localized title for
      locale - the locale to get the title for
      cached - whether to use the cached value
      localized page title or empty string.
      See Also:
      • PageTitle
      • HasDynamicTitle
    • close

      public void close(View<?> view)
    • close

      public void close(View<?> view, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters returnParams)
    • close

      public void close(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, View<?> view)
    • close

      public void close(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, View<?> view, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters returnParams)
    • hasBackwardNavigationTarget

      protected boolean hasBackwardNavigationTarget(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Class<? extends View> viewClass)
    • doBackwardNavigation

      protected void doBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, View<?> view, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters returnParams)
    • doBackwardNavigation

      protected void doBackwardNavigation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String windowName, View<?> view, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters returnParams)
    • findRouteData

      protected Optional<com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteData> findRouteData(Class<?> target, List<com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteData> routes)
    • retrieveExtendedClientDetails

      protected void retrieveExtendedClientDetails(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Consumer<> details)
    • getInferredViewId

      protected String getInferredViewId(View<?> view)
    • fireViewInitEvent

      protected void fireViewInitEvent(View<?> view)
    • loadViewXml

      @Nullable protected org.dom4j.Element loadViewXml(ViewInfo viewInfo)
    • loadMessageGroup

      protected Optional<String> loadMessageGroup(org.dom4j.Element element)
    • createComponentLoaderContext

      protected ComponentLoaderContext createComponentLoaderContext()
    • loadWindowFromXml

      protected void loadWindowFromXml(org.dom4j.Element element, View<?> view, ComponentLoaderContext context)
    • getViewTitleValue

      @Nullable protected String getViewTitleValue(ViewInfo viewInfo)
    • getViewMessageGroup

      protected String getViewMessageGroup(ViewInfo viewInfo)
    • getTitleCacheKey

      protected String getTitleCacheKey(String id, Locale locale)
    • cacheTitle

      protected void cacheTitle(String key, String value)