Interface CurrentUserUiComponentPolicies

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public interface CurrentUserUiComponentPolicies
Provides effective UI component policies for the current user.

This interface defines methods to retrieve and evaluate UI component policies based on the current user's roles. Effective policies are those that should be applied to UI components when multiple policies are defined for the same component.

  • Method Details

    • getEffectiveUiComponentPoliciesForView

      Map<String,List<ResourcePolicy>> getEffectiveUiComponentPoliciesForView(String viewId)
      Returns effective UI component policies for the current user for the given view.

      This method retrieves the resource roles for the current user, constructs a map of component IDs to their corresponding resource policies, and evaluates the effective policies for each component.

      viewId - the ID of the view for which the policies are being retrieved
      a map where the key is the component ID and the value is a list of effective resource policies for that component
    • invalidateCache

      void invalidateCache()
      Invalidates the cache of effective UI component policies.