Class PropertyCondition

All Implemented Interfaces:
Condition, Serializable

public class PropertyCondition extends SkippableCondition<PropertyCondition>
Condition for filtering by entity property.

Use one of the static methods like equal(String, Object), greater(String, Object) to create property conditions.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PropertyCondition

      public PropertyCondition()
  • Method Details

    • createWithParameterName

      public static PropertyCondition createWithParameterName(String property, String operation, String parameterName)
      Creates property condition with the specified parameter name. The parameter value must be provided by calling setParameterValue(Object) method.
      property - entity attribute name
      operation - comparison operation, see PropertyCondition.Operation constants
      parameterName - parameter name
    • createWithValue

      public static PropertyCondition createWithValue(String property, String operation, Object parameterValue)
      Creates a condition to compare the property with the provided value. A parameter name is generated based on the property name.
      property - entity attribute name
      operation - comparison operation, see PropertyCondition.Operation constants.
      parameterValue - value to compare with
    • create

      public static PropertyCondition create(String property, String operation, Object value)
      Creates a condition to compare the property with the given value.
      property - entity attribute name
      operation - comparison operation, see constants in PropertyCondition.Operation
      value - value to compare with
    • equal

      public static PropertyCondition equal(String property, Object value)
      Creates "=" condition.
    • notEqual

      public static PropertyCondition notEqual(String property, Object value)
      Creates "!=" condition.
    • greater

      public static PropertyCondition greater(String property, Object value)
      Creates ">" condition.
    • greaterOrEqual

      public static PropertyCondition greaterOrEqual(String property, Object value)
      Creates ">=" condition.
    • less

      public static PropertyCondition less(String property, Object value)
      Creates "<" condition.
    • lessOrEqual

      public static PropertyCondition lessOrEqual(String property, Object value)
      Creates "<=" condition.
    • contains

      public static PropertyCondition contains(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "like %value%".
    • startsWith

      public static PropertyCondition startsWith(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "like value%".
    • endsWith

      public static PropertyCondition endsWith(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "like %value".
    • isSet

      public static PropertyCondition isSet(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "is null" or "is not null" depending on the parameter value.
    • inList

      public static PropertyCondition inList(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "in".
    • notInList

      public static PropertyCondition notInList(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "not in".
    • isCollectionEmpty

      public static PropertyCondition isCollectionEmpty(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "is empty" or "is not empty" depending on the parameter value.
    • memberOfCollection

      public static PropertyCondition memberOfCollection(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "member of".
    • notMemberOfCollection

      public static PropertyCondition notMemberOfCollection(String property, Object value)
      Creates a condition that is translated to "not member of".
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty()
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(String property)
    • getOperation

      public String getOperation()
    • setOperation

      public void setOperation(String operation)
    • getParameterName

      public String getParameterName()
    • setParameterName

      public void setParameterName(String parameterName)
    • getParameterValue

      @Nullable public Object getParameterValue()
    • setParameterValue

      public void setParameterValue(@Nullable Object parameterValue)
    • getParameters

      public Collection<String> getParameters()
      Description copied from interface: Condition
      Returns parameters specified in the condition.
    • actualize

      @Nullable public Condition actualize(Set<String> actualParameters, boolean defaultSkipNullOrEmpty)
      Description copied from interface: Condition
      Checks whether the argument contains all parameters specified in the condition.
      defaultSkipNullOrEmpty - default value for SkippableCondition.skipNullOrEmpty, should be obtained using CoreProperties.isSkipNullOrEmptyConditionsByDefault()
      the condition if SkippableCondition.skipNullOrEmpty is false or if actualParameters contains all parameters specified in the condition and these parameters are not null or empty. Otherwise returns null.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • copy

      public PropertyCondition copy()
      Description copied from interface: Condition
      Returns a deep copy of this condition.
    • getExcludedParameters

      public Set<String> getExcludedParameters(Set<String> actualParameters)
      Description copied from interface: Condition
      Returns names of parameters that are not present in the given actualParameters but have null or empty value.

      For SkippableCondition, empty parameters are not included in the result if SkippableCondition.skipNullOrEmpty() is false.