Interface CallbackCalendarDataProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CalendarDataRetriever, EntityCalendarDataRetriever

public interface CallbackCalendarDataProvider extends CalendarDataProvider
Interface to be implemented by data providers that should load items by request.

The onItemsFetch(ItemsFetchContext) is called in the following cases:

  • When the user switches to the calendar display mode that has wider date range than previous one.
  • When FullCalendar's navigation methods are invoked, e.g. JmixFullCalendar.navigateToNext().
  • When time zone of component is changed.
By default FullCalendar calls onItemsFetch(ItemsFetchContext) immediately after adding the provider. If calendar is not attached to the UI, the callback will be invoked after attaching component to the UI.
See Also: