Class SearchProperties.SSL

Enclosing class:

public static class SearchProperties.SSL extends Object
  • Field Details

    • certificateLocation

      protected final String certificateLocation
      Location of CA certificate for connection to search platform service. Location is handled according to the rules of Resources
    • certificateAlias

      protected final String certificateAlias
      Alias what will be used to store certificate to Key Store. "es_client_ca" by default.
    • certificateFactoryType

      protected final String certificateFactoryType
      Type of Certificate Factory. "X.509" by default.
    • keyStoreType

      protected final String keyStoreType
      Type of Key Store. "pkcs12" by default.
  • Constructor Details

    • SSL

      public SSL(String certificateLocation, @DefaultValue("es_client_ca") String certificateAlias, @DefaultValue("X.509") String certificateFactoryType, @DefaultValue("pkcs12") String keyStoreType)