Class OpenedDialogs


@Component("flowui_OpenedDialogs") public class OpenedDialogs extends Object
Bean contains opened Dialogs in order of opening.

Example of the storage order of dialogs:

  • first opened dialog has index 0
  • seconds opened dialog has index 1
  • last opened dialog has index openedDialogs.size() - 1
  • Field Details

    • openedDialogs

      protected static Map<com.vaadin.flow.component.dialog.Dialog,DialogInfo> openedDialogs
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenedDialogs

      public OpenedDialogs()
  • Method Details

    • getDialogs

      public List<DialogInfo> getDialogs()
      immutable list of DialogInfos
    • getLastDialog

      @Nullable public DialogInfo getLastDialog()
      the most recent opened DialogInfo or null if no opened dialogs
    • closeOpenedDialogs

      public void closeOpenedDialogs()
      Closes opened Dialogs and removes them from the storage map.
    • onDialogOpened

      @EventListener protected void onDialogOpened(DialogOpenedEvent event)
    • onDialogClosed

      @EventListener protected void onDialogClosed(DialogClosedEvent event)
    • mapToDialogInfo

      protected DialogInfo mapToDialogInfo(DialogOpenedEvent event)