Interface ResourcePolicyTypeProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ResourcePolicyTypeProvider
Interface for supporting additional resource policy types (e.g. that come from add-ons) in the resource role details view. Implementations of this interface provide necessary information for creating and editing resource policies of specific types.
  • Method Details

    • getCreatePolicyViewClass

      Class<? extends MultipleResourcePolicyModelCreateView> getCreatePolicyViewClass()
      Returns the class of the view used for creating new resource policies of the specific type.
      the class of the view for creating new resource policies
    • getEditPolicyViewClass

      Class<? extends StandardDetailView<ResourcePolicyModel>> getEditPolicyViewClass()
      Returns the class of the detail view used for editing resource policies of the specific type.
      the class of the detail view for editing resource policies
    • isEffectColumnVisible

      boolean isEffectColumnVisible()
      Checks if the "effect" column should be visible in the policies grid of the resource role editor.
      true if the effect column should be visible, false otherwise
    • getLocalizedPolicyName

      String getLocalizedPolicyName()
      Returns the localized name of the policy supported by this provider.
      the name of the policy
    • supports

      boolean supports(String policyType)
      Checks if the provider supports the given resource policy type.
      policyType - the type of the resource policy
      true if the provider supports the given type, false otherwise