Class BaseOidcUserMapper<T extends JmixOidcUser>

Type Parameters:
T - class of Jmix user
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultOidcUserMapper, SynchronizingOidcUserMapper

public abstract class BaseOidcUserMapper<T extends JmixOidcUser> extends Object implements OidcUserMapper<T>
Abstract class implements the OidcUserMapper and may be used for creating your own mappers.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected abstract String
    getOidcUserUsername( oidcUser)
    Extracts username from the oidcUser
    protected abstract T
    initJmixUser( oidcUser)
    Method returns an instance of Jmix user, which may be either a new instance or an instance loaded from the user repository.
    protected void
    performAdditionalModifications( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
    Performs additional modifications of Jmix user instance.
    protected abstract void
    populateUserAttributes( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
    Fills attributes of jmixUser based on information from the oidcUser
    protected abstract void
    populateUserAuthorities( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
    Fills authorities of jmixUser based on information from the oidcUser
    toJmixUser( oidcUser)
    Method returns an instance of Jmix user, which is enriched with additional data.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseOidcUserMapper

      public BaseOidcUserMapper()
  • Method Details

    • getOidcUserUsername

      protected abstract String getOidcUserUsername( oidcUser)
      Extracts username from the oidcUser
    • toJmixUser

      public T toJmixUser( oidcUser)
      Method returns an instance of Jmix user, which is enriched with additional data.
      Specified by:
      toJmixUser in interface OidcUserMapper<T extends JmixOidcUser>
      oidcUser - OpenID user
      Jmix user instance
    • initJmixUser

      protected abstract T initJmixUser( oidcUser)
      Method returns an instance of Jmix user, which may be either a new instance or an instance loaded from the user repository. Attributes and authorities will lately be filled in other methods. The responsibility of the current method is just to create or load an existing instance.
      oidcUser - OpenID user
      new Jmix user instance or Jmix user loaded from user repository
    • populateUserAttributes

      protected abstract void populateUserAttributes( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
      Fills attributes of jmixUser based on information from the oidcUser
      oidcUser -
      jmixUser -
    • populateUserAuthorities

      protected abstract void populateUserAuthorities( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
      Fills authorities of jmixUser based on information from the oidcUser
      oidcUser -
      jmixUser -
    • performAdditionalModifications

      protected void performAdditionalModifications( oidcUser, T jmixUser)
      Performs additional modifications of Jmix user instance. Override this method in case you want to do some additional attribute values computations or if you want to do some operations with Jmix user instance, e.g. to store it in the database, like it is done in the SynchronizingOidcUserMapper
      oidcUser -
      jmixUser -