Class AbstractAxis.BoundaryGap

Enclosing class:
AbstractAxis<T extends AbstractAxis<T>>

public static class AbstractAxis.BoundaryGap extends Object
The boundary gap on both sides of a coordinate axis. The option and behavior of category axes and non-category axes are different.
  • The boundaryGap of category axis can be set to either true or false.
  • For non-category axis, including time, numerical value, and log axes, boundaryGap is an array of two values, representing the spanning range between minimum and maximum value. The value can be set in numeric value or relative percentage, which becomes invalid after setting AbstractAxis.min and AbstractAxis.max.
  • Field Details

    • categoryGap

      protected Boolean categoryGap
    • nonCategoryGap

      protected String[] nonCategoryGap
  • Constructor Details

    • BoundaryGap

      public BoundaryGap(Boolean categoryGap)
    • BoundaryGap

      public BoundaryGap(String min, String max)
  • Method Details

    • getCategoryGap

      public Boolean getCategoryGap()
    • getNonCategoryGap

      public String[] getNonCategoryGap()