All Implemented Interfaces:
HasStack<BarSeries>, Serializable

public class BarSeries extends AbstractAxisAwareSeries<BarSeries> implements HasStack<BarSeries>
Bar chart shows different data through the height of a bar, which is used in rectangular coordinate with at least 1 category axis. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BarSeries

      public BarSeries()
  • Method Details

    • getCoordinateSystem

      public CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem()
    • setCoordinateSystem

      public void setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
    • getXAxisIndex

      public Integer getXAxisIndex()
    • setXAxisIndex

      public void setXAxisIndex(Integer xAxisIndex)
    • getYAxisIndex

      public Integer getYAxisIndex()
    • setYAxisIndex

      public void setYAxisIndex(Integer yAxisIndex)
    • getPolarIndex

      public Integer getPolarIndex()
    • setPolarIndex

      public void setPolarIndex(Integer polarIndex)
    • getSampling

      public SamplingType getSampling()
    • setSampling

      public void setSampling(SamplingType sampling)
    • getStack

      public String getStack()
      Specified by:
      getStack in interface HasStack<BarSeries>
      stack name for the series
    • setStack

      public void setStack(String stack)
      Description copied from interface: HasStack
      Sets the stack name for the series or replaces an existing one.
      Specified by:
      setStack in interface HasStack<BarSeries>
      stack - stack name to set
    • getClip

      public Boolean getClip()
    • setClip

      public void setClip(Boolean clip)
    • getStackStrategy

      public HasStack.StackStrategy getStackStrategy()
      Specified by:
      getStackStrategy in interface HasStack<BarSeries>
      type of strategy for stacking values
    • setStackStrategy

      public void setStackStrategy(HasStack.StackStrategy stackStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: HasStack
      Sets the stack strategy type or replaces an existing one for stack values if the stack name was specified.
      Specified by:
      setStackStrategy in interface HasStack<BarSeries>
      stackStrategy - stack strategy type to set
    • getRoundCap

      public Boolean getRoundCap()
    • setRoundCap

      public void setRoundCap(Boolean roundCap)
    • getRealtimeSort

      public Boolean getRealtimeSort()
    • setRealtimeSort

      public void setRealtimeSort(Boolean realtimeSort)
    • getShowBackground

      public Boolean getShowBackground()
    • setShowBackground

      public void setShowBackground(Boolean showBackground)
    • getBackgroundStyle

      public BarSeries.BackgroundStyle getBackgroundStyle()
    • setBackgroundStyle

      public void setBackgroundStyle(BarSeries.BackgroundStyle backgroundStyle)
    • getLabelLine

      public BarSeries.LabelLine getLabelLine()
    • setLabelLine

      public void setLabelLine(BarSeries.LabelLine labelLine)
    • getItemStyle

      public ItemStyleWithDecal getItemStyle()
    • setItemStyle

      public void setItemStyle(ItemStyleWithDecal itemStyle)
    • getEmphasis

      public BarSeries.Emphasis getEmphasis()
    • setEmphasis

      public void setEmphasis(BarSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • getBlur

      public BarSeries.Blur getBlur()
    • setBlur

      public void setBlur(BarSeries.Blur blur)
    • getSelect

      public BarSeries.Select getSelect()
    • setSelect

      public void setSelect(BarSeries.Select select)
    • getBarWidth

      public String getBarWidth()
    • setBarWidth

      public void setBarWidth(String barWidth)
    • getBarMaxWidth

      public String getBarMaxWidth()
    • setBarMaxWidth

      public void setBarMaxWidth(String barMaxWidth)
    • getBarMinWidth

      public String getBarMinWidth()
    • setBarMinWidth

      public void setBarMinWidth(String barMinWidth)
    • getBarMinHeight

      public Integer getBarMinHeight()
    • setBarMinHeight

      public void setBarMinHeight(Integer barMinHeight)
    • getBarMinAngle

      public Integer getBarMinAngle()
    • setBarMinAngle

      public void setBarMinAngle(Integer barMinAngle)
    • getBarGap

      public String getBarGap()
    • setBarGap

      public void setBarGap(String barGap)
    • getBarCategoryGap

      public String getBarCategoryGap()
    • setBarCategoryGap

      public void setBarCategoryGap(String barCategoryGap)
    • getCursor

      public String getCursor()
    • setCursor

      public void setCursor(String cursor)
    • getLarge

      public Boolean getLarge()
    • setLarge

      public void setLarge(Boolean large)
    • getLargeThreshold

      public Integer getLargeThreshold()
    • setLargeThreshold

      public void setLargeThreshold(Integer largeThreshold)
    • getProgressive

      public Integer getProgressive()
    • setProgressive

      public void setProgressive(Integer progressive)
    • getProgressiveThreshold

      public Integer getProgressiveThreshold()
    • setProgressiveThreshold

      public void setProgressiveThreshold(Integer progressiveThreshold)
    • getProgressiveChunkMode

      public ProgressiveChunkMode getProgressiveChunkMode()
    • setProgressiveChunkMode

      public void setProgressiveChunkMode(ProgressiveChunkMode progressiveChunkMode)
    • getAnimation

      public Boolean getAnimation()
    • setAnimation

      public void setAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • getAnimationThreshold

      public Integer getAnimationThreshold()
    • setAnimationThreshold

      public void setAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • getAnimationDurationUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDurationUpdate()
    • setAnimationDurationUpdate

      public void setAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • getAnimationEasingUpdate

      public String getAnimationEasingUpdate()
    • setAnimationEasingUpdate

      public void setAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • getAnimationDelayUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDelayUpdate()
    • setAnimationDelayUpdate

      public void setAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)
    • withCoordinateSystem

      public BarSeries withCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
    • withXAxisIndex

      public BarSeries withXAxisIndex(Integer xAxisIndex)
    • withYAxisIndex

      public BarSeries withYAxisIndex(Integer yAxisIndex)
    • withPolarIndex

      public BarSeries withPolarIndex(Integer polarIndex)
    • withSampling

      public BarSeries withSampling(SamplingType sampling)
    • withClip

      public BarSeries withClip(Boolean clip)
    • withRoundCap

      public BarSeries withRoundCap(Boolean roundCap)
    • withRealtimeSort

      public BarSeries withRealtimeSort(Boolean realtimeSort)
    • withShowBackground

      public BarSeries withShowBackground(Boolean showBackground)
    • withBackgroundStyle

      public BarSeries withBackgroundStyle(BarSeries.BackgroundStyle backgroundStyle)
    • withLabelLine

      public BarSeries withLabelLine(BarSeries.LabelLine labelLine)
    • withItemStyle

      public BarSeries withItemStyle(ItemStyleWithDecal itemStyle)
    • withEmphasis

      public BarSeries withEmphasis(BarSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • withBlur

      public BarSeries withBlur(BarSeries.Blur blur)
    • withSelect

      public BarSeries withSelect(BarSeries.Select select)
    • withBarWidth

      public BarSeries withBarWidth(String barWidth)
    • withBarMaxWidth

      public BarSeries withBarMaxWidth(String barMaxWidth)
    • withBarMinWidth

      public BarSeries withBarMinWidth(String barMinWidth)
    • withBarMinHeight

      public BarSeries withBarMinHeight(Integer barMinHeight)
    • withBarMinAngle

      public BarSeries withBarMinAngle(Integer barMinAngle)
    • withBarGap

      public BarSeries withBarGap(String barGap)
    • withBarCategoryGap

      public BarSeries withBarCategoryGap(String barCategoryGap)
    • withCursor

      public BarSeries withCursor(String cursor)
    • withLarge

      public BarSeries withLarge(Boolean large)
    • withLargeThreshold

      public BarSeries withLargeThreshold(Integer largeThreshold)
    • withProgressive

      public BarSeries withProgressive(Integer progressive)
    • withProgressiveThreshold

      public BarSeries withProgressiveThreshold(Integer progressiveThreshold)
    • withProgressiveChunkMode

      public BarSeries withProgressiveChunkMode(ProgressiveChunkMode progressiveChunkMode)
    • withAnimation

      public BarSeries withAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • withAnimationThreshold

      public BarSeries withAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • withAnimationDurationUpdate

      public BarSeries withAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • withAnimationEasingUpdate

      public BarSeries withAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • withAnimationDelayUpdate

      public BarSeries withAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)