Class FragmentsImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component("flowui_Fragments") public class FragmentsImpl extends Object implements Fragments
  • Field Details

    • applicationContext

      protected final org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
    • fragmentDescriptorLoader

      protected final FragmentDescriptorLoader fragmentDescriptorLoader
    • uiComponents

      protected final UiComponents uiComponents
    • viewRegistry

      protected final ViewRegistry viewRegistry
    • autowireManager

      protected final AutowireManager autowireManager
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public <F extends Fragment<?>> F create(FragmentOwner parent, Class<F> fragmentClass)
      Description copied from interface: Fragments
      Creates a fragment instance by its controller class.

      For example:

          AddressFragment addressFragment = fragments.create(this, AddressFragment.class);
      Specified by:
      create in interface Fragments
      Type Parameters:
      F - fragment type
      parent - parent UI controller
      fragmentClass - fragment controller class
      fully initialized fragment instance
    • init

      public void init(ComponentLoader.Context hostContext, Fragment<?> fragment)
      Description copied from interface: Fragments
      Initializes passed fragment by processing FragmentDescriptor.
      Specified by:
      init in interface Fragments
      hostContext - parent controller loader context. Used to get additional data that is needed for correct initialization. For example, provided data components
      fragment - fragment to initialize
    • getFullOriginId

      protected String getFullOriginId(ComponentLoader.Context hostContext, Fragment<?> fragment)
    • postInit

      protected void postInit(Fragment<?> fragment, @Nullable FragmentLoaderContext context)
    • autowireFragment

      protected void autowireFragment(Fragment<?> fragment)
    • findHostLoaderContext

      @Nullable protected ComponentLoader.Context findHostLoaderContext(ComponentLoader.Context hostContext)
    • processFragmentDescriptor

      protected void processFragmentDescriptor(FragmentLoaderContext context, String descriptorPath)
    • createHostLoaderContext

      protected ComponentLoader.Context createHostLoaderContext(FragmentOwner parent)
    • createHostViewLoaderContext

      protected ComponentLoaderContext createHostViewLoaderContext(View<?> view)
    • createHostFragmentLoaderContext

      protected FragmentLoaderContext createHostFragmentLoaderContext(Fragment<?> fragment)