All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
GeoMapView, NoOpMapView

public abstract class MapView extends MapObservableObject
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • extent

      protected Extent extent
    • projection

      protected CRS projection
    • rotation

      protected Double rotation
    • maxZoom

      protected Double maxZoom
    • minZoom

      protected Double minZoom
    • zoom

      protected double zoom
    • currentExtent

      protected Extent currentExtent
  • Constructor Details

    • MapView

      public MapView()
  • Method Details

    • getExtent

      public Extent getExtent()
      view extent or null if not set
    • setExtent

      public void setExtent(Extent extent)
      Sets the view extent. This extent is a constraint that does not enable to move map visible area outside specified extent.

      Note, extent attribute is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: View docs

      extent - extent to set
    • getProjection

      public CRS getProjection()
      projection or null if not set
    • setProjection

      public void setProjection(CRS projection)
      Sets the projection to view. The default projection is "EPSG:3857" (Pseudo-Mercator). If a source (based on TileImageSource or ImageSource) has a projection different from the current map view’s projection then the reprojection happens automatically.

      There are available two options:

      • CRS value - sets value as CRS constant, e.g. CRS.EPSG_4326 or as anonymous implementation, e.g. setProjection(() -> "EPSG:4326");.
      • Projection value - sets custom projection.
      Note, projection attribute is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.
      projection - projection to set
    • getRotation

      public Double getRotation()
      Note, the rotation can be updated from the client-side and can be available after the first view change.
      the rotation in radians or null if not set or is not updated from the client-side
    • setRotation

      public void setRotation(Double rotation)
      Sets the rotation for the view in radians (positive rotation clockwise, 0 means North).

      For more details see: setRotation docs

      rotation - rotation to set
    • getMaxZoom

      public Double getMaxZoom()
      maximum zoom level or null if not set
    • setMaxZoom

      public void setMaxZoom(Double maxZoom)
      Sets the maximum zoom level for the view. The default value is 28.

      For more details see: setMaxZoom docs

      maxZoom - maximum zoom to set
    • getMinZoom

      public Double getMinZoom()
      minimum zoom level or null if not set
    • setMinZoom

      public void setMinZoom(Double minZoom)
      Sets a minimum zoom level for the view. The default value is 0.

      For more details see: setMinZoom docs

      minZoom - minimum zoom level to set
    • getZoom

      public double getZoom()
      zoom level
    • setZoom

      public void setZoom(double zoom)
      Zooms to a specific zoom level. The zoom level starts at 0 as the most zoomed-out level, and then continually increases to zoom further in.
      zoom - zoom level
    • getCurrentExtent

      public Extent getCurrentExtent()
      Gets the extent (or bounding box) of the currently visible area.

      Note, the extent is calculated on the client-side and will only be available after the first view change.

      the coordinates of the view's extent
    • getType

      protected String getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in class MapObservableObject
    • onStateChangeEvent

      protected void onStateChangeEvent(MapView.StateChangeEvent event)