All Implemented Interfaces:
HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>, Serializable

public class SliderDataZoom extends AbstractDataZoom<SliderDataZoom> implements HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
Slider type data zoom component provides functions like data thumbnail, zoom, brush to select, drag to move, click to locate. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • show

      protected Boolean show
    • backgroundColor

      protected Color backgroundColor
    • dataBackground

      protected SliderDataZoom.DataBackground dataBackground
    • selectedDataBackground

      protected SliderDataZoom.DataBackground selectedDataBackground
    • fillerColor

      protected Color fillerColor
    • borderColor

      protected Color borderColor
    • borderRadius

      protected Integer borderRadius
    • handleIcon

      protected String handleIcon
    • handleSize

      protected String handleSize
    • handleStyle

      protected ItemStyle handleStyle
    • moveHandleIcon

      protected String moveHandleIcon
    • moveHandleSize

      protected Integer moveHandleSize
    • moveHandleStyle

      protected ItemStyle moveHandleStyle
    • labelPrecision

      protected Integer labelPrecision
    • labelFormatter

      protected String labelFormatter
    • labelFormatterFunction

      protected JsFunction labelFormatterFunction
    • showDetail

      protected Boolean showDetail
    • showDataShadow

      protected Boolean showDataShadow
    • realtime

      protected Boolean realtime
    • textStyle

      protected TextStyle textStyle
    • zLevel

      protected Integer zLevel
    • z

      protected Integer z
    • left

      protected String left
    • top

      protected String top
    • bottom

      protected String bottom
    • width

      protected String width
    • height

      protected String height
    • brushSelect

      protected Boolean brushSelect
    • brushStyle

      protected ItemStyle brushStyle
    • emphasis

      protected SliderDataZoom.Emphasis emphasis
  • Constructor Details

    • SliderDataZoom

      public SliderDataZoom()
  • Method Details

    • getShow

      public Boolean getShow()
    • setShow

      public void setShow(Boolean show)
    • getBackgroundColor

      public Color getBackgroundColor()
    • setBackgroundColor

      public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
    • getDataBackground

      public SliderDataZoom.DataBackground getDataBackground()
    • setDataBackground

      public void setDataBackground(SliderDataZoom.DataBackground dataBackground)
    • getSelectedDataBackground

      public SliderDataZoom.DataBackground getSelectedDataBackground()
    • setSelectedDataBackground

      public void setSelectedDataBackground(SliderDataZoom.DataBackground selectedDataBackground)
    • getFillerColor

      public Color getFillerColor()
    • setFillerColor

      public void setFillerColor(Color fillerColor)
    • getBorderColor

      public Color getBorderColor()
    • setBorderColor

      public void setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
    • getBorderRadius

      public Integer getBorderRadius()
    • setBorderRadius

      public void setBorderRadius(Integer borderRadius)
    • getHandleIcon

      public String getHandleIcon()
    • setHandleIcon

      public void setHandleIcon(String handleIcon)
    • getHandleSize

      public String getHandleSize()
    • setHandleSize

      public void setHandleSize(String handleSize)
    • getHandleStyle

      public ItemStyle getHandleStyle()
    • setHandleStyle

      public void setHandleStyle(ItemStyle handleStyle)
    • getMoveHandleIcon

      public String getMoveHandleIcon()
    • setMoveHandleIcon

      public void setMoveHandleIcon(String moveHandleIcon)
    • getMoveHandleSize

      public Integer getMoveHandleSize()
    • setMoveHandleSize

      public void setMoveHandleSize(Integer moveHandleSize)
    • getMoveHandleStyle

      public ItemStyle getMoveHandleStyle()
    • setMoveHandleStyle

      public void setMoveHandleStyle(ItemStyle moveHandleStyle)
    • getLabelPrecision

      public Integer getLabelPrecision()
    • setLabelPrecision

      public void setLabelPrecision(Integer labelPrecision)
    • getLabelFormatter

      public String getLabelFormatter()
    • setLabelFormatter

      public void setLabelFormatter(String labelFormatter)
    • getLabelFormatterFunction

      public JsFunction getLabelFormatterFunction()
    • setLabelFormatterFunction

      public void setLabelFormatterFunction(JsFunction labelFormatterFunction)
    • setLabelFormatterFunction

      public void setLabelFormatterFunction(String labelFormatterFunction)
    • getShowDetail

      public Boolean getShowDetail()
    • setShowDetail

      public void setShowDetail(Boolean showDetail)
    • getShowDataShadow

      public Boolean getShowDataShadow()
    • setShowDataShadow

      public void setShowDataShadow(Boolean showDataShadow)
    • getRealtime

      public Boolean getRealtime()
    • setRealtime

      public void setRealtime(Boolean realtime)
    • getTextStyle

      public TextStyle getTextStyle()
    • setTextStyle

      public void setTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
    • getZLevel

      public Integer getZLevel()
    • setZLevel

      public void setZLevel(Integer zLevel)
    • getZ

      public Integer getZ()
    • setZ

      public void setZ(Integer z)
    • getLeft

      public String getLeft()
      Specified by:
      getLeft in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      distance between component and the left side of the container
    • setLeft

      public void setLeft(String left)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the left side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "left", "center", "right".
      Specified by:
      setLeft in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      left - distance to set
    • getTop

      public String getTop()
      Specified by:
      getTop in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      distance between component and the top side of the container
    • setTop

      public void setTop(String top)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the top side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "top", "middle", "bottom".
      Specified by:
      setTop in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      top - distance to set
    • getRight

      public String getRight()
      Specified by:
      getRight in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      distance between component and the right side of the container
    • setRight

      public void setRight(String right)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the right side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setRight in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      right - distance to set
    • getBottom

      public String getBottom()
      Specified by:
      getBottom in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      distance between component and the bottom side of the container
    • setBottom

      public void setBottom(String bottom)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the bottom side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setBottom in interface HasPosition<SliderDataZoom>
      bottom - distance to set
    • getWidth

      public String getWidth()
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(String width)
    • getHeight

      public String getHeight()
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(String height)
    • getBrushSelect

      public Boolean getBrushSelect()
    • setBrushSelect

      public void setBrushSelect(Boolean brushSelect)
    • getBrushStyle

      public ItemStyle getBrushStyle()
    • setBrushStyle

      public void setBrushStyle(ItemStyle brushStyle)
    • getEmphasis

      public SliderDataZoom.Emphasis getEmphasis()
    • setEmphasis

      public void setEmphasis(SliderDataZoom.Emphasis emphasis)
    • withShow

      public SliderDataZoom withShow(Boolean show)
    • withBackgroundColor

      public SliderDataZoom withBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
    • withDataBackground

      public SliderDataZoom withDataBackground(SliderDataZoom.DataBackground dataBackground)
    • withSelectedDataBackground

      public SliderDataZoom withSelectedDataBackground(SliderDataZoom.DataBackground selectedDataBackground)
    • withFillerColor

      public SliderDataZoom withFillerColor(Color fillerColor)
    • withBorderColor

      public SliderDataZoom withBorderColor(Color borderColor)
    • withBorderRadius

      public SliderDataZoom withBorderRadius(Integer borderRadius)
    • withHandleIcon

      public SliderDataZoom withHandleIcon(String handleIcon)
    • withHandleSize

      public SliderDataZoom withHandleSize(String handleSize)
    • withHandleStyle

      public SliderDataZoom withHandleStyle(ItemStyle handleStyle)
    • withMoveHandleIcon

      public SliderDataZoom withMoveHandleIcon(String moveHandleIcon)
    • withMoveHandleSize

      public SliderDataZoom withMoveHandleSize(Integer moveHandleSize)
    • withMoveHandleStyle

      public SliderDataZoom withMoveHandleStyle(ItemStyle moveHandleStyle)
    • withLabelPrecision

      public SliderDataZoom withLabelPrecision(Integer labelPrecision)
    • withLabelFormatter

      public SliderDataZoom withLabelFormatter(String labelFormatter)
    • withLabelFormatterFunction

      public SliderDataZoom withLabelFormatterFunction(JsFunction labelFormatterFunction)
    • withLabelFormatterFunction

      public SliderDataZoom withLabelFormatterFunction(String labelFormatterFunction)
    • withShowDetail

      public SliderDataZoom withShowDetail(Boolean showDetail)
    • withShowDataShadow

      public SliderDataZoom withShowDataShadow(Boolean showDataShadow)
    • withRealtime

      public SliderDataZoom withRealtime(Boolean realtime)
    • withTextStyle

      public SliderDataZoom withTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
    • withZLevel

      public SliderDataZoom withZLevel(Integer zLevel)
    • withZ

      public SliderDataZoom withZ(Integer z)
    • withWidth

      public SliderDataZoom withWidth(String width)
    • withHeight

      public SliderDataZoom withHeight(String height)
    • withBrushSelect

      public SliderDataZoom withBrushSelect(Boolean brushSelect)
    • withBrushStyle

      public SliderDataZoom withBrushStyle(ItemStyle brushStyle)
    • withEmphasis

      public SliderDataZoom withEmphasis(SliderDataZoom.Emphasis emphasis)