Class RouteSupport


@Component("flowui_RouteSupport") public class RouteSupport extends Object
Utility bean that facilitates url modifications and generations.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected jakarta.servlet.ServletContext
  • Constructor Summary

    RouteSupport(UrlParamSerializer urlParamSerializer, jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, Object value)
    Updates the current url by adding the value of the given query parameter.
    addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values)
    Updates the current url by adding the value of the given query parameter.
    addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, Object value)
    Creates a new QueryParameters object by adding to it the value of the given query parameter.
    addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, List<Object> values)
    Creates a new QueryParameters object by adding to it the value of the given query parameter.
    protected List<String>
    Creates RouteParameters object which stores a single route parameter with given name and value.
    fetchCurrentLocation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Consumer<com.vaadin.flow.router.Location> callback)
    Retrieves the current url from the browser and converts it to the Location object.
    getActiveViewLocation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui)
    Gets the Location of the currently shown view.
    protected com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteConfiguration
    mergeQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters... parameters)
    Creates a new QueryParameters object by merging passed query parameters into one.
    replaceUrl(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Class<? extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> navigationTarget, com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteParameters routeParameters)
    Invokes history.replaceState in the browser with a new location generated by combining the url which navigates to given navigation target using given parameters and current query parameters.
    Creates a string containing a relative URL excluding query parameters.
    Creates QueryParameters object from a query string.
    Creates QueryParameters object from the query part of the given URL object.
    setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, Object value)
    Updates the current url by setting the value of the given query parameter.
    setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values)
    Updates the current url by setting the value of the given query parameter.
    setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, Object value)
    Creates a new QueryParameters object by setting to it the value of the given query parameter.
    setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, List<Object> values)
    Creates a new QueryParameters object by setting to it the value of the given query parameter.
    setQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters)
    Overrides the current url query parameters with the values represented by QueryParameters object.
    protected void
    updateQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values, org.apache.commons.lang3.function.TriFunction<com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters,String,List<Object>,com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters> updater)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • urlParamSerializer

      protected UrlParamSerializer urlParamSerializer
    • servletContext

      protected jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext
  • Constructor Details

    • RouteSupport

      public RouteSupport(UrlParamSerializer urlParamSerializer, jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
  • Method Details

    • fetchCurrentLocation

      public void fetchCurrentLocation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Consumer<com.vaadin.flow.router.Location> callback)
      Retrieves the current url from the browser and converts it to the Location object. The URL is fetched from the browser in another request asynchronously and the Location object passed to the callback.
      ui - UI instance for which to fetch current location
      callback - to be notified when the location is resolved
    • getActiveViewLocation

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.Location getActiveViewLocation(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui)
      Gets the Location of the currently shown view. The location is relative the servlet mapping used for serving the related UI.
      ui - UI instance for which to get active view location
      the view Location, not null
    • addQueryParameter

      public void addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, Object value)
      Updates the current url by adding the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, the new value is added excluding duplicates, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      name - the query parameter name
      value - the query parameter value
    • addQueryParameter

      public void addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values)
      Updates the current url by adding the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, the new value is added excluding duplicates, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
    • setQueryParameter

      public void setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, Object value)
      Updates the current url by setting the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, its value is overridden, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      name - the query parameter name
      value - the query parameter value
    • setQueryParameter

      public void setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values)
      Updates the current url by setting the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, its value is overridden, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
    • updateQueryParameters

      protected void updateQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, String name, List<Object> values, org.apache.commons.lang3.function.TriFunction<com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters,String,List<Object>,com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters> updater)
    • setQueryParameters

      public void setQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters)
      Overrides the current url query parameters with the values represented by QueryParameters object.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      queryParameters - an object which holds query parameters information
    • mergeQueryParameters

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters mergeQueryParameters(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters... parameters)
      Creates a new QueryParameters object by merging passed query parameters into one. If several objects have the same query parameter information, the latest have precedence.
      parameters - query parameters to merge
      a new QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • addQueryParameter

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, Object value)
      Creates a new QueryParameters object by adding to it the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, the new value is added excluding duplicates, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      queryParameters - the QueryParameters object to update
      name - the query parameter name
      value - the query parameter value
      a new QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • addQueryParameter

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters addQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, List<Object> values)
      Creates a new QueryParameters object by adding to it the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, the new value is added excluding duplicates, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      queryParameters - the QueryParameters object to update
      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      a new QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • setQueryParameter

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, Object value)
      Creates a new QueryParameters object by setting to it the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, its value is overridden, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      queryParameters - the QueryParameters object to update
      name - the query parameter name
      value - the query parameter value
      a new QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • setQueryParameter

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters setQueryParameter(com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, String name, List<Object> values)
      Creates a new QueryParameters object by setting to it the value of the given query parameter. If a query parameter with the same name already exists, its value is overridden, otherwise the query parameter is added.
      queryParameters - the QueryParameters object to update
      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      a new QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • resolveLocationString

      public String resolveLocationString(URL url)
      Creates a string containing a relative URL excluding query parameters.
      url - a URL object to obtain location
      a string representing a relative URL excluding query parameters.
    • resolveQueryParameters

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters resolveQueryParameters(URL url)
      Creates QueryParameters object from the query part of the given URL object.
      url - a URL object to obtain query parameters
      a QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • resolveQueryParameters

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters resolveQueryParameters(String queryString)
      Creates QueryParameters object from a query string.
      queryString - a string to parse
      a QueryParameters object which holds query parameters information.
    • createRouteParameters

      public com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteParameters createRouteParameters(String param, Object value)
      Creates RouteParameters object which stores a single route parameter with given name and value.
      param - the route parameter name
      value - the route parameter value
      an object which stores the route parameters
    • replaceUrl

      public void replaceUrl(com.vaadin.flow.component.UI ui, Class<? extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> navigationTarget, com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteParameters routeParameters)
      Invokes history.replaceState in the browser with a new location generated by combining the url which navigates to given navigation target using given parameters and current query parameters.
      ui - UI instance for which to update url
      navigationTarget - navigation target
      routeParameters - route parameters
      com.vaadin.flow.router.NotFoundException - in case the navigationTarget is not registered with a url template matching the given parameters.
    • convertValues

      protected List<String> convertValues(List<Object> values)
    • getRouteConfiguration

      protected com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteConfiguration getRouteConfiguration()