API Documentation

The generic REST API provides automatically generated API documentation through OpenAPI 3.0.

You can use the API documentation to visualize, test, or generate a client code for the REST API. There are various tools that allow you to use this documentation to provide those capabilities like:

Generic OpenAPI Documentation

The generic OpenAPI documentation contains descriptions for all endpoints the REST API provides. In particular, it contains API descriptions for the following parts:

  • Authentication

  • Entities API

  • Files API

  • Messages API

  • User Session API

The Generic OpenAPI Documentation is available in JSON and YAML formats:


YAML version of generic documentation.


JSON version of generic documentation.

It is also available online at https://docs.jmix.io/openapi/1.0/

Project-specific OpenAPI Documentation

Any running Jmix application also automatically generates project-specific documentation. Project-specific means that it contains documentation not only about the standard APIs that part of Jmix, but also about your project-specific entities, like sample_Customer, sample_Order, etc.

The project-specific OpenAPI Documentation is available in the formats JSON and YAML:


YAML version of project-specific OpenAPI documentation.


JSON version of project-specific OpenAPI documentation.