UI Properties



Determines an initial mode for the main application window – TABBED or SINGLE. In the SINGLE mode, when a screen opens with the NEW_TAB parameter, it completely replaces the current screen instead of opening a new tab.

Default value: TABBED.


When set to true, the framework will merge all the menu.xml definitions from all add-ons including your definitions in menu.xml and render the menu as a superset of all those items.

When set to false, your application menu.xml is the only menu that will be considered when rendering the menu.

Using false is a good idea when you completely control the menu entries that are rendered. It allows you to easily remove, change and reorder menu entries from, for example, the Administration menu.

The downside is that you have to copy all entries that you want to appear there. That is, the menu items inherited from the add-ons won’t appear in the menu, so you need to add them manually.

Default value: true.


Defines the default maximum number of entity instances that can be loaded to the UI layer.

Default value: 10000


Defines the default page size for Pagination and SimplePagination components.

Default value: 50


Defines whether the default screen can be closed by close button, ESC button or TabSheet context menu when TABBED work area mode is used.

Default value: true.


Defines a screen to be opened after login. This setting will be applied to all users.

For example:

jmix.ui.default-screen-id = sample_Order.browse


Defines the default maximum number of entity instances that can be loaded to the UI layer for a particular entity.

The following example configures the maximum fetch size for two entities. For all other entities the value from jmix.ui.default-max-fetch-size is used.

jmix.ui.entity-max-fetch-size.Product = 500
jmix.ui.entity-max-fetch-size.Customer = 1000


Defines the default page size for Pagination and SimplePagination components for a particular entity.

The following example configures the default page size for two entities. For all other entities the value from jmix.ui.default-page-size is used.

jmix.ui.entity-page-size.Product = 100
jmix.ui.entity-page-size.Customer = 500


Defines the icon sets to be registered for the application.

For example:

jmix.ui.icons-config=ui.ex1.icon.MyIcon \
ui.ex1.icon.FontAwesome5Icon \

The icons from the registered icon sets are displayed in the ICON SET tab of the Choose icon dialog.


An identifier of a screen to be used as main screen of the application.

Default value: MainScreen.


Defines the maximum number of tabs that can be opened in the main application window. The value of 0 disables this limitation.

Default value: 20.


Defines the path to the menu.xml file. The file is loaded using the Resources interface, so it can be located in classpath or in the configuration directory.

For example:

jmix.ui.menu-config = ui/ex2/menu.xml


An identifier of a screen to be used as login screen of the application.

Default value: LoginScreen.


Defines the keyboard shortcut that closes the current screen.

Default value: ESCAPE.


Defines the layout of the dialog displayed when a user attempts to close a screen with unsaved changes in DataContext.

Value of true corresponds to a layout with three possible actions: "Save changes", "Don’t save", "Don’t close the screen".

The value of false corresponds to a form with two options: "Close the screen without saving changes", "Don’t close the screen".

Default value: true.


If set to false, the breadcrumbs panel which normally appears on top of the main window working area is hidden.

Default value: true.


Defines a <theme-name>-theme.properties file or files that store theme variables, such as default popup window dimensions and input field width.

Default value:

io/jmix/ui/theme/helium-theme.properties \
io/jmix/ui/theme/halo-theme.properties \


Defines the name of the color preset to be used if no other settings are available. Either cookie or user settings obtained from UserSettingService have precedence over this value.


Defines the name of the theme size preset to be used if no other settings are available. Either cookie or user settings obtained from UserSettingService have precedence over this value.


Defines the list of available theme modes, that is, color presets. Default modes are light and dark.

Default value:

jmix.ui.theme.modes = light, dark


Defines the list of available theme size presets. Default theme size presets are small, medium, large.

Default value:

jmix.ui.theme.sizes = small, medium, large


Defines the name of the theme used as default. See also jmix.ui.theme-config.

Default value: helium.


Defines how URL changes should be handled.

Possible values are the elements of the UrlHandlingMode enumeration:

Default value: URL_ROUTES.


Defines interval in ms for checking timeout of a Background Task.

Default value: 5000.


Defines number of a Background Task threads.

Default value: 10.


For the Downloader bean, defines the list of file extensions to be shown in the web browser tab instead of downloading them automatically.

Default value: htm,html,jpg,png,jpeg,pdf.



Defines the default number of options on one page of the drop-down list in the ComboBox and EntityComboBox components. It can be overridden for a concrete instance of the component using the pageLength XML attribute.

Default value: 10.


Defines actions to be added to the selection component for the specified entity in generic mechanisms like Filter parameters or editable cells of Table and DataGrid.

For example, to use EntityLookupAction, EntityOpenAction and EntityClearAction in the components selecting the uiex1_City entity, set the property as follows:

jmix.ui.component.entity-field-actions.uiex1_City = entity_lookup,entity_open,entity_clear


Defines the component to be used for selecting the specified entity in generic mechanisms like Filter parameters or editable cells of Table and DataGrid. This component should implement the EntityPicker interface.

Specify the component’s XML name as a value of this property. For example, to use EntityComboBox for selecting the uiex1_City entity, set the property as follows:

jmix.ui.component.entity-field-type.uiex1_City = entityComboBox

By default, generic mechanisms use the EntityPicker component.


When set to true, the Filter component works in the immediate mode when every change of filter parameters automatically reloads data. When set to false, filter will be applied only after the Refresh button is clicked. This property can be overridden for a concrete instance of the Filter component using the autoApply XML attribute.

Default value: true.


Sets the default number of columns for placing conditions on the filter panel. It can be overridden for a concrete instance of the Filter component using the columnsCount XML attribute.

Default value: 3.


Defines the properties hierarchy depth in the Add Condition editor in filter. For example, if the depth value is 2, then you can select an entity attribute contractor.city.country, if the value is 3, then contractor.city.country.name, etc.

Default value: 2.


Determines whether the Configuration id field should be visible in the Configuration editor screen of the Filter component. By default, the Configuration id field is not shown, and the configurationId is generated depending on the configurationName.

Default value: false.


Determines whether the HtmlSanitizer bean should be used by the UI components implementing the HasHtmlSanitizer interface to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) in HTML content. The sanitization can also be enabled or disabled by individual components using htmlSanitizerEnabled attribute.

Default value: true.


If set to MANAGED, main window TabSheet doesn’t unload components from the tab when the user selects another tab.

Default value: DEFAULT.


Keyboard shortcut to switch to the next tab in the main window TabSheet.

Default value: CTRL-SHIFT-PAGE_DOWN.


Keyboard shortcut to switch to the previous tab in the main window TabSheet.

Default value: CTRL-SHIFT-PAGE_UP.


Defines the options for the drop-down list that can be used as a number of items per page for Pagination. To configure a custom list of options for a concrete instance of the Pagination component, use the itemsPerPageOptions XML attribute.

Default value: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000.


Maximum file size (in megabytes) that can be uploaded using the FileUploadField, FileMultiUploadField, FileStorageUploadField components.

Default value: 20.