What’s New

This section covers new features of Jmix framework and Studio 2.1, as well as some breaking changes to be aware of when upgrading from a previous version of the framework.

How To Upgrade

To create new projects with Jmix 2.1 or to upgrade an existing project, you need Studio 2.1 or later, so update your Jmix Studio plugin first.

The minimal supported IntelliJ IDEA version is now 2023.1.

See Upgrading Project section for how to upgrade your project using Studio. The automatic migration procedure makes the following changes in your project:

  • Updates the version of Jmix BOM which in turn defines versions of all dependencies.

  • Updates the version of Jmix Gradle plugin.

  • Updates the version of Gradle wrapper to 8.2 in gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties.

  • Adds vaadin.optimizeBundle = false property to build.gradle.

  • Adds implementation 'io.jmix.security:jmix-security-starter' dependency.

  • For formLayout components with labelsPosition="ASIDE" wraps nested components in formItem elements.

See also the full list of breaking changes that can affect your project after the upgrade.

New Features and Improvements

Add-ons with Flow UI

The following add-ons are now available for projects with Flow UI:

BPM Improvements

  • DMN tables editor has been ported to Flow UI.

  • BPM Modeler now supports External Worker Tasks.

  • In the new Studio process form wizard, you can select existing process variables to show on the form, and Studio will create appropriate UI components bound to the process variables. In the wizard, you can also define outcomes to generate in the process form view.

DataGrid Improvements

Column Renderers

You can now assign renderers to dataGrid columns declaratively.

There are a few pre-built renderers that can be assigned to a column in XML: numberRenderer, localDateRenderer and localDateTimeRenderer. They accept a format string. For example:

<column property="dueDate">
    <localDateRenderer format="MMM dd, yyyy"/>

A custom renderer can be assigned to a column using the renderer handler which is now available on the Handlers tab of the Jmix UI inspector for any column element. Besides, the column element can be defined without the property attribute, that is without direct binding to an entity attribute. In this case, the column element must have the key attribute with a unique value.

The example below shows how to define a column with custom renderer which displays a checkbox:

<column key="completed" width="4em" flexGrow="0"/>
@Supply(to = "stepsDataGrid.completed", subject = "renderer")
private Renderer<UserStep> stepsDataGridCompletedRenderer() {
    return new ComponentRenderer<>(userStep -> {
        Checkbox checkbox = uiComponents.create(Checkbox.class);
        checkbox.setValue(userStep.getCompletedDate() != null);
        checkbox.addValueChangeListener(e -> {
            // ...
        return checkbox;

You can use different implementations of the com.vaadin.flow.data.renderer.Renderer interface. In the example below, a custom text is displayed in the column:

<column key="status" header="Status"/>
@Supply(to = "stepsDataGrid.status", subject = "renderer")
private Renderer<UserStep> stepsDataGridStatusRenderer() {
    return new TextRenderer<>(userStep ->
            isOverdue(userStep) ? "Overdue!" : "");

Sorting by Multiple Columns

dataGrid now supports sorting by multiple columns. You can configure it using the following XML attributes:

  • multiSort - enables sorting by multiple columns.

  • multiSortOnShiftClickOnly - if true, multi-sorting occurs only when clicking on the column header when the Shift key is pressed. False by default.

  • multiSortPriority - if set to APPEND, the clicked column is added to the end of the list of sorted columns. If PREPEND (which is the default), the clicked column is added to the beginning of the list.

For example:

<dataGrid id="usersDataGrid" dataContainer="usersDc"


dataGrid now supports aggregation of values in rows. To enable aggregation, set the aggregatable attribute to true, add the aggregation element to aggregated columns and select the aggregation type.

For example:

<dataGrid id="ordersDataGrid" dataContainer="ordersDc"
        <column property="num"/>
        <column property="date"/>
        <column property="amount">
            <aggregation type="SUM" cellTitle="Total amount"/>

Filter in DataGrid Column Headers

This is a preview feature. Its look and feel, as well as implementation details, may change significantly in future releases.

Data in dataGrid can now be filtered using property filters embedded into column headers.

You can define which columns should have a filter using the filterable XML attribute. Filterable columns have the "funnel" icon (funnel) in their headers. If the user clicks this icon, a dialog with the property filter condition appears. If a condition is set, the icon in that column is highlighted.

To make sure the filter icon is always visible, set an appropriate width for the column using the width or autoWidth attribute. Don’t make the column resizable, otherwise users will be able to shrink the column width and lose the filter icon.

For example:

    <column property="username" filterable="true" width="20em"/>
    <column property="firstName" filterable="true" autoWidth="true"/>
    <column property="lastName" filterable="true" autoWidth="true"/>
    <column property="email"/>

Property filters in column headers work in the same way as standalone property filters and genericFilter - they add conditions to the data loader. In the standard flow, the conditions are translated to the JPQL query and filter data on the database level.

Filterable columns can be used together with propertyFilter and genericFilter components. Conditions of all filters are combined by logical AND.

Currently, column filter conditions are not bound to the page URL. It means that if a user applies a filter and then navigates to a detail view and back, the filter will be cleared. We are going to implement integration with the urlQueryParameters facet in the next release.

VirtualList Component

The virtualList component is designed for displaying lists of items with a complex content. Only the visible portion of items is rendered at a time.

virtualList is connected to a data container and by default displays the instance name of the entity located in the container. An arbitrary content can be displayed using the renderer handler.

Below is an example of using virtualList in a list view instead of dataGrid:

<data readOnly="true">
    <collection id="stepsDc" class="com.company.onboarding.entity.Step">
    <genericFilter id="genericFilter" ...>
    <hbox id="buttonsPanel" ...>
        <button id="createBtn" text="Create" themeNames="primary"/>
        <simplePagination id="pagination" dataLoader="stepsDl"/>
    <virtualList id="stepsVirtualList" itemsContainer="stepsDc"/>
private UiComponents uiComponents;

@Supply(to = "stepsVirtualList", subject = "renderer")
private Renderer<Step> stepsVirtualListRenderer() {
    return new ComponentRenderer<>(step -> {
        HorizontalLayout hbox = uiComponents.create(HorizontalLayout.class);
        // create content of the list item
        return hbox;

Note that items in virtualList are not selectable and cannot be navigated by the keyboard. The standard List Component Actions will not work with virtualList, so you should define your own actions for CRUD operations if needed.

Html Component

The html component allows you to insert arbitrary HTML content into views.

The content can be defined inline in the nested content element, in a file located in the project resources, or in the message bundle. In the latter case, the content can be easily internationalized. For example:

<html content="msg://helloWorld"/>
com.company.onboarding.view.sample/helloWorld=<h2>Hello World</h2>

Settings Facet

The settings facet saves and restores settings of visual components for the current user. At the moment the following components are supported:

  • dataGrid, treeDataGrid - the facet saves order and width of columns, sorting parameters.

  • details, genericFilter - the facet saves the opened state.

  • simplePagination - the facet saves the selected page size if itemsPerPageVisible is true.

To use the facet, make sure your project has the following dependency:

implementation 'io.jmix.flowui:jmix-flowui-data-starter'

When added to a view with the auto="true" attribute, the facet manages settings of all supported components of the view that have identifiers:

    <settings auto="true"/>

To manage settings of a particular component, use the nested component elements, for example:

        <component id="customersDataGrid"/>

To exclude some component, use auto="true" for the facet and enabled="false" for the component:

    <settings auto="true">
        <component id="customersDataGrid" enabled="false"/>

The facet provides handlers that allow you to save and restore any properties of the view and its components. The following example shows how to save the value of a checkbox:

private SettingsFacet settings;
private JmixCheckbox testCheckbox;

@Install(to = "settings", subject = "applySettingsDelegate")
private void settingsApplySettingsDelegate(final SettingsFacet.SettingsContext settingsContext) {
    Optional<Boolean> value = settingsContext.getViewSettings().getBoolean("testCheckbox", "value");

@Install(to = "settings", subject = "saveSettingsDelegate")
private void settingsSaveSettingsDelegate(final SettingsFacet.SettingsContext settingsContext) {
    settingsContext.getViewSettings().put("testCheckbox", "value", testCheckbox.getValue());

There are two handlers for restoring settings:

  • applySettingsDelegate is invoked before the view ReadyEvent handler

  • applyDataLoadingSettingsDelegate is invoked before the view BeforeShowEvent handler and allows you to restore settings related to data loading.

The saveSettingsDelegate handler is invoked before the view DetachEvent handler.

The settings are stored in the main data store in the FLOWUI_USER_SETTINGS table in JSON format. You can manage the saved settings by opening the flowui_UserSettingsItem entity in Entity Inspector.

Timer Facet

The new timer facet is designed to run UI code at specified time intervals. It works in a thread that handles user interface events and can update view components.

UI Elements and Attributes

Prefix and Suffix Components

Prefix and suffix components can now be added in XML to the components implementing HasPrefix and HasSuffix interfaces. For example:

<textField id="nameField" property="name">
        <icon icon="ASTERISK"/>
        <button id="setNameBtn" text="Set name"/>

Inline CSS Attribute

Now you can use css attribute to provide inline CSS for any component. For example:

<button id="editBtn" action="usersDataGrid.edit" css="color: red;"/>

alignSelf Attribute

The new alignSelf attribute enables overriding of the alignItems value of the enclosing container in individual components. For example:

<hbox alignItems="CENTER" height="10em">
    <span id="totalLabel" text="Total"/>
    <span id="completedLabel" text="Completed" alignSelf="END"/>
    <span id="overdueLabel" text="Overdue"/>

The attribute is available for all components. It corresponds to the align-self CSS property.

Fetching Items in Dropdowns

The UI components with dropdown lists (comboBox, entityComboBox, multiSelectComboBox, multiSelectComboBoxPicker) now can load items in batches in response to user input. For example, when the user enters foo, the component loads from the database at most 50 items having foo in the name and shows them the dropdown. When the user scrolls down the list, the component fetches the next batch of 50 items with the same query and adds them to the list.

To implement this behavior, define the itemsQuery nested element instead of specifying the itemsContainer attribute. The itemsQuery element should contain the query text in the nested query element and a few additional attributes specifying what and how to load data.

Example of itemsQuery in entityComboBox:

<entityComboBox id="departmentField" property="department" pageSize="30">
    <itemsQuery class="com.company.onboarding.entity.Department" fetchPlan="_instance_name"
            <![CDATA[select e from Department e where e.name like :searchString order by e.name]]>

Example of itemsQuery in comboBox:

<comboBox id="departmentField" pageSize="30" >
    <itemsQuery searchStringFormat="(?i)%${inputString}%">
            <![CDATA[select e.name from Department e where e.name like :searchString order by e.name]]>

As you can see, itemsQuery in comboBox does not need class and fetchPlan attributes because the query is supposed to return the list of scalar values (notice e.name in the result set).

The pageSize attribute of the component defines the batch size when loading data from the database. It is 50 by default.

Items fetching can also be defined programmatically using the itemsFetchCallback handler. For example:

<entityComboBox id="departmentField" property="department"/>
@Install(to = "departmentField", subject = "itemsFetchCallback")
private Stream<Department> departmentFieldItemsFetchCallback(final Query<Department, String> query) {
    String param = query.getFilter().orElse("");
    return dataManager.load(Department.class)
            .condition(PropertyCondition.contains("name", param))

In this example, data is fetched using DataManager, but you can use this approach to load from a custom service as well.

Read-only Data Loaders

loader XML elements defining data loaders now have the readOnly attribute. If it’s set to true, the loader doesn’t get a reference to DataContext and doesn’t merge entities after load. As a result, entities loaded with this loader are not tracked by DataContext and not saved automatically even if changed.

This attribute is now used in list view templates instead of readOnly="true" on the root data element (which selected a no-op implementation of the whole DataContext). Both are intended to improve performance by bypassing DataContext for read-only data, but the readOnly attribute on loaders enables more fine-grained control: you can have the normal DataContext to save an edited entity and at the same time load read-only entities, for example for dropdowns.

Studio now generates collection loaders with readOnly="true" by default.

In the following example the loaded User entity is merged into DataContext, while the collection of Department entities is not:

    <instance id="userDc" class="com.company.onboarding.entity.User">
        <fetchPlan extends="_base"/>
        <collection id="stepsDc" property="steps"/>

    <collection id="departmentsDc" class="com.company.onboarding.entity.Department">
        <fetchPlan extends="_base"/>
        <loader id="departmentsDl" readOnly="true">
                <![CDATA[select e from Department e order by e.name]]>

Master-Detail View Template

The new Master-detail view template allows you to create CRUD views with the list of entities on the left and details of a selected entities on the right.

User Substitution

The user substitution views have been implemented in Flow UI.

When you create a new project, the user list view already contains the User substitutions item in the Additional dropdown. To show this item in an existing project, open user-list-view.xml and add sec_showUserSubstitutions action to the dataGrid and corresponding item to the dropdownButton as follows:

<dropdownButton id="additionalBtn" ...>
        <actionItem id="showUserSubstitutionsItem" ref="usersDataGrid.showUserSubstitutions"/>
<dataGrid id="usersDataGrid" ...>
        <action id="showUserSubstitutions" type="sec_showUserSubstitutions"/>

Injection by Code Completion

Studio now offers a new way of injecting dependencies into Spring beans and view controllers.

As soon as you enter a few characters inside a method body, you will get a code completion dropdown filled with available beans and UI components in addition to the existing local variables and class fields. The beans and UI components not yet injected into the class will be marked with italic font. If you select such an item, it will be injected into the constructor or into a field with the proper annotation (@Autowired or @ViewComponent) and the filed will be available for usage immediately at the cursor position.

You can set the minimum number of characters to enter or completely turn off this feature on the Coding Assistance tab of the Jmix Plugin Settings.

Support for Data Repositories

Studio now has full support for creating and managing data repositories.

To create a repository, click NewData Repository in Jmix tool window toolbar. In the New Jmix Data Repository dialog, select an entity and click OK. Studio will create the repository interface extending JmixDataRepository and add @EnableJmixDataRepositories to the main application class.

When a data repository is opened in the editor, Studio shows the actions panel on top with two buttons. The Add Derived Method button allows you to create a method whose query will be derived from the method name. The Add Query Method creates a method with explicitly specified JPQL query. Both methods open special dialogs where you can define the query and its parameters.

For all existing methods of a repository, Studio displays a "gear" gutter icon. It allows you to adjust the method parameters, for example add sorting or fetch plan. You can also extract the query into the @Query annotation and change the method name as you like.

Data repositories created for a particular entity are displayed in Jmix tool window in the Data Repositories section inside the entity section.

Commenting Data Model

Now you can add comments to entities and their attributes using the @io.jmix.core.metamodel.annotation.Comment annotation, for example:

        Stores information about books.
        Has reference to Genre.""")
@Table(name = "BOOK")
public class Book {
    // ...

    @Comment("Book title")
    @Column(name = "TITLE")
    private String title;

For all databases except HSQL, Studio generates setTableRemarks and setColumnRemarks Liquibase changelog operations to store the comments in the database schema. So the comments become available through any database inspection tool.

You can also extract comments from metadata (or directly from class annotations) to display in the application UI or generate a documentation. Use MetadataTools.getMetaAnnotationValue() methods for convenience.

Studio supports creating comments in the Entity Designer: see Comment edit links in the lists of entity and attribute parameters. When a comment is set, the link shows its first few words.

View Designer Improvements

Now the Jmix UI tool window is displayed for both view XML descriptors and controllers. It allows you to see the components tree, change component properties or even add new components to the view while working with Java code in the controller. You can also inject components to the controller by dragging and dropping them from the hierarchy to the code editor.

The Preview panel requires building the frontend and starting Vaadin Development Mode Server, which can take a long time. To save time on the project opening, the Preview panel is now opened only when you click Start Preview button in the top panel of the XML editor. After that, the preview will be active for all subsequently opened views of the project. You can also deactivate the preview by clicking Stop Preview.

Profile-Specific Properties

Studio can now read application properties from profile-specific files, if spring.profiles.active property is set in the main application.properties file. It allows you to have a separate profile for development environment.

The example below shows how to create a dev profile defining properties for the database connection and use it as a default for your development environment.

spring.profiles.active = dev

# ...
main.datasource.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/onboarding-21
main.datasource.username = root
main.datasource.password = root

After making these changes, the Data Store Properties editor in Studio will read and write properties from and to application-dev.properties file instead of application.properties.

You can exclude the application-dev.properties file from VCS to not share the connection settings. When running the application in production, a different profile can be specified using a command-line argument or an environment variable.

Connecting to Unsupported Databases

Now you can define an additional data store connected to a database not supported by Jmix natively.

This feature is currently in the preview state and disabled by default. To enable it, press Shift twice, in the opened list select the Jmix Features item and tick the Generic Database Support for Additional Data Store checkbox.

After that, when you create an additional data store, you will see the Generic DB item in the Database type dropdown. If you select this type, Studio will allow you to enter the following parameters:

  • DBMS type - an arbitrary identifier of the database type used also as a prefix for the database-specific classes (explained below). Enter a short string containing only alphanumeric lowercase characters, for example foo.

  • Database URL - the full JDBC connection URL, for example jdbc:foosql://localhost/database

  • Driver class name - class name of the JDBC driver, for example org.foosql.Driver.

  • Driver artifact - JDBC driver artifact coordinates, for example org.foosql:foosql:1.0.0.

  • Connection test query - an SQL query for testing connection, for example select 1.

  • Database platform - a class extending org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform which describes the database for the EclipseLink ORM framework. You can select an existing class if it suits your database or keep the Create DatabasePlatform class to create a new class.

Click OK.

Studio will create the usual Myds1StoreConfiguration class with required beans in the base package. In addition, it will create the following stubs in the <base-package>/dbms package:

  • FooPlatform - the class extending DatabasePlatform. It describes the database for the EclipseLink ORM framework.

  • FooDbmsFeatures - the class implementing DbmsFeatures interface. It describes the database for Jmix framework.

  • FooSequenceSupport - the class implementing SequenceSupport interface. It describes how sequences should be handled in this database.

  • FooDbTypeConverter - the class implementing DbTypeConverter interface. It defines methods to convert data between Java objects and JDBC parameters and results.

Studio will also add implementation 'org.foosql:foosql:1.0.0' dependency to build.gradle.

Now you should implement the methods in the generated stubs appropriately. Use the framework classes like JmixPostgreSQLPlatform, PostgresqlDbmsFeatures and so on as an example.

Breaking Changes

Production Build

Due to the changes in Vaadin 24.1.9 your build.gradle file should contain the following code:

vaadin {
    optimizeBundle = false

It is now required for production builds.

Representation of Roles in Authentication Object

Now the roles of the current user are represented by the Spring Security SimpleGrantedAuthority class which effectively contains only a string denoting a role. The string has the following format:

  • For resource roles: ROLE_<role-code>, for example ROLE_system-full-access.

  • For row-level roles: ROW_LEVEL_ROLE_<role-code>, for example ROW_LEVEL_ROLE_my-role.

Granted authorities of the appropriate Java class and content can be created from role codes using the RoleGrantedAuthorityUtils class.

The following starter must be added to build.gradle (Studio does it automatically when upgrades the project):

implementation 'io.jmix.security:jmix-security-starter'

The RoleGrantedAuthority class which previously represented roles in the Authentication object has been removed.

See #233 for more information.

Labels Position in FormLayout

If labels of components inside formLayout are placed to the side, then each field must be wrapped in the formItem element.

In the following example, the labels are on the side regardless of the layout width:

<formLayout dataContainer="userDc" width="100%" labelsPosition="ASIDE">
        <textField id="usernameField" property="username" readOnly="true"/>
        <textField id="firstNameField" property="firstName"/>
        <textField id="lastNameField" property="lastName"/>
        <checkbox id="activeField" property="active"/>

The same requirement applies if labelsPosition="ASIDE" is defined for certain responsive steps:

<formLayout dataContainer="userDc" width="100%" labelsPosition="ASIDE">
        <responsiveStep minWidth="0" columns="1" labelsPosition="TOP"/>
        <responsiveStep minWidth="40em" columns="1" labelsPosition="ASIDE"/>
        <responsiveStep minWidth="50em" columns="2" labelsPosition="TOP"/>
        <responsiveStep minWidth="65em" columns="2" labelsPosition="ASIDE"/>
        <textField id="usernameField" property="username" readOnly="true"/>
        <textField id="firstNameField" property="firstName"/>
        <textField id="lastNameField" property="lastName"/>
        <checkbox id="activeField" property="active"/>

When upgrading a project to Jmix 2.1, Studio automatically wraps nested components for all formLayout components with labelsPosition="ASIDE" used in the project.

SimplePagination.setTotalCountDelegate Signature

The SimplePagination.setTotalCountDelegate() method signature has been changed. Now it accepts Function<DataLoadContext, Integer> instead of previous Function<LoadContext, Integer>.

DataLoadContext is the common ancestor for LoadContext and ValueLoadContext, so the change enables use of simplePagination count delegate with keyValueCollection containers.

Your code can be affected if you have added the delegate programmatically using the SimplePagination.setTotalCountDelegate() method. In this case, just cast the received variable to LoadContext, for example:

pagination.setTotalCountDelegate(dataLoadContext -> {
    long count = dataManager.getCount((LoadContext<?>) dataLoadContext);

Delegates created using @Install annotation will continue working as is.

See #2192 for more information.

BaseContainerSorter.createComparator Signature

The BaseContainerSorter.createComparator() signature has been changed to support sorting by multiple columns in dataGrid (see #1265). Now it accepts Sort.Order instead of Sort.

If you have implemented a custom sorting, change your overriding method accordingly.

jmix-main-view-navigation CSS Class

The following properties have been added to the jmix-main-view-navigation CSS class used in the nav element of main-view.xml:

display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

If you have added your styles for this element, you may need to adapt them to the flexbox layout.
