
DatePicker is a field to display and enter the date. It has the same view as the drop-down calendar in the DateField.

date picker

Component’s XML-name: datePicker.


DatePicker works the same as DateField, except that this component does not have TimeField to the right and less variety in configuration.



The resolution attribute allows you to define date accuracy. It accepts the following values:

  • DAY - default value, to within a day.


  • YEAR

<datePicker resolution="MONTH"/>

rangeStart and rangeEnd

You can specify available dates by using these two attributes. If a range is set, all dates outside the range will be disabled. You can set range dates in the "year-month-date" format in XML or programmatically using corresponding setters.

<datePicker rangeStart="2021-04-05"

Events and Handlers

To generate a handler stub in Jmix Studio, select the component in the screen descriptor XML or in the Component Hierarchy panel and use the Handlers tab of the Component Inspector panel.

Alternatively, you can use the Generate Handler button in the top panel of the screen controller.



See Validator.


DatePicker XML Attributes

You can view and edit attributes applicable to the component using the Component Inspector panel of the Studio’s Screen Designer.