
AppMenu is a component for displaying a horizontal menu with a hierarchical drop-down sub-menus. AppMenu allows you to dynamically manage the elements of the main menu, add icons and apply custom styles in the application’s main screen.

AppMenu is used in the Main screen with top menu template.

By default, AppMenu loads menu structure from MenuConfig.

Component’s XML-name: menu.


A typical menu is shown below:

app menu anatomy
  1. Root item

  2. Sub-item

  3. Item with icon

  4. Separator

An example of component definition in an XML descriptor of a screen:

<menu id="mainMenu"

Using the AppMenu instance, you can create the menu items programmatically, for example:

@Route(path = "main", root = true)
public class MainScreenTopMenu extends Screen implements Window.HasWorkArea {

    private AppMenu mainMenu;
    private Notifications notifications;

    public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        AppMenu.MenuItem rootItem = mainMenu.createMenuItem("help", "Help");
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemStarted = mainMenu.createMenuItem("start",
                "Getting Started");
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemNews = mainMenu.createMenuItem("news", "News",
                "font-icon:NEWSPAPER_O", null); (1)
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemBlog = mainMenu.createMenuItem("blog", "Blog");
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemSite = mainMenu.createMenuItem("site", "Website");
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemAbout = mainMenu.createMenuItem("about", "About",
                null, menuItem -> { (2)
                    .withCaption("About menu item clicked")
        AppMenu.MenuItem subItemCenter = mainMenu.createMenuItem("center",
                "Client Center");


        rootItem.addChildItem(mainMenu.createSeparator()); (3)

        mainMenu.addMenuItem(rootItem, 0);
1 Create a new menu item with icon.
2 Create a new menu item with command action.
3 Create a menu separator.

Methods of AppMenu

  • addMenuItem()/removeMenuItem() - adds/removes the menu item to the end of the root items list or specified position in the root items list.

  • createMenuItem() - creates the new menu item. Does not add items to the menu. id is required and must be unique for the whole menu. A menu item can have a caption, command, and icon.

  • createSeparator() - creates the menu separator.

  • getMenuItem()/getMenuItemNN() - returns the item from the menu tree by its id.

  • getMenuItems() - returns the list of root menu items.

  • hasMenuItems() - returns true if the menu has items.

Methods of MenuItem

  • addChildItem()/removeChildItem() - adds/removes the menu item to the end or to the specified position of children list.

  • getCaption() - returns the String caption of the menu item.

  • getChildren() - returns the list of child items.

  • setCaption() - sets the item caption.

  • setCommand() - sets the item command, or the action to be performed on this menu item click.

  • setDescription() - sets the String description of the menu item, displayed as a popup tip.

  • setIcon() - sets the item’s icon.

  • getId() - returns the menu item id.

  • getMenu() - returns the menu item owner.

  • setStylename() - sets one or more user-defined style names of the component, replacing any previous user-defined styles. Multiple styles can be specified as a space-separated list of style names. The style names must be valid CSS class names.

  • hasChildren() - returns true if the menu item has child items.

  • isSeparator() - returns true if the item is a separator.

  • setVisible() - manages visibility of the menu item.


The appearance of the AppMenu component can be customized using SCSS variables with $jmix-menubar-* and $jmix-app-menubar-* prefixes. You can change these variables in the visual editor after creating a custom theme.

All XML Attributes

You can view and edit attributes applicable to the component using the Component Inspector panel of the Studio’s Screen Designer.