
dropdownButton is a button with a drop-down list of items.

  • XML element: dropdownButton

  • Java class: DropdownButton


dropdownButton can have a text, an icon, or both:

dropdown button basics

An example of defining dropdownButton with text, icon and a tooltip (the title attribute) retrieved from the message bundle:

<dropdownButton icon="MAILBOX" text="Contact Us" title="msg://contact">
        <textItem id="callItem" text="Call Us"/>
        <textItem id="emailItem" text="E Mail"/>
        <textItem id="whatsAppItem" text="WhatsApp"/>


dropdownButton defined in the XML descriptor may contain nested elements:


actionItem - this element is associated with an action using the ref attribute.

    <action id="callAction" text="Call Us" icon="PHONE"/>
    <dropdownButton icon="MAILBOX" title="msg://contact" id="callBtn">
            <actionItem id="callUsItem" ref="callAction"/>
public void onCallAction(final ActionPerformedEvent event) {
    notifications.create("Phone number: +6(876)5463")


componentItem - this element sets custom inner content for dropdownButton. ClickListener can be added from a controller.

    <dropdownButton icon="MAILBOX" title="msg://contact" id="callBtn">
            <componentItem id="emailIt">
                <hbox padding="false">
                    <icon icon="MAILBOX"/>
                    <span text="E Mail"/>
public void onEmailItClick(final DropdownButtonItem.ClickEvent event) {
    notifications.create("Email: test@river.net")


textItem - this element contains text. ClickListener can be added from a controller.

    <dropdownButton icon="MAILBOX" title="msg://contact" id="callBtn">
            <textItem id="whatsAppIt" text="WhatsApp"/>


separator - this element is used for separating items.


Sets the visibility of the dropdown indicator.

Default is true.


If the openOnHover attribute is true, the drop-down list of items is opened automatically when the field is focused using a mouse or touch.

Default is false.


To generate a handler stub in Jmix Studio, use the Handlers tab of the Jmix UI inspector panel or the Generate Handler action available in the top panel of the view class and through the CodeGenerate menu (Alt+Insert / Cmd+N).