A typical tree is shown below:

Toggles for expanding and collapsing tree nodes
The dataContainer attribute of the Tree
component should contain a reference to a collection container.
The hierarchyProperty
attribute defines the name of the entity attribute, which refers to the same entity.
Below is an example of component description in a screen XML descriptor:
<collection id="departmentsDc" class="ui.ex1.entity.Department">
<fetchPlan extends="_base">
<property name="parentDept" fetchPlan="_base"/>
<property name="manager" fetchPlan="_base"/>
<loader id="departmentsDl">
<![CDATA[select e from uiex1_Department e]]>
<layout spacing="true">
<tree id="simpleTree"
Tree renders all records available in the data container at once, so you shouldn’t use it to display a large amount of data.
Content Modes
The contentMode
attribute defines how the tree element captions should be displayed. There are three predefined content modes:
- textual values are displayed as plain text. -
- textual values are displayed as preformatted text. In this mode, newlines are preserved when rendered on the screen. -
- textual values are interpreted and displayed as HTML. When using HTML, don’t forget to escape data to prevent code injection.
The default content mode is TEXT
Selection Modes
The selectionMode
attribute defines the rows selection mode. There are three predefined selection modes:
- a selection mode that supports only single rows to be selected at a time. -
- a selection mode that supports multiple selections. -
- disables selection of rows.
The default selection mode is SINGLE
Row Height
The rowHeight
attribute sets the height of a row in pixels. If the value is -1
, the row height is calculated based on the theme for an empty row before the tree is displayed.
The default value is -1
Methods of Tree Interface
- collapses all tree nodes.
- expands all tree nodes.
Events and Handlers
To generate a handler stub in Jmix Studio, select the component in the screen descriptor XML or in the Jmix UI hierarchy panel and use the Handlers tab of the Jmix UI inspector panel. Alternatively, you can use the Generate Handler button in the top panel of the screen controller. |
An event that is fired when an item is collapsed.
Example of subscribing to the event for the tree defined in the screen XML with the deptTree
public void onDeptTreeCollapse(Tree.CollapseEvent<Department> event) {
.withCaption("Collapsed: " + event.getCollapsedItem().getName())
To register the event handler programmatically, use the addCollapseListener()
component method.
The description provider generates tooltip descriptions for items when the user hovers over a tree item.
In the example below, we will show a DescriptionProvider
usage for the simpleTree
@Install(to = "simpleTree", subject = "descriptionProvider")
private String simpleTreeDescriptionProvider(Department department) {
return "The manager of the " + department.getName() +
" department is " + department.getManager().getName();

To register the description provider programmatically, use the setDescriptionProvider()
component method. The description provider can render HTML if the ContentMode.HTML
value is passed to the contentMode
is fired when an item is expanded.
Example of subscribing to the event for the tree defined in the screen XML with the deptTree
public void onDeptTreeExpand(Tree.ExpandEvent<Department> event) {
.withCaption("Expanded: " + event.getExpandedItem().getName())
To register the event handler programmatically, use the addExpandListener()
component method.
See IconProvider.
The item caption provider allows you to change the displayed caption for each item of the tree:
@Install(to = "departmentTree", subject = "itemCaptionProvider")
private String departmentTreeItemCaptionProvider(Department department) {
return "Department: " + department.getName() +
", manager: " + department.getManager().getName();

To register the event handler programmatically, use the setItemCaptionProvider()
component method.
See LookupSelectHandler.
See SelectionEvent.
See StyleProvider.
All XML Attributes
You can view and edit attributes applicable to the component using the Jmix UI inspector panel of the Studio’s Screen Designer. |
align - caption - captionAsHtml - captionProperty - colspan - contentMode - contextHelpText - contextHelpTextHtmlEnabled - css - dataContainer - description - descriptionAsHtml - enable - box.expandRatio - height - hierarchyProperty - htmlSanitizerEnabled - icon - id - responsive - rowHeight - rowspan - selectionMode - showOrphans - stylename - tabIndex - visible - width