Creating Notifications

You can create notifications via administration UI or programmatically in code.

Administration UI

After the add-on is added to your application, the main menu contains the Notifications item. The Notifications browser provides a list of created notifications and buttons for managing them.

ntf browser

The notification editor appears after clicking the Create new notification button.

ntf editor

The dialog provides the following fields to fill in:

  • Subject - a subject of the notification.

  • Type - a type of notification. The installed add-on does not contain notification types, see the configuration section to create types.

  • Recipients - recipients of the notification. Start typing the username in the field, and select the appropriate users from the list.

  • Channels - a way to send notifications. The Email channel is available if the Email add-on is installed.

    • In-app channel - a user will receive the notification in the application UI.

    • Email channel - a user will receive an email with the notification.

  • Content type - select the format of the notification text: plain text or HTML format.

Programmatic Creation

The NotificationManager service provides methods to send notifications to users.

In the example below, a notification is sent to the provided user every time a new order is created.

private boolean justCreated;

private TextField<String> numberField;

protected NotificationManager notificationManager;

public void onInitEntity(InitEntityEvent<Order> event) {
    justCreated = true;

@Subscribe(target = Target.DATA_CONTEXT)
public void onPostCommit(DataContext.PostCommitEvent event) { (1)
    if (justCreated) { (2)
        notificationManager.createNotification() (3)
                .withSubject("New order")(4)
                .withRecipientUsernames("admin") (5)
                .toChannelsByNames("in-app") (6)
                .withContentType(ContentType.PLAIN) (7)
                .withBody("A new order with number " + numberField.getValue()+ " is created.") (8)
                .send(); (9)
1 This method is invoked after committing of data context.
2 Checks if an entity is newly created.
3 Initiates NotificationRequestBuilder that creates a new NotificationRequest object.
4 Defines the subject of the notification.
5 Sets the notification recipient by the provided username.
6 Sets notification channels by provided names. The in-app and email are available.
7 Set notification body content type.
8 Sets notification body.
9 Creates and sends the notification request.