
The GroupTable component is a table that supports the grouping of data by the values of one or multiple columns.

Component’s XML-name: groupTable.


GroupTable primarily replicates the functionality of the Table component.

A typical group table is shown below:

group table anatomy
  1. Columns involved in data grouping

  2. A special group separator

  3. Grouped rows

  4. Expand group button

  5. Collapse group button

An example of GroupTable declaration in the XML screen descriptor is shown below:

    <collection id="customersDc" class="ui.ex1.entity.Customer">
        <fetchPlan extends="_base"/>
        <loader id="customersDl">
                <![CDATA[select e from uiex1_Customer e]]>
    <groupTable id="groupTable" dataContainer="customersDc" width="100%" >
                <column id="city"/>
                <column id="level"/>
            <column id="rewardPoints"/>
            <column id="firstName"/>
            <column id="lastName"/>

In the example, there is a collection container for the Customer entity. The table is bound to the container using the dataContainer attribute, while its columns element defines which entity attributes are shown in the table columns.


In order to group a table by a column, the required column should be dragged to the left and dropped in front of the group table icon element of the table header. Grouped values can be expanded and collapsed using group table plus/group table minus buttons.

group table grouping

group is an optional element that can be present in a single instance inside columns. It contains a set of column elements, by which grouping will be performed initially when opening a screen.

In the example below, we will use the includeAll attribute of the columns element along with the group element. The table is grouped by the city column:

<groupTable id="customersGroupTable" dataContainer="customersDc" width="100%">
    <columns includeAll="true">
            <column id="city"/>
        <column id="firstName" groupAllowed="false"/>

Each column element can contain the groupAllowed attribute with boolean value. This attribute controls whether a user can group by this column. The default value is true.

The fixedGrouping attribute controls whether a user can change the columns involved in data grouping. The default value is false.


GroupTable supports aggregation for table rows. For more information, see the Table section.

If the aggregatable attribute is true, the table shows aggregation results for each group (group aggregation) and results for all rows (total aggregation) in an additional row on the top.

group table aggregation anatomy
  1. Total aggregation

  2. Group aggregation

If the showTotalAggregation attribute is false, the table does not show the total aggregation. The default value is true.


If the multiselect attribute is true, the click to the group row holding down the Ctrl key will expand the group (if collapsed) and set the selection to all rows of this group. But if the whole group is selected, Ctrl+click will not deselect all the group. You can still deselect certain rows using the common Ctrl key behavior.

Exporting Column Values

See the Exporting Column Values section for the Table component.

Methods of GroupTable Interface

  • groupByColumns() - performs grouping by the given table columns.

    The example below will group the group table first by level and then by city:

    groupTableP.groupByColumns("level", "city");
  • ungroupByColumns() - resets grouping by the given columns.

    The following example will ungroup the table by level, while grouping by city from the previous snippet will be kept.

  • ungroup() - resets grouping at all.

  • setShowItemsCountForGroup() - show or hide items count for GroupTable groups. The default value is true.

  • The getAggregationResults() method returns a map with aggregation results for the specified GroupInfo object, where map keys are table column identifiers and values are aggregation values.

  • The setStyleProvider() method allows setting table cell display style. For GroupTable, it will accept GroupTable.GroupStyleProvider, which extends Table.StyleProvider.

    GroupStyleProvider has a specific method for styling grouping rows with the GroupInfo parameter. This method will be invoked for every grouping row in GroupTable.

    Example of setting a style:

    private GroupTable<Customer> styledTable;
    public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
        styledTable.setStyleProvider(new GroupTable.GroupStyleProvider<Customer>() {
            public String getStyleName(Customer entity, @Nullable String property) {
                if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(entity.getEmail() != null)) {
                    return "customer-has-email";
                return null;
            public String getStyleName(GroupInfo info) {
                Object value = info.getPropertyValue(info.getProperty());
                if (value instanceof Level) {
                    Level level = (Level) value;
                    switch (level) {
                        case SILVER:
                            return "level-silver";
                        case GOLD:
                            return "level-gold";
                        case PLATINUM:
                            return "level-platinum";
                        case DIAMOND:
                            return "level-diamond";
                return null;

Then you should define the cell and row styles in the application theme. Detailed information on creating a theme is available in Themes. Style names returned by the provider in the screen controller should be used as CSS selectors. For example:

.v-table {
  .customer-has-email {
    font-weight: bold;

    .v-table-row-odd {
      &.level-silver {
        background-color: #f2f2f2;
        color: black;

        .jmix-grouptable-group-cell-expander:before {
          color: black;

    .v-table-row-odd {
      &.level-gold {
        background-color: #ffda79;
        color: black;

        .jmix-grouptable-group-cell-expander:before {
          color: black;

    .v-table-row-odd {
      &.level-platinum {
        background-color: #637497;
        color: black;

        .jmix-grouptable-group-cell-expander:before {
          color: black;

    .v-table-row-odd {
      &.level-diamond {
        background-color: #8befff;
        color: black;

        .jmix-grouptable-group-cell-expander:before {
          color: black;
group table style provider

Events and Handlers

To generate a handler stub in Jmix Studio, select the component in the screen descriptor XML or in the Component Hierarchy panel and use the Handlers tab of the Component Inspector panel.

Alternatively, you can use the Generate Handler button in the top panel of the screen controller.


AggregationDistributionProvider is similar to the same provider for the Table component with the only difference that when creating a provider, the GroupAggregationDistributionContext<V> object is used, which contains additional GroupInfo groupInfo - an object with information about the grouping row: properties of the grouped columns and their values.





GroupCellValueFormatter enables you to provide custom text displayed within group rows.

In the example below, we replace the default text with the following format: <Grouped column name>: <Grouping value>.

@Install(to = "groupTableFormatter", subject = "groupCellValueFormatter")
private String groupTableFormatterGroupCellValueFormatter(
        GroupTable.GroupCellContext<Customer> context) {
    String key = Customer.class.getSimpleName() +
            "." + context.getGroupInfo().getProperty();
    return messages.getMessage(Customer.class,key) + ": " +
group table group formatter

To register GroupCellValueFormatter programmatically, use the setGroupCellValueFormatter() component method.



