Export Actions


ExportAction is a base list action for export table content with a defined exporter. An instance of TableExporter is required for this action.

The action should be defined for a list component (Table, GroupTable, TreeTable, DataGrid, TreeDataGrid, Tree).

ExportAction has methods for managing functions that get value from the Table or DataGrid column.

  • addColumnValueProvider() adds a function to get value from the column.

  • removeColumnValueProvider() removes a column value provider function by column id.

Export Modes

ExportAction has three modes for export: all rows, the current page and selected rows.

export action
  • The All rows option exports all records from the database taking into account applied filter and initial data loader query from the screen. Loading is performed using batches. The batch size may be configured using the jmix.gridexport.export-all-batch-size application property.

    When exporting all records, the default pagination strategy is keyset. To change this, use the jmix.gridexport.export-all-pagination-strategy application property.

  • The Current page option outputs only content of the current table’s page.

You can override the title and message of the dialog by adding messages with actions.exportSelectedTitle and actions.exportSelectedCaption keys to your message bundle.

Custom Export Action

You can define a custom action inherited from ExportAction.

An example of creating a custom export action:

public class CustomExportAction extends ExportAction {
    public static final String ID = "myExcelExport";

    public CustomExportAction(String id) {
        this(id, null);

    public CustomExportAction() {

    public CustomExportAction(String id, String shortcut) {
        super(id, shortcut);

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        withExporter(CustomExporter.class); (1)

    public String getIcon() {
        return "font-icon:CHECK";
1 If needed, you can use a custom table exporter.

Now you can use the action in the screen controller:

protected Table<Customer> customersTable;

protected Button customBtn;

protected ApplicationContext applicationContext;

protected Actions actions;

protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    CustomExportAction customAction = actions.create(CustomExportAction.class);




ExcelExportAction is an action extending ExportAction and designed to export the table content in XLSX format.

The action is implemented by the io.jmix.gridexportui.action.ExcelExportAction class and should be defined in XML using type="excelExport" action’s attribute for a list component. You can configure common action parameters using XML attributes of the action element. See Declarative Actions for details.

For example:

    <action id="excelExport" type="excelExport"/>

Alternatively, you can inject the action into the screen controller and configure it using setters:

protected ExcelExportAction customersTableExcel;

protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    customersTableExcel.setCaption("Export to Excel");

You can override localized data format strings. The default set of format strings, defined for the excel export, is the following:

excelExporter.dateTimeFormat=m/d/yy h:mm

The XLS format implies the limitation for 65536 table rows. If an exported table contains more than 65536 rows, its content will be cut by the last row, and you will see the corresponding warning message.


JsonExportAction is an action extending ExportAction and designed to export the table content in JSON format.

The action is implemented by the io.jmix.gridexportui.action.JsonExportAction class and should be defined in XML using type="jsonExport" action’s attribute for a list component. You can configure common action parameters using XML attributes of the action element. See Declarative Actions for details.

For example:

    <action id="jsonExport" type="jsonExport"/>

Alternatively, you can inject the action into the screen controller and configure it using setters:

protected JsonExportAction customersTableJson;

protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    customersTableJson.setCaption("Export to JSON");