Getting Started with Testing

This section contains a practical guide on getting started with creating and running the first test case with Jmix.

By default, every Jmix project already contains the directory structure for automated tests. It also scaffolds two automated test cases in the src/test/java/<base-package>/user directory:

  1. - a database integration test for the User entity.

  2. - a UI integration test that interacts with the user management screens.

Running the First Test Case

Jmix Studio uses IntelliJ IDEA’s capabilities to execute tests. When you open the class in Jmix Studio, you can run the test case by clicking the play button on the line of the test class.

More information on how to run a test in IDEA can be found in the official JetBrains documentation: IDEA: Run tests.

Jmix Studio will show the result of the test execution and if the test was successful or the test failed.

The UserTest saves a User entity through the DataManager API of Jmix. Then the test verifies that when loading the user by its username, the user is found and matches the originally saved user.
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

 * Sample integration test for the User entity.
@SpringBootTest (1)
@ExtendWith(AuthenticatedAsAdmin.class) (2)
public class UserTest {

    @Autowired  (3)
    DataManager dataManager;

    PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;

    UserRepository userRepository;

    User savedUser;

    @Test (4)
    void test_saveAndLoad() {
        // Create and save a new User
        User user = dataManager.create(User.class);
        user.setUsername("test-user-" + System.currentTimeMillis());
        savedUser =;

        // Check the new user can be loaded
        User loadedUser = dataManager.load(User.class).id(user.getId()).one();

        // Check the new user is available through UserRepository
        UserDetails userDetails = userRepository.loadUserByUsername(user.getUsername());
        assertThat(userDetails).isEqualTo(user);  (5)

    @AfterEach (6)
    void tearDown() {
        if (savedUser != null)
1 The @SpringBootTest annotation indicates that the Spring context is started during test execution.
2 AuthenticatedAsAdmin allows the test to interact with the system and the database as the admin user.
3 Dependencies can be injected into the test code via Spring dependency injection mechanism @Autowired.
4 Each test case is marked with JUnit’s @Test annotation.
5 To perform verifications, the assertion library AssertJ is automatically available in Jmix projects.
6 Operations like database cleanup are performed via tear down methods annotated with JUnit’s @AfterEach annotation.

The test itself is a regular Spring Boot integration test. The only Jmix specific part is the use of the JUnit Extension @ExtendWith(AuthenticatedAsAdmin.class). It sets the security context for the test to the admin user. This setting is required to interact with the DataManager API in the test case.

The test is an Integration test, meaning it starts the complete Spring context and also interacts with a real database.

Be default the tests use the same database as the application when running locally.

In the next sections different types of tests are explained in more detail.