Screen Events

This section describes the screen lifecycle events that can be handled in controllers. To gain a general understanding of the sequence of events, see the diagrams at the end of the section.


InitEvent is sent when the screen controller and all its declaratively defined components are created, and dependency injection is completed. Nested fragments are not initialized yet. Some visual components are not fully initialized, for example, buttons are not linked with actions.

private UiComponents uiComponents;

public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    Label<String> label = uiComponents.create(Label.TYPE_STRING);
    label.setValue("Orders list");


AfterInitEvent is sent when the screen controller and all its declaratively defined components are created, dependency injection is completed, and all components have completed their internal initialization procedures. Nested screen fragments (if any) have sent their InitEvent and AfterInitEvent. In this event listener, you can create visual and data components and perform additional initialization if it depends on initialized nested fragments.


InitEntityEvent is sent in screens inherited from StandardEditor and MasterDetailScreen before the new entity instance is set to edited entity container.

Use this event listener to initialize default values in the new entity instance, for example:

public void onInitEntity(InitEntityEvent<Order> event) {


BeforeShowEvent is sent right before the screen is shown, for example, it is not added to the application UI yet. Security restrictions are applied to UI components. In this event listener, you can load data, check permissions and modify UI components. For example:

private CollectionLoader<Order> ordersDl;

protected void onBeforeShow(BeforeShowEvent event) {


AfterShowEvent is sent right after the screen is shown, for example, when it is added to the application UI. In this event listener, you can show notifications, dialogs or other screens. For example:

private Notifications notifications;

protected void onAfterShow(AfterShowEvent event) {
    notifications.create().withCaption("Just opened").show();


BeforeCommitChangesEvent is sent in screens inherited from StandardEditor and MasterDetailScreen before saving of changed data by the commitChanges() method. In this event listener, you can check any conditions, interact with the user and abort or resume the save operation using the preventCommit() and resume() methods of the event object.

Let’s consider some use cases.

  • Abort the save operation with a notification:

    private Notifications notifications;
    public void onBeforeCommitChanges(BeforeCommitChangesEvent event) {
        if (getEditedEntity().getAmount() == null) {
            notifications.create().withCaption("Enter amount").show();
  • Abort saving, show a dialog and resume after confirmation by the user:

    private Dialogs dialogs;
    public void onBeforeCommitChanges(BeforeCommitChangesEvent event) {
        if (getEditedEntity().getNum() == null) {
                    .withMessage("Number is empty. Do you want to commit?")
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.OK).withHandler(e -> {
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.CANCEL)
  • Abort saving, show a dialog and retry commitChanges() after confirmation by the user:

    private Dialogs dialogs;
    public void onBeforeCommitChanges(BeforeCommitChangesEvent event) {
        if (getEditedEntity().getNum() == null) {
                    .withMessage("Number is empty. Do you want to set default?")
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.OK).withHandler(e -> {
                            new DialogAction(DialogAction.Type.CANCEL)


AfterCommitChangesEvent is sent in screens inherited from StandardEditor and MasterDetailScreen after saving of changed data by the commitChanges() method. Usage example:

private Notifications notifications;

public void onAfterCommitChanges(AfterCommitChangesEvent event) {


BeforeCloseEvent is sent right before the screen is closed by its close(CloseAction) method. The screen is still displayed and fully functional. In this event listener, you can check any conditions and prevent screen closing using the preventWindowClose() method of the event, for example:

private CheckBox checkBox;

protected void onBeforeClose(BeforeCloseEvent event) {
    if (!checkBox.isChecked()) {
        notifications.create().withCaption("Select checkbox").show();

The Window interface has also an event with the same name. It is sent before the screen is closed by an external (relative to the controller) action, like clicking on the button in the window tab or by pressing the Escape key. The way the window is closed can be obtained using the getCloseOrigin() method which returns a value implementing the CloseOrigin interface. Its default implementation CloseOriginType has three values:

  • BREADCRUMBS - the screen is closed by clicking on the breadcrumbs link.

  • CLOSE_BUTTON - the screen is closed by the close button in the window header or by the window tab close button or context menu actions: Close, Close All, Close Others.

  • SHORTCUT - the screen is closed by the keyboard shortcut defined in the jmix.ui.screen.close-shortcut application property.

You can subscribe to Window.BeforeCloseEvent by specifying Target.FRAME in the @Subscribe annotation:

@Subscribe(target = Target.FRAME)
protected void onBeforeClose(Window.BeforeCloseEvent event) {
    if (event.getCloseOrigin() == CloseOriginType.BREADCRUMBS) {


AfterCloseEvent is sent after the screen is closed by its close(CloseAction) method and after Screen.AfterDetachEvent. In this event listener, you can show notifications or dialogs after closing the screen, for example:

private Notifications notifications;

protected void onAfterClose(AfterCloseEvent event) {
    notifications.create().withCaption("Just closed").show();


AfterDetachEvent is sent after the screen is removed from the application UI when it is closed by the user or when the user logs out. This event listener can be used for releasing resources acquired by the screen. Note that this event is not sent on HTTP session expiration.


UrlParamsChangedEvent is sent when browser URL parameters corresponding to opened screen are changed. It is fired before the screen is shown, which enables to do some preparatory work. In this event listener, you can load some data or change screen controls state depending on new parameters:

protected void onUrlParamsChanged(UrlParamsChangedEvent event) {
    Map<String, String> params = event.getParams();
    // handle new params


The following diagrams show the screen lifecycle events in the order they are sent.

Opening Screen

The following diagram shows the process of opening a screen:

open standard screen

Closing Screen

The following diagram shows the process of closing a screen:

close standard screen

Opening Edit Screen

The following diagram shows the process of opening an entity edit screen:

open edit screen

Closing Edit Screen

The following diagram shows the process of commiting changes and closing an edit screen with windowCommitAndClose action:

edit screen close with save