
Check System Requirements

Make sure your computer meets the following requirements:

  • 64-bit operating system: Windows, Linux or macOS.

  • Memory – at least 8 GB (16 GB is recommended).

  • Hard drive free space – at least 20 GB.

Install Jmix Studio

Jmix Studio is implemented as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. The minimal supported IntelliJ IDEA version is 2022.3.

If you don’t have IntelliJ IDEA installed yet, download Community edition from the JetBrains website and install it.

After IntelliJ IDEA has been installed, do the following:

  1. Start IntelliJ IDEA (2022.3 or newer).

  2. On the startup screen of the IDE click the Plugins button.

    If you have any project opened, use the main menu: FileSettings (on Windows and Linux) or IntelliJ IDEAPreferences (on macOS). Then switch to the Plugins section.

  3. Switch to the Marketplace tab.

  4. Enter "jmix" into the search field. You will see the Jmix plugin in the search results.

  5. Click Install and follow the further instructions of the IDE.

    install plugin

In case you need to configure internet access via a proxy server or install non-standard Studio builds, visit the Studio installation section.

To have access to the premium Studio features, configure subscription in the subscription dialog window.

Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Download JDK version 11 or 17 (for example, Eclipse Temurin or Liberica JDK) and install it to a directory suggested by the installer. This is enough for creating and running applications from the IDE.

With Jmix 1.6, you can build applications using Java 11 and 17 from any vendor. However, we don’t recommend an OpenJ9-based JDK due to the problems it has caused in the past.

To run Jmix applications from the terminal, set JAVA_HOME environment variable as described below.

  • On Windows, create the JAVA_HOME variable with the path to the installed JDK root directory at ComputerPropertiesAdvanced System SettingsAdvancedEnvironment variables. The variable should be added to the System variables list.

  • On macOS and Linux set JAVA_HOME in ~/.bash_profile or another appropriate file of your shell, for example:

    export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home"
  • Restart the computer to make sure the environment variable has taken effect.

  • Check correctness of the environment variable by running the following command in the console:

    On Windows
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version
    On Linux and macOS
    "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -version

    The command should return the Java version, e.g. 11.0.14.

If you connect to the internet via a proxy server, some Java system properties must be passed to the JVM running development tools and Gradle. Configure these properties using Jmix Studio.


Depending on the size of your project, you may need to increase available memory for the IntelliJ IDEA and Gradle processes.

  1. In IntelliJ IDEA, open Help → Edit Custom VM Options…​ and edit the -Xmx parameter (it’s usually on top). The recommended value is 2048m or more, for example:

  2. Edit the ~/.gradle/ file and set the -Xmx parameter in the org.gradle.jvmargs property. The recommended value is 2048m or more, for example:
