Class RunListEntityReportAction<E>

All Implemented Interfaces:
AdjustWhenViewReadOnly, ExecutableAction, SecuredAction, TargetAction<ListDataComponent<E>>, Action, HasShortcutCombination

@ActionType("report_runListEntityReport") public class RunListEntityReportAction<E> extends ListDataComponentAction<RunListEntityReportAction<E>,E> implements AdjustWhenViewReadOnly
Standard action for printing reports for a list of entity instances associated with a list component.

Should be defined for a list component (Table, DataGrid, etc.) in a screen XML descriptor.

The action only selects reports having an external parameter of the Entity or the List of entities type and where the parameter entity type matches the entity type displayed by the list component. If only one report is available as a result of selection, it is invoked immediately. If several reports are available, their list is offered to the user for selection.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RunListEntityReportAction

      public RunListEntityReportAction()
    • RunListEntityReportAction

      public RunListEntityReportAction(String id)
  • Method Details

    • setMessages

      @Autowired public void setMessages(Messages messages)
    • setDialogs

      @Autowired public void setDialogs(Dialogs dialogs)
    • setNotifications

      @Autowired public void setNotifications(Notifications notifications)
    • setPrintReport

      @Autowired public void setPrintReport(ReportActionSupport reportActionSupport)
    • setMetadata

      @Autowired public void setMetadata(Metadata metadata)
    • setReportOutputName

      public void setReportOutputName(@Nullable String reportOutputName)
    • initAction

      protected void initAction()
      initAction in class ListDataComponentAction<RunListEntityReportAction<E>,E>
    • isDataAvailable

      protected boolean isDataAvailable()
    • printSelected

      protected void printSelected(Set<?> selected)
    • printAll

      protected void printAll()
    • execute

      public void execute()
      Description copied from interface: ExecutableAction
      Executes the Action
      Specified by:
      execute in interface ExecutableAction