Interface AdjustWhenViewReadOnly

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddAction, ChangePasswordAction, CreateAction, EditAction, EntityInspectorAddAction, EntityInspectorCreateAction, EntityInspectorEditAction, ExcludeAction, GenericFilterAddConditionAction, LogicalFilterEditAction, RemoveAction, ResetPasswordAction, RunListEntityReportAction, ShowRoleAssignmentsAction, ShowUserSubstitutionsAction

public interface AdjustWhenViewReadOnly
Interface to be implemented by actions which may adjust their 'enabled' state according to the view read-only mode.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
  • Method Details

    • isDisabledWhenViewReadOnly

      default boolean isDisabledWhenViewReadOnly()
      whether this action must be disabled when a view in the read-only mode