Class AbstractClusterSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClusterSource, NoOpClusterSource

public abstract class AbstractClusterSource extends AbstractVectorSource
Base cluster for cluster sources. It contains all attributes for cluster configuration.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • distance

      protected Integer distance
    • minDistance

      protected Integer minDistance
    • vectorSource

      protected AbstractVectorSource vectorSource
    • pointStyles

      protected List<Style> pointStyles
    • pointTextStyle

      protected Style pointTextStyle
    • showSinglePointAsCluster

      protected Boolean showSinglePointAsCluster
    • disableAtZoom

      protected Double disableAtZoom
    • weightProperty

      protected String weightProperty
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractClusterSource

      public AbstractClusterSource()
  • Method Details

    • getType

      protected String getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in class MapObservableObject
    • getDistance

      protected Integer getDistance()
    • setDistance

      protected void setDistance(Integer distance)
    • getMinDistance

      protected Integer getMinDistance()
    • setMinDistance

      protected void setMinDistance(Integer minDistance)
    • getVectorSource

      protected <T extends AbstractVectorSource> T getVectorSource()
    • setVectorSource

      protected void setVectorSource(AbstractVectorSource vectorSource)
    • getPointStyles

      protected List<Style> getPointStyles()
      list of added cluster point styles or empty list if no styles added
    • addPointStyles

      protected void addPointStyles(Style... styles)
      Adds cluster point style. The Cluster generates points that includes features in this cluster. Styles will be applied only for generated points, other features will be styled according to their rules.
      styles - cluster point styles to add
    • removePointStyles

      protected void removePointStyles(Style... styles)
      Removes cluster point styles.
      styles - styles to remove
    • removeAllPointStyles

      protected void removeAllPointStyles()
      Removes all added cluster point styles.
    • getPointTextStyle

      protected Style getPointTextStyle()
    • setPointTextStyle

      protected void setPointTextStyle(Style pointTextStyle)
    • getWeightProperty

      protected String getWeightProperty()
    • setWeightProperty

      protected void setWeightProperty(String weightProperty)
    • getShowSinglePointAsCluster

      protected Boolean getShowSinglePointAsCluster()
    • setShowSinglePointAsCluster

      protected void setShowSinglePointAsCluster(Boolean showSinglePointAsCluster)
    • getDisableAtZoom

      protected Double getDisableAtZoom()
    • setDisableAtZoom

      protected void setDisableAtZoom(Double disableAtZoom)
    • createDefaultPointStyles

      protected List<Style> createDefaultPointStyles()
    • createDefaultPointTextStyle

      protected Style createDefaultPointTextStyle()